#agent thomas


Have you finished your Leverage rewatch in anticipation of Redemption? ;) If so (and if not?), information of interest:

Aldis Hodge played “Raymond” (never actually named in dialogue, I think?), Samuel L. Jackson’s Zeus Carter’s li’l baby nephew in 1995’s Die Hard With a Vengeance in which uhhhh there is a conversation about 9 minutes in about things that are important to one Alec Hardison’s solo and team careers such as: you have to earn respect; return a MESSAGE when people try to use you/get you to take the fall; guys who sell drugs or have guns are bad; nobody’s gonna help us so we’re gonna help ourselves.

Most importantly: “We’re the good guys.”

Then, as we know, Leverage ran 2008-2012.

In 2013, Aldis played “Foxy” in A Good Day to Die Hard.  Sure, he was in it for two minutes, but that’s more than enough for my little fannish heart.  Sure, he’s randomly in a military uniform deeply embedded in some CIA black op, but, you know.  He’s just gotten better since the Agent Hagen and Agent Thomas days.

Like, I have feelings about Zeus being Nana’s brother. Or maybe pre-foster-care-Alec’s uncle.  But preferably Nana’s brother.  Nana could totally be from Harlem, right?  Uncle Zeus is good with math and electronics and stuff, and super invested in his nephews’ education.  I can draw a line from that to hacking, right?

I have feelings about Nana Family Gatherings where Zeus reminisces with begrudging fondness about his Crazy White Dude McClane and Raymond Alec is finally able to compete (less begrudgingly, much more fondly) with his Crazy White Dude Eliot stories.  Yeah, my Crazy White Dude does all that WITHOUT guns, who’s got the Crazier White Dude?

I have feelings about “Foxy” being a Leverage International Job Cover and Alec having to accommodate that John-McClane-ness on the fly, because yeah John McClane isn’t considered even in, like, Plan M.  Nobody plans for John McClane.  Even people who do plan for John McClane.

I have feelings.  And no attention span to turn them into fic, woe.



sterling is so funny because the leverage crew gives him endless grief and they snark at him and he snarks back but god forbid some other department wants to jail them or something because excuse me that’s his group of bothersome thieves and no one can touch them except him

okay but white collar crossover where interpol is called into the fbi for a case of art theft in nyc and sterling IMMEDIATELY ids the thiefsome from like the two (2) very blurry images they managed to get and the harvard team is speculating the hell out of them

and sterling is just like,,, wow this is new, I’ve never seen this before *whistles*

and peter can TOTALLY tell sterling knows more than he’s letting on and is like,,, sir,,, pls tell me what you know about these thieves

and sterling just grins and says ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about’ very unconvincingly (for the meme, of course) so of course peter knows he’s lying but his voice also left no room for questioning so he’s fuming in the background because he doesn’t want an unsolved case to bring down their closure rate

meanwhile neal is super suspicious of sterling because he totally gets the vibe that he’s covering for these thieves and the sterling that chased him five years ago like a hound for a degas he stole would never do something like that so he’s like ???


mcsweeten just happens to be there and he lowkey knows that they are thieves but, like, goodthieves that helped him solve the db cooper case for his father and have always been nothing but nice to him

and he totally catches on that this weird interpol guy is covering for them too and just plays along with him

mcsweeten: guys, come on! those are agents hagen and thomas, just undercover!!!
peter: ,,,what
mcsweeten: yeah! hagen and thomas helped us catch the mosconis and this dirty guy fowler, and a few other cases
peter, shaking: these are clearly thieves
mcsweeten: I have personally worked with them and I would trust them with my life
peter, about to have a stress headache: I-
sterling: idk guys, that seems pretty convincing to me

+ a week later sterling and mcsweeten have started having semi-weekly brunches bonding over their group of troublesome but inherently good thieves


I’m not sure what I want more

mcsweeten being in leverage redemption and still having not a clue that parker and hardison are, in fact, not federal agents and are actually world-class criminals

or at some point between the finale and now he did find out, and then some government official gets wind of one of their heists and is jabbing their finger at a blurry image of parker and hardison mid-thievery and with a completely straight face, mcsweeten explains that guys, those are agents hagen and thomas and they are working on an undercover op and were in no way at all involved of what is inconveniencing the government now

and the government official keeps trying to explain they are criminals but mcsweeten just pulls up their dossiers and credentials and he can literally see the vein throbbing in the man’s forehead but he just smiles says that he has personally worked with agent hagen and would trust her with his life
