#akagami no shanks


A terrifying Emperor of the Sea and the future Pirate King two dorks

It’s good to look back. Bit of a jump but it good to know no one’s stationary.It’s good to look back. Bit of a jump but it good to know no one’s stationary.

It’s good to look back. Bit of a jump but it good to know no one’s stationary.

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People are out here acting like Shanks and Dragon are the two most mysterious characters in One Piece as if Urouge and Edward Weevil aren’t right there.

To the man who have the biggest influence to Luffy. The man who inspires the future Pirate King. Happy Birthday, Shanky daddy!


So chapter 1052 says there are pirates, plural, who’ve been dubbed Empire’s since 2 just fell (Big Mom and Kaido). So there are the current other emporiers Shanks and Blackbeard, and Luffy is basically confirmed so the 4th Emporer is still up for debate. Rn people are saying either Law or Kidd will get the title BUT doesn’t this situation remind you of something?

Luffy, Blackbeard, and Shanks forming a quartet around the same space? We are only missing the 4th guy…and then I remembered one of my favorite volume covers


And for the skeptics, just keep in mind Oda has done this before. He wrote Buggy into the warlord position for sheer comedy. And people will probably be like,“he isn’t even qualified ”

1. Neither was he for the warlord position

2. He is.

The man has the army he got from all the freed prisioners from Impel Down

The territory he gained from his weapons company from assuming all of Doflamingos former customers

The infamy from running a weapons manufacturing and selling hub plus mercenaries and bieng a former Roger Pirate

And he’s a pirate captian

This would be hilarious. And it would also drive home just how meaningless the title of Yonko truly is. The yonko didn’t declare that themselves. Luffy doesn’t give a shit. No one says there haveto be four of them because The Pirates are by no means an organized, centralized front. This is not a “ruler” situation. The title of yonko is esentially asigned to the ones the government doesn’t want to touch, just like the title of shichibukai is given to the pirates the government thinks can be useful (and we all know how that went for them).

Buggy being named yonko would be another step into anarchy, because it’d be just another sign of how far the government and its credibility have fallen.

summertrade: making icecoldcocktailsw/Shanks & OC

a/n:for the sweetest @pebbsie
i was so excited when i drew your name because i love Shanks, i love your OC and more than that i love you! hope this little fic makes you dream a little.

word count: 1.3k

“I think you should take them off.”

Shanks spins around and looks at Pebbsie in pretended indignation, dramatically brandishing the paper fan he was holding that did nothing but move warm air around in their shared cabin. He points to his patterned pants that hang loosely from his hips.

“You always said you liked my pants, petal. Was it all just a lie?”, he questions, clutching his imaginary pearls before he does another dramatic spin and leans closer to his partner sitting on their shared bed, tilting her chin up with the fan. Where did he take all this energy from? “Or do you mean…”

He wiggles his eyebrows and gets smacked with a pillow in the face. Laughter fills the cabin and would easily have turned into a pillow fight if it wasn’t just so hot outside. The island they currently resided clearly was a summer island and the sun shining from above burned without mercy. 

“I just think you should wear some shorts for once instead of long pants, considering the outdoor temperatures.”, Pebbsie points out, her fluffy mauve hair in a messy bun. The stephanotis and baby breaths growing out of it were folded into buds from the heat and opened up every time she sprayed a light mist of water in the air for a few seconds of coolness.

She is wearing a light summer dress in a soft shade of green, getting her bare shoulders covered in kisses from her husband which made her melt; as if she wasn’t feeling hot enough already – but no matter how sticky they felt in the summer heat, she just couldn’t resist the the affection of the love of her life. 

After Shanks held up almost a dozen equally questionably patterned shorts for her to decide, they settled on one pair that matches her dress, tiny daisies printed on them. A soft breeze comes through the open window and both of them sigh in relief, grateful for the air cooling their skin even if it’s only for a few heartbeats.

“Hey doll, are you drinking enough water? You’re the beautifullest plant of them all but I don’t think this water spray bottle alone is enough to keep you hydrated…”, Shanks asks, slight worry in his voice as he reaches for the jug on the bedside table only to find out that it was empty.

