#age regressionde-aging


Before the Morning Sun


G, 13k, wangxian, jiang cheng & lan wangji

Summary:Jiang Cheng wakes up to a perfectly fine, perfectly normal day… and a six year old brother-in-law. It falls to him to take care of Lan Wangji, who has only just lost his mother, is wary of being touched, and doesn’t ask as many questions as he should. Can Jiang Cheng put history aside or will old bitter memories get the better of him?

My comments: Ah, this was so sweet.

Excerpt:A-Zhan carefully inspects the dozens of stuffed pandas, dragons, and monkeys, and eventually reaches for – a plush watermelon. It has, horrifyingly, arms and legs, as well as one single glass bead as an eye. The other eye is missing, probably fell down out of shame over being part of such a crappy toy.

“That one,” A-Zhan says.

Although he has learned a lot today, Jin Ling proves that he still has a long way to go by saying, “Really? Are you sure? But they have way better ones!”

Jiang Cheng wholeheartedly agrees, but he also knows this is not going to work. Predictably, A-Zhan shakes his head, clutches the creepy watermelon thing to his chest, and repeats, “That one.”

“Fine,” Jin Ling says, paying for it like he promised while A-Zhan cuddles the toy triumphantly. One of its arms falls off; undeterred, A-Zhan picks it up, brushes off the dirt, and clumsily reattaches it. Watching him like this, Jiang Cheng is suddenly struck by a revelation. For the first time, he thinks he knows just how Lan Wangji could fall in love with someone as terrible as Wei Wuxian.

age regression/de-aging, child lan wangji, six-year-old lan wangji, caretaking, jiang cheng has a good heart, fluff, light angst, eating ice cream, trust, jiang cheng’s avuncular powers, protective jiang cheng, how jiang cheng and lan wangji begin to repair their relationship, post canon, @vamillepudding

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