









  1. Open a bank account or get a credit card without signed permission from her father or hr husband.
  2. Serve on a jury - because it might inconvenience the family not to have the woman at home being her husband’s helpmate.
  3. Obtain any form of birth control without her husband’s permission. You had to be married, and your hub and had to agree to postpone having children.
  4. Get an Ivy League education. Ivy League schools were men’s colleges ntil the 70′s and 80′s. When they opened their doors to women it was agree that women went there for their MRS. Degee.
  5. Experience equality in the workplace: Kennedy’s Commission on the Status of Women produced a report in 1963 that revealed, among other things, that women earned 59 cents for every dollar that men earned and were kept out of the more lucrative professional positions.
  6. Keep her job if she was pregnant.Until the Pregnancy Discrimination Act in 1978, women were regularly fired from their workplace for being pregnant.
  7. Refuse to have sex with her husband.The mid 70s saw most states recognize marital rape and in 1993 it became criminalized in all 50 states. Nevertheless, marital rape is still often treated differently to other forms of rape in some states even today.
  8. Get a divorce with some degree of ease.Before the No Fault Divorce law in 1969, spouses had to show the faults of the other party, such as adultery, and could easily be overturned by recrimination.
  9. Have a legal abortion in most states.TheRoe v. Wade case in 1973 protected a woman’s right to abortion until viability.
  10. Take legal action against workplace sexual harassment. According to The Week, the first time a court recognized office sexual harassment as grounds for legal action was in 1977.
  11. Play college sports Title IX of the  Education Amendments of protects people from discrimination  based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial  assistance It was nt until this statute that colleges had teams for women’s sports
  12. Apply for men’s Jobs   The EEOC rules that sex-segregated help wanted ads in newspapers are illegal.  This ruling is upheld in 1973 by the Supreme Court, opening the way for women to apply for higher-paying jobs hitherto open only to men.

This is why we needed feminism - this is why we know that feminism works

I just want to reiterate this stuff, because I legit get the feeling there are a lot of younger women for whom it hasn’t really sunk in what it is today’s GOP is actively trying to return to.

Did you go to a good college? Shame on you, you took a college placement that could have gone to a man who deserves and needs it to support or prepare for his wife & children. But if you really must attend college, well, some men like that, you can still get married if you focus on finding the right man.

Got a job? Why? A man could be doing that job. You should be at home caring for a family. You shouldn’t be taking that job away from a man who needs it (see college, above). You definitely don’t have a career – you’ll be pregnant and raising children soon, so no need to worry about promoting you.

This shit was within living memory.  I’M A MILLENIAL and my mother was in the second class that allowed women at an Ivy League school. Men who are alive today either personally remember shit like this or have parents/family who have raised them into thinking this was the way America functioned back in the blissful Good Old Days. There are literally dudes in the GOP old enough to remember when it was like this and yearn for those days to return.

When people talk about resisting conservativism and the GOP, we’re not just talking about whether the wage gap is a myth or not. We’re talking about whether women even have the fundamental right to exist as individuals, to run their own households and compete for jobs and be considered on an equal footing with men in any arena at all in the first place.

I was a child in the 1960s, a teenager in the 1970s, a young adult in the 1980s.
This is what it was like:

When I was growing up, it was considered unfortunate if a girl was good at sports. Girls were not allowed in Little League. Girls’ teams didn’t exist in high school, except at all-girls’ high schools. Boys played sports, and girls were the cheerleaders.

People used to ask me as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said I wanted to be a brain surgeon or the first woman justice on the Supreme Court. Everyone told me it was impossible–those just weren’t realistic goals for a girl–the latter, especially, because you couldn’t trust women to judge fairly and rationally, after all.

In the 1960s and 1970s, all women were identified by their marital status, even in arrest reports and obituaries. In elementary school, my science teacher referred to Pierre Curie as DOCTOR Curie and Marie Curie as MRS. Curie…because, as he put it, “she was just his wife.” (Both had doctorates and both were Nobel prize winners, so you would think that both would be accorded respect.)

Companies could and did require women to wear dresses and skirts. Failure to do could and did get women fired. And it was legal. It was also legal to fire women for getting married or getting pregnant. The rationale was that a woman who was married or who had a child had no business working; that was what her husband was for. Aetna Insurance, the biggest insurance company in America, fired women for all of the above.

A man could rape his wife. Legally. I can remember being twelve years old and reading about legal experts actually debating whether or not a man could actually be said to coerce his wife into having sex. This was a serious debate in 1974.

The debate about marital rape came up in my law school, too, in 1984. Could a woman be raped by her husband? The guys all said no–a woman got married, so she was consenting to sex at all times. So I turned it around. I asked them if, since a man had gotten married, that meant that his wife could shove a dildo or a stick or something up his ass any time she wanted to for HER sexual pleasure.

(Hey, I thought it was reasonable. If one gender was legally entitled to force sex on the other, then obviously the reverse should also be true.)

The male law students didn’t like the idea. Interestingly, they commented that being treated like that would make them feel like a woman.

My reaction was, “Thank you for proving my point…”

The concept of date rape, when first proposed, was considered laughable. If a woman went out on a date, the argument of legal experts ran, sexual consent was implied. Even more sickening was the fact that in some states–even in the early 1980s–a man could rape his daughter…and it was no worse than a misdemeanor.

