#all men





here’s my one whole discourse post for pride month. you fucks will never ever ever wean off the radfem shit if you keep trying to give “cis men are evil” nuance. no, it’s not bad because they could be closeted or questioning, it’s bad because gender essentialism is a fucking brain poison and it makes you stupid

this is “not all men” cloaked in progressive-sounding vocabulary

harry potter blog.

Let’s celebrate masculinity.

Here’s to the men who love being masculine, who love sports, working out, maths, science, and other things that are considered typically masculine.

Here’s to the men who are more aggressive and assertive, who are less emotional and prefer to keep their feelings private, who are more dominant and outgoing.

Here’s to the men who are shunned and shamed for their masculinity, who are told to stop “mansplaining” and “manspreading” and that their masculinity is toxic.

Masculinity is not something that we should be disgusted by, it’s something we should celebrate.

Let men be themselves.
