#stomach punch



I was asked by a follower what it was I found sexual about punching a girl. This was asked some time ago and in response to something I said. I think I have time to finally sit down at a keyboard and put together an answer. 

Some people want instant gratification and to those people I say this: I’m a sadist, I enjoy it. 

Now for a more complete answer. Some people like their nipples pinched during sex and they find that erotic. Some people like to be scratched, to feel nails rake their skin. Some people are into choking. Slapping. Spanking. Paddles. Crops. Canes. Bullwhips. Cattleprods. If those things are all sexual, in terms of eroticising pain, why should a punch surprise anyone? 

I suspect, though I could be way off the mark, that it’s because a punch is something you do in the middle of a brawl and all the other things I listed are either unlikely to be done in a fight or so theatrical and scene specific as to be completely disconnected with violence. In part I guess it’s that very base nature of it that makes me like punching a girl. It surprises them. 

To be clear I’m not talking about a right hook to the jaw. Well, not for the most part. I’d be lying to say that if a girl admitted being punched in the face was within her limits that I would choose not to do it. That aside I am, for the most part, talking about very specific types of punching. One is a form of corporal punishment. Just like spanking I will literally take my fist and drive it into a girl’s buttocks or thighs repeatedly until knuckle-patterned bruises form. It’s a quirk on spanking and it’s fun. Another is tit punching. Some girls have large breasts that hang and wobble and shake amusingly. Sometimes you have to slap them around. Sometimes you have to punch hem. The last is perhaps my favourite and that’s gut punching. 

One single blow to the belly can completely wind a girl and even take her from her feet if you’re lucky. It’s something to do just as her arousal is building up, just when she’s on the edge of losing her mind. A severely ruined orgasm. Build her up and then put a fist in her stomach to take her right down again. 

Considering the breath play, needle play, knife play, cigarette play and the like we see on S&M blogs every day the level of violence represented by a punch really shouldn’t be all that shocking but at least now I hope you understand it a little better. 

To once more return to the concise answer: I find your submission sexually arousing and allowing me to punch you is a very submissive act.

I can say from the other side that this is really on point.

Being punched and kicked are my favorite kind of impact. They’re more personal, more connected, and more degrading than being hit with an implement. I especially love being punched and kicked in the back of my thighs and my ass.

And being punched in the stomach is fucking fantastic.

When I went to rinse the ashes out of my mouth, The Super Sadist told me to clean myself out so he could use my ass. It (oh gods this is embarrassing) took a long time. Too long. When I came out, The Super Sadist was waiting. He put a knife up to my neck, threatening me. I was immediately compliant as he duct taped my arms together behind my back. He made me get on my knees and lick his balls. When he was hard again, he pushed me over. My hands were behind my back, so my face pressed against the carpet as he pushed his cock onto my ass. There was no lube. I whimpered, but didn’t try to get away. There wouldn’t have been any point in trying, anyway. He fucked my ass hard, using my bound hands as leverage as he thrust into me. “I knew ass raping a feminist would be a good game,” he growled, making me squirm and struggle and moan.

He didn’t cum while using my ass. No, he had another, more degrading, more uncomfortable idea. He grabbed the copy of the SCUM Manifesto that I bought for him while in San Francisco and sat down in a chair. Motioning me to kneel between his legs, he had me use my mouth on his balls while he read to me from the book, laughing at the stupidity of a woman proclaiming the inferiority of men and reversing the genders to make the book an accurate depiction of reality: “The [female] is completely egocentric, trapped inside [herself], incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. [She] is a completely isolated unit, incapable of rapport with anyone. [Her] responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; [her] intelligence is a mere tool in the services of [her] drives and needs; [she] is incapable of mental passion, mental interaction; [she] can’t relate to anything other than [her] own physical sensations.”

He came on the cover of the book, and then had me wait while he cleaned himself off. I knew what was going to happen next. One of the first things I saw him post was about wanting to make a girl snort cum off of a feminist book of some sort. He floated the idea of doing it off the SCUM Manifesto and, in fact, that was the reason I bought it for him. When he came back, he’d cut up a straw. He used one of my loyalty cards to scrape the cum together into two lines. I hesitated and made conversation to stall, but eventually I had to do the inevitable.