Women taking self-defense classes in the 1970s and 1980s were frequently described in books and on TV as “cute.” The implication was that it was absurd for a woman to attempt to defend herself, but wasn’t it just adorable for her to try?

I was expressly forbidden to take computer classes in junior and senior years of high school–1978-79 and 1979-80–because, as the principal told me, “Only boys have to know that kind of thing. You girls are going to get married, and you won’t use it.”

When I was in college–from 1980 to 1984–there were no womens’ studies. The idea hadn’t occurred in many places because the presumption was that there was nothing TO study. My history professor–a man who had a doctorate in history–informed me quite seriously that women had never produced a noted painter, sculptor, composer, architect or scientist because…wait for it…womens’ brains were too small.

(He was very surprised when I came up with a list of fifty women gifted in the arts and science, most of whom he had never heard of before.)

When Walter Mondale picked Geraldine Ferraro as a running mate in 1984, the press hailed it as a disaster. What would happen, they asked fearfully, if Mondale died and Ferraro became president? What if an international crisis arose and she was menstruating? She could push the nuclear button in a fit of PMS! It would be the end of the WORLD!!

…No, they WEREN’T kidding.

On the surface, things are very different now than they were when I was a child, a teen and a young adult. But I’m afraid that people now do not realize what it was like then. I’ve read a lot of posts from young women who say that they are not feminists. If the only exposure to feminism they have is the work of extremists, I cannot blame them overmuch.

I wish that I could tell them what feminism was like when it was new–when the dream of legal equality was just a dream, and hadn’t even begun to come true. When “woman’s work” was a sneer–and an overt putdown. When people tut-tutted over bright and athletic girls with the words, “Really, it’s a shame she’s not a boy.” That lack of feminism wasn’t all men opening doors and picking up checks. A lot of it was an attitude of patronizing contempt that hasn’t entirely died out, but which has become less publicly acceptable.

I wish I could make them feel what it was like…when grown men were called “men” and grown women were “girls.”

Know your history.

So this, too, is what they mean saying “make America great again” and/or the good old days.


I attended an all-girls PUBLIC high school in Jefferson Parish, LA (when the school desegregated by race in the 1960s, the high schools segregated by gender) from 1974-1978. We had to FIGHT for physics and calculus classes. Our parents had to go to the fucking school board and demand we have the same classes the boys’ schools had. THAT is why I’m a feminist.

I know a woman scientist who studied the sciences and worked in the 60s as a researcher. (She helped form vaccines! The measles vaccine was in part due to her!)

She had to work in makeup and heels and “the full getup”,* but she also was treated as if she would go back to being a homemaker after she graduated.

She was constantly told to quit. She did not.

However, while she was at college, she had to get PERMISSION FROM THE COLLEGE to get married. Because upon getting married, she needed to be allowed to live with her husband. The college could have denied her this. The college could have denied her having children.

*Imagine having to do labwork in this. Standing all day. Plus the general fear that if you’re not presented correctly, how this affects your research or your ability to work. It must have been ATROCIOUS.


I don’t support nor advocate for any form of feminism, much less the radfem/TERF one.

hi everyone! i’ve gained more followers due to a couple of my posts blowing up, and i just want to say something.

if you are racist, homophobic, sexist/misogynistic, transphobic, xenophobic, ableist, etc, please unfollow me… i do not want those kind of people to be associated with my account. this also applies if you are against the black lives matter movement, the me too movement/feminism, atheism, and/or abortion.

please respect my beliefs and unfollow me if the above describes you. Thank you to the rest of you for following me

Summary: this article condemns today’s culture in which they hate masculinity and attack it as toxic.

Sounds good so far.


  1. It’s not just men’s duty to protect the public. All they’re doing in this article is glorifying the duty of men to be the expendable gender. Women can be cops and protect the public as well.
  2. Who gets to define masculinity? The tradcons who wrote this? The feminists who hate masculinity and want to figuratively castrate men?

and three and most shockingly?

This article was posted on Reddit’s Men’s Rights forum!

Those numbskulls don’t even realize or care that they’re glorifying male disposability.

Another reason why I left the men’s rights movement…

Amber Turd is done for. About time.

Fired from Aquaman 2, done and ditched!

My happiness is tempered by the ever-lingering threat that we’ll go back to the opposite extreme and accuse all female victims of lying. We just fucking went through fighting for a male abuse victim here not to become the monsters we defeated.

While everyone’s cheering for Depp, including me, I just want to say…


I want all accusations to get a fair shake. No one, man or woman, should go through what Depp went through. Men shouldn’t be ignored and women shouldn’t be discounted because of what Heard did.

Amber Heard is not all women.

Let’s celebrate masculinity.

Here’s to the men who love being masculine, who love sports, working out, maths, science, and other things that are considered typically masculine.

Here’s to the men who are more aggressive and assertive, who are less emotional and prefer to keep their feelings private, who are more dominant and outgoing.

Here’s to the men who are shunned and shamed for their masculinity, who are told to stop “mansplaining” and “manspreading” and that their masculinity is toxic.

Masculinity is not something that we should be disgusted by, it’s something we should celebrate.

Let men be themselves.

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Hey y’all, you can purchase my newest designs on a tee at my RedBubble shop here&here!


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My other new piece“Humanity Before Race”

My other new piece

“Humanity Before Race”

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My new piece“Humanity Before Gender”

My new piece

“Humanity Before Gender”

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