#agere bag


How to pack a Smol Bag!

  • Gather your favorite backpack, tote or minibag!
  • Then fill it with your favorite stuff!!
  • Here’s some ideas based on needs!


  1. Coloring or Activity books
  2. Paper to draw on if you don’t wanna use a colorbook!
  3. Crayons, markers and/or color pencils!
  4. Your Agere journal!! If you have one!
  5. Your most favorite Stuffie or Stuffies!
  6. A DS, 3DS, Switch or Switch Lite (+ games!!)
  7. A sippie or bottle that’s easy to clean and won’t get lost easy!
  8. Binkies, of course!!
  9. A pillow and your blankie for naps!
  10. Snacks! Such as, Goldfish Crackers, Cheezits, Oreos, Cereal Mixes, TrailMix, and other easy snacks!

School: (note: it’s not recommend to regress at school if you can help it, cause school can be stressful and you may feel unsafe or scared.)

  1. Blank paper to draw on
  2. Color pencils, markers or crayons!
  3. A small stuffie or your favorite one if you’re allowed to!
  4. Some cute accessories to wear to make you feel small and happy
  5. A small book to read, maybe a kids book. Hide it in your binder and read it secretly, or if people ask say it’s one of your favorite childhood books and you like to read it cause it makes you happy!
  6. A small snack or candy, if your school allows it

On a Day Trip (to the park or playground!)

  1. Your favorite Stuffie!! Have to take them to the park! They’ll love it!
  2. Band-Aids just in case!
  3. Chalk!
  4. Make some painted rocks or shells and hide them around the playground!!
  5. Snackies!!
  6. A drink! Like water! Stay hydrated!!!
  7. A container or baggie to out your treasures in if you find any, especially if they’re alittle dirty so your bag won’t get dirty!
  8. A name tag in your bag just in case you forget it or lose it! (Can be applied to the other categories as well!)

If you have anymore ideas, feel free to add them!! ùwú