While The Super Sadist recorded the event on video, I put the straw in my right nostril, lowered the tip to one of the lines of cum, pinched my nose shut, and breathed in sharply. I sucked up the whole line and then repeated the process for the other side. It wasn’t as painful as I thought it might be, but doing it off of that book while The Super Sadist recorded it and laughed made it humiliating. He went to have a cigarette and told me that he would let me blow my nose once he was done. I accompanied him, but decided not to take him up on that. Having the smell of his cum in my nose for the rest of the day seemed appropriate and fitting.

While we were outside, we were talking and he said something provoking. I jokingly went to punch his arm, although I didn’t. When I told him I’d considered doing that and then thought better of it, he said he’d seen that. Feeling impish, I said, “You should probably punish me for thinking about doing it.” I thought he might punch me in the arm or kick me or something. Instead, without warning, he socked me right in the stomach. Oof. I bent double, clutching my midsection, and looked up at him. He was laughing at my surprise and pain. It was ridiculously hot.

When he finished smoking, we headed back inside to get ready to go to dinner. We went into the bathroom to shower together and he told me to get on my knees. I thought he was just going to piss on me. Once again, I had underestimated him. This time he was going to do something much more violating and degrading and humiliating. He made me bend forward and spread my ass for him as much as I could. I winced and whimpered as he started pissing into my ass. It wasn’t just the stinging sensation from the urine hitting my roughly fucked hole. He was making me spread myself open for him so that he could use me as a toilet. I’m a toy for him and all of my holes are available to him for use in any way. I felt exposed and degraded as he finished pissing into me, leaving me face down in his piss.

We showered, got dressed, and smoked weed in preparation for delicious vegan food. Then we headed out the door. On the way to and from the restaurant we had great conversation about all kinds of things. When we got to the restaurant, we ordered our delicious vegan food. I got buffalo wings and he got BBQ tofu. Then, on the way out, I got a cupcake and a cookie. We shared the cookie back at his place and I had the cupcake in the airport. Everything was amazing and delicious and I’m so happy he was willing to go eat rabbit food with me.

While we were at the restaurant, I said something silly and he called me “Stupid.” Being called stupid in public like that turned me on like crazy and I could feel my cunt clench. I like being insulted and treated poorly in public, although I especially enjoy it at kink events because I don’t want to actually do anything that might make someone uncomfortable in a vanilla setting. It reminds me of my place, and I like that people can see that I’m the depraved kind of person who likes being treated like that.

When we got back to his place, we Skyped with Marxman for a little while. The Super Sadist was doing something on the other side of the room while I started the call. After we had talked for a minute or two, Marxman commented to The Super Sadist, “She’s flinching and following you around the room with your eyes.” The Super Sadist looked very pleased with himself as he said, “Yeah. She’s been doing that.” Being in that state of mind suits me quite well. Having a heightened awareness of him and his movements means that I’m in a good mental place, that he’s been hurting, using, and scaring me in the right ways.

The Super Sadist started hitting me, and, after we got off Skype, he “forced” me to smoke more pot than I had been. We both got rull high. We cuddled and fucked and cuddled. While we were cuddling and waiting for the taxi to come take me away, we were looking at each other and I was actually making eye contact. Normally I don’t, not for a long time, but I felt comfortable with him. He noticed the change and said, “I think this is the longest you’ve made eye contact with me.” I was being silly, so I replied, “It’s cuz I’m not scared of you any more.” He looked at more more intensely, and I kept it up until he broke me by saying, “Is it too gay if I tell you you have really pretty eyes?” The ridiculous way he’d phrased it, and the compliment itself, made me giggle and look down, feeling embarrassed in an adorable, happy sort of way.

Finally the taxi came and we said our goodbyes. I was sad to leave, but very, very glad that I decided to make the trip there. I had a fuckton of fun, was happy to have been useful to my new owner, and really enjoyed getting to know him even better.

Title: Agent Teo Failing Her First Mission

Agent Teo had failed her first mission. The enemy had recorded what they did to her. They returned her back to us. But we rejected, so that her belly is punished for another month.

she had trained to condition her stomach, but it was pointless. her stomach had ruptured several times, nearly to a state of mush.

she needs proper training by @HurtsHerStomach