Pebbsie rolls over to his side, propping herself up on her elbows. Tiny strands of hair fell from her bun which Shanks tucks gently behind her ear as he places a kiss on her forehead.

“How about we make some drinks against the heat?”, she asks, pulling on the sleeves of Shanks’ unbuttoned linen shirt, looking at him with pleading eyes. Water was fine, but what she really craved was some sweet cocktails with fancy straws and cut fruit, lots of ice on top. And she knew her husband would never say no to some booze – it was what brought them together in the first place, back when she was a barmaid and he was a pirate that stumbled into her simple life, only to sweep her away from that place not long after they met. 

It’s been so long and still her feelings for him have stayed the same; if only they grew bigger and bigger, the love they held for each other shining brighter than the summer sun. They exchange soft glances, understanding each other without words. They always did. Subtle gestures between them could tell a hundred stories, a kiss could say more than any words could ever say. What they had was rare and they both cherished it, knowing a love like that happened once in a lifetime – when you’re lucky. Maybe that’s why they made every second count, sticking (literally) to each other despite the summer heat, because they both had known loss and how easy a heart could shatter.

After a dozen more kisses peppered across Pebbsie’s face the couple gets up, slowly, Shanks giving his lover a little twirl before he offers her his arm so she can link it with his and together they make their way towards the ship’s kitchen. The rest of the crew was out and about, doing some shopping and exploring the island, some just napped in the shadows of a sun umbrella on deck. Pebbsie always liked how easy-going they all were; the warm welcome they gave her is still one of her favorite memories ever since she stepped on the Red Force for the very first time. 

The couple stops at Pebbsie’s garden for a moment where she collects various blossoms, already thinking of how she could make use of them in the drinks they were about to mix. Maybe some sakura martini or lavender paloma… She can’t help but hum a little melody in excitement, clinging closer to her husband who gives her the warmest smile; he was the happiest when he saw her floating on cloud nine like that.

They tiptoe and dance together towards the kitchen, passing Benn who was shaking his head with a slight smile; the first mate gave up on wondering how those two lovebirds could still act like love drunk teenagers after all this time, but he was glad because Shanks was much more balanced ever since he gave his heart away. He asks them to make him a drink too, but they might not have noticed him considering how they only had eyes for each other.

In the kitchen they do a small fridge raid, gathering every ingredient and liquor they could find. Shanks gets out the good glasses they kept for special occasions (granted, everything could be a special occasion – one time they celebrated Yasopp for finding his missing sock again after six months), all while Pebbsie already starts cutting up fresh fruit and crushing ice with a surprising strength that made her husband whistle. Her bounty sure didn’t stem from nothing and he felt so proud of his tiny wife.

Between dozens of kisses and hugs from behind the couple experiments with different liquors and syrups, letting each other have a taste of their creations that resulted either in a surprised look and an approving nod up or a grossed out face (Shanks drank it anyway because why would one let booze go to waste). Every now and then a crew member pops in and is offered a glass and soon they’re all gathered together in Shanks’ and Pebbsie’s test kitchen, the glasses wandering around because everyone was eager to get a taste. If they weren’t too tipsy (the heat didn’t help with that at all) they would have come up with a rating system for each drink, but now it’s just various roars in different octaves – oddly enough that was more convincing than any sophisticated survey could ever be. 

Shanks and Pebbsie clink their glasses together, exchanging some deep glances and smiles over their found family. The kitchen was the place where the party happened after all and they were more than happy they could battle this hot summer day with a spontaneous mixing class, treating everyone to some floral cocktails instead of their usual booze. Shanks leans down to his wife’s ear, tucking a strand of hair behind it so she could understand him better as he whispers: 

“You’re the love of my life, petal. You have my whole heart. I will love you as long as the sun keeps on rising.”


Word Count:3660

Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Canon Divergent, Tragedy

Summary: Nami arrives at Marineford, hell-bent on saving her captain. She narrowly manages to do so, but now she has to escape the battlefield herself. But she’s lost in the throes of chaos and destruction, and now she may be the one in need of rescuing.

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