#clara afton


reuploaded afton family

Some weird shit went down in Hurricane Utah

I’ve wanted to include Harmony and Horror in the crossover for a while now


DTIYS Art: “Evening Rain”

This is for @ryemackerel’s DTYIS, even though most of the redraw action for this piece is on Instagram. According to my drawing app, this bad boy took five hours yesterday. I hope those five hours were worth it.

Btw: Used my interpretations of William and his wife for this one. Just wanted to bring that up in case anyone wanted to compare the original with this.

AW MY GOODNESS YO!!! your designs of clara and william look so wholesome omg <33 i love how sweet these two look in your entry, and seeing this made me so happy <:] thank you so SO much for joining!!! <3

i posted this dtiys thingy on instagram celebrating 3k followers!! i wanted to draw clara and william being under the rain because like. their bond makes me indescribably so happy

im hosting the dtiys on my insta ( https://instagram.com/ryemackerel ), however if you folks want to try it out yourself, go ahead!!

be sure to mention me in ur post! your allowed to draw my clara and william design or your own! theres no deadline, and its solely just for fun. you can change as much as you want, use any medium, but keep it recognizable to the original art/idea :]

i wont be expecting a lot of people to participate on tumblr! but i genuinely want you folks to have as much fun as possible <3 be creative, and be as wacky and goofy as possible,, take care, and have LOTSA FUN

i love to hc that clara afton is a huge nerd when it comes to books and poetry :]

[sotd: rises the moon - liana flores]✨

whenever the kids are asleep, she loves sitting at her desk late at night and reading a good book <33

i also had a thought like. maybe when clara and william first met, they shared a ton of common interests, one of them possibly about literature!!

OH YO and those photos in the back?? hc that clara likes to take photos of her family and put em on her wall! (some of the photos include william and henry in the 70s and a young michael HQVAJEHSHS)

clara and william doodbles,,,

i like to imagine because of william’s extremely bad vision, clara guides him around the place while he clings onto her, gahansnd i lovbe them <33

theyre super physically affectionate towards each other, and everytime they see each other, they shower each other with hugs!!

also a new hc,, william seems like that one doof to always make “eep” noises everytime he jumps or gets alerted. my friends suggested that whenever he was bored, he would do cat noises and i just thought it was so stupid that is was funne IAHAJSHS

just imagine whenever theyre out in the backyard in the dark, while clara helps william walk, everytime he bumps into something he goes “EEP.” “A.”

waffle chicken hamburger / william clara and henry in the 60s, their college years <33

theyre the chocolate jam mustard BEFORE chocolate jam mustard. theyre the ogs!! (i made a lot of parallels to that one old charlie jeremy michael drawing ! if you could find it heheheosjsje)

its safe its VERY safe to say that william had a crush on both of them at least once in his life,, dude just melts into a puddle being around both of them HQGWHWGSA

i love to imagine william was a shy, all over the place dork. he still carries his introverted traits into adulthood. :] he melts at the slightest bit of physical affection

clara was an all over social butterfly that loved being outgoing, and lets say elizabeth took after claras personality!

henry was a humble guy that befriended many folks back then, knows his friends, willing to help them out. hes known clara for a long time, and was eager to introduce her to will!
