#agent teo


your stomach was made to bulge up and be filled with cum and constant pregnancy.


look at you! after 200 creampies later!

@pregkat is really gonna wonders extracting your mid section at Abortion Manor.

Title: Agent Teo Failing Her First Mission

Agent Teo had failed her first mission. The enemy had recorded what they did to her. They returned her back to us. But we rejected, so that her belly is punished for another month.

she had trained to condition her stomach, but it was pointless. her stomach had ruptured several times, nearly to a state of mush.

she needs proper training by @HurtsHerStomach

Agent Teo, when she is not getting belly punched, stomach stomped & womb crushing abortions, she gives births and fills her titbags with thick milk.

she needs some intense navel focus belly punching soon. so hard it produces loud popping sound.
