#afton family fanart


i posted this dtiys thingy on instagram celebrating 3k followers!! i wanted to draw clara and william being under the rain because like. their bond makes me indescribably so happy

im hosting the dtiys on my insta ( https://instagram.com/ryemackerel ), however if you folks want to try it out yourself, go ahead!!

be sure to mention me in ur post! your allowed to draw my clara and william design or your own! theres no deadline, and its solely just for fun. you can change as much as you want, use any medium, but keep it recognizable to the original art/idea :]

i wont be expecting a lot of people to participate on tumblr! but i genuinely want you folks to have as much fun as possible <3 be creative, and be as wacky and goofy as possible,, take care, and have LOTSA FUN

i love to hc that clara afton is a huge nerd when it comes to books and poetry :]

[sotd: rises the moon - liana flores]✨

whenever the kids are asleep, she loves sitting at her desk late at night and reading a good book <33

i also had a thought like. maybe when clara and william first met, they shared a ton of common interests, one of them possibly about literature!!

OH YO and those photos in the back?? hc that clara likes to take photos of her family and put em on her wall! (some of the photos include william and henry in the 70s and a young michael HQVAJEHSHS)

william and little michael having fun at the fair <:] clara took their photo 2nd and 3rd photos are michael and william’s sketches together!!

before he became a teen, mike used to be a whole different person. back when evan and elizabeth weren’t around yet, he had a super close relationship with his parents, especially his dad. (way to go mustard boy )

all of them would go out to fairs, go fishing, get icecream, go on roadtrips,, and this was all before fazbear’s was really a thing, so their lives were a lot more humble!

as michael grew up however, he became more and more distant from his father. he didnt enjoy the old things they used to do, annoyed from his dad’s overbearing nature.

he remained close to clara, but kept away from will. in the good timeline, i can see how william was overwhelmed with this. :(( he wanted to get closer with mike, but mike kept pushing back.

these were the first few years william was starting to get whites in his hair, from all the stress that comes with taking care of a kid for the first time jahsjshhs !! he got more white hairs over time due to stress, along with clara.

clara and william doodbles,,,

i like to imagine because of william’s extremely bad vision, clara guides him around the place while he clings onto her, gahansnd i lovbe them <33

theyre super physically affectionate towards each other, and everytime they see each other, they shower each other with hugs!!

also a new hc,, william seems like that one doof to always make “eep” noises everytime he jumps or gets alerted. my friends suggested that whenever he was bored, he would do cat noises and i just thought it was so stupid that is was funne IAHAJSHS

just imagine whenever theyre out in the backyard in the dark, while clara helps william walk, everytime he bumps into something he goes “EEP.” “A.”
