#alex standall imagines


alex standall x reader imagine. 

request:cani request an alex standall imagine? one where alex and the reader are dating, but their parents don’t like them dating so they always have to sneak out and they go stargazing or something after having a bad day? and they just like kiss and its super fluffy.

a/n:its super descriptive at the beginning and kinda rushed but once you read a little further all the fluff will happen and it’ll be better. sorry!!!

today wasn’t like any normal day for you, today was basically the worst day ever so far. your mind couldn’t concentrate in any of your classes, you kept getting distracted easily. you failed your chemistry test that you studied so hard for. you hardly got to see your boyfriend alex at all today. the only time you got to see him today was at lunch, but you felt as if he wasn’t really paying attention to you ramble about your day. 

all you wanted to do was go home and sleep in, considering that saturday was tomorrow, but you couldn’t even do that. as soon as you got home you and your mom got into an argument over something stupid. 

you guys never got along, ever since you brought alex to meet her. you were finally happy to show her the boy who made you happy. after he left that day she would non stop tell you, “he’s no good for you”, “he’s trouble”, “he’s just gonna break your heart.” 

she didn’t want you seeing him anymore. you never knew why your mom didn’t like him so much. you’d thought she’d be happy for you, meeting the boy who made you happy. ever since then you guys never got along, nor agree on anything. 

she’d always blame him for your actions. “see that boys no good for you! look what he’s done to us!” “we wouldn’t be arguing all the time if you would just accept him!” you’d shout getting frustrated with her. “he’s just going to break you, i was young once i know what boys like him do!” 

“then wait for the day he does break my heart and you can tell me i told you so, but for now just let me be happy with him!” you said on the verge of tears from thinking of him breaking up with you and your mom taunting you about it. 

you didn’t want to argue anymore you just went straight up to your room and laid in bed trying to get rid of the tears. you just wanted to sleep the rest of the day away but you couldn’t do that. you couldn’t sleep peacefully with the thought of alex breaking up with you. 

thinking that’d he would do it soon since neither of your parents wanted you guys together. so why would he want to stay in a rough relationship where he can find someone who’s parents would love him, and his dad accepting them. 

you can remember the day alex brought you to his home for dinner so you can meet his brother and dad. his brother liked you, although he never really cared about the people alex hanged out with or dated. his dad wanted to like you but he thought the same way your mom thought of alex. 

“wow were basically like romeo and juilet,” you remember him saying on the phone with you that night. “basically,” you laughed. 

with both of your parents hating the fact that you two date, you never really hung out that much outside of school. if you wanted to hang you’d just say you’re going out with a friend, or straight up sneaking out your window at night. 

thinking of all the little memories of when all this started you felt yourself getting sleepy and eventually you fell asleep. 

the sound of rocks hitting your window had woke you up. you thought it was just the wind blowing dirt at your window but the sound wouldn’t stop. you groaned leaving your comfortable position and got up. 

you opened your window and peaked your head out the window to see alex staring back at you. “alex what are you doing here?” you asked rubbing your eyes. “you weren’t answering any of my texts so i thought i’d come to check on you.” 

you furrowed your brows together looking at your phone to see it was already 8:35pm and every single notification came from alex. “i’m sorry,” you muttered looking down. “are you okay?” he then said looking at you with concern. 

“just peachy,” you smiled, he knew you were lying though. “do you wanna go somewhere? get out of here?” he asked. “depends where were going,” you smiled. “if i told you it’d take away the adventure from it and make it less romantic,” he smiled making you laugh. 

after telling your mom your going to sleep you climbed down from your window. once you got down you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your lips onto his, you both smiled into the kiss. you pulled away resting your foreheads onto his. 

“ready?” he asked and you nodded. he then grabbed your hand into yours and started to run. “alex!’ you laughed at of surprise. you both ran away from your house. not a sound was heard but laughter from you two, as the colors from the sunset blended into the sky surrounding you. 

you came across his car that was parked a few houses down from yours. from there he drove off. with the windows down and the radio playing out loud you stuck your head out of the window. nodding your head to every beat and shouting the lyrics out loud without a care in the world. 

the wind was blowing through your hair pushing it back, and you watch as the sun set. alex would glance at you and smile, singing along to whatever song was playing.

few minutes later it was dark out, and alex finally made it to where he wanted to take you. 

you stepped out of the car and looked around, “alex, do you even know where we are?” “of course i do,” he smiled grabbing a blanket out from the backseat of his car. “really because it looks like were in the middle of no where.” 

he laid the blanket down on the grass and laid down. your arms were crossed and you stared at him. “aren’t you gonna come join me?” you smiled and walked over to him. 

he pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you once you were beside him. you laid your head on his chest listening to his steady heart beat. you shut your eyes, feeling at ease. 

“what’s been bothering you?” he asked, his fingers brushing your hair back. “today’s just been the worst day ever, i feel stress from school, my mom and i keep arguing, i hardly got to see you today.” you sighed as he traced patterns on your neck. “i’m sorry,” he murmured. “it’s not your fault,” you said, “i just need to take a break and relax.” 

“look up at the stars,” he said and you did. you tilted your head to where you were facing the sky and saw all the little stars scattered across the night sky. “woah, it’s beautiful.” “not as beautiful as me,” alex said causing you to laugh as you slap his chest playfully. 

“i see a turtle!” you exclaimed pointing towards the sky. although alex didn’t see where you were looking at he still agreed with you. 

you laid there in silence, a few minutes one of you would say what you saw the stars make out and debate over what it looks like. 

“thank you for this,” you mumbled. “its no problem.” he said still staring up at the sky with you. “i love you,” he then said out of no where kissing the top of your head. 

you looked away from the sky and towards him and smiled, “ i love you too,” you said kissing him on the lips. you both smiled into the kiss you pulled away from him and kissed his cheek and peppered kisses all over his face. 

“(y/n) stop!” he giggled and you laughed. kissing him once more on the lips. you laid your head back on his chest and continue to look up at the night sky. 
