#aids crisis tw






DPC and DPL.  Dead People’s Clothes and Dead People’s Leather.

Their toys, their paintings of half naked, naked, screwing men.  The statues.  The leather.  The sling.  The posters.  The … all of it.

We’d literally Straighten homes.  Depending.  Some families knew and were fine. Or more ok.  But pictures of other guys on phones was the least of it.

I have… leather that’s been passed through three or four men who’ve died before getting to me.  They’re the heirlooms now, passed down chosen families.  

Sometimes there were crews.  We’d show up as soon as possible, as a unit.  We’d hit the bedrooms first.  Clear out closets, under beds, bedsides.  We’d donate, throw out, take mementos.  Pass on.  Secret lives and secret, us only treasures.  

Then we’d leave.  For some family’s you never talked about it.  They never knew.  It was better all around.  

I have vests, gloves.  A belt.  Arm bands.  Paintings.  T-shirts.  Photos, undeveloped film that’d I’m still somewhat terrified to try to get developed (lol).  We live on in the living rooms of others.

This is. A very important message for the younger generations of queers.

We still have so much father to go, but y'all. Don’t let our past be forgotten.
