#ahhhhhh this is so excellently done



(No, I don’t know how to play the violin.) I made a new shirt! It’s a style I’ve wanted to try for quite a while, where there are no buttons and the collar closes with a ribbon through 2 buttonholes.
This kind of shirt appears in quite a few early 18th century portraits, and some mid century ones, though those later ones are more often children’s shirts. I have a section for all the ones I’ve found on my shirts pinterest board.

I’d originally planed to do some machine seams, but the linen was so nice I ended up sewing the whole thing by hand. And of course I had to try and re-create Young Man With A Violin by Jan Kupecký, c. 1706, from the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest.
I also got some other pictures of it worn with a waistcoat, and with a different ribbon, which I’ll post later.
