#all stars

thisedge:emily rudd mua/styling - sarah jordan photography - michael flores


emily rudd

mua/styling - sarah jordan

photography - michael flores

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Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 11: Always the Bridesmaid Before watching this last episProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 11: Always the Bridesmaid Before watching this last epis

Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 11: Always the Bridesmaid 

Before watching this last episode of PR All Stars I thought they were going to design a bridal dress, not a bridesmaid dress! And we all know that danger is always behind the corner when someone talks about bridesmaid dresses!

We were right: all the designers made a mess this episode. A total train-wreck.

Except for Sonjia. She was again my favourite, and really, I’m absolutely stunned at how she works, because she basically never designs, she basically always doesn’t have a clue about what she’s going to do, and then, like a magician, she pulls out something amazing from her magic hat. The fabric choice was really smart, because apart from the amazing colour - it’s not too bright, so it doesn’t outshine the bride, but at the same time it’s not dull either - it was a kind of jersey which was perfect for draping. Differently from Georgina, who said that the front of the dress was too busy, I think everything in this dress is superbalanced, the draping was just perfectly done, the back was really sexy, I loved the fact she kept the sleeves long and it’s really smart because I can totally see it worn at a wedding as well as for another occasion. At the beginning I thought the belt she inserted was going to appear out of place with that dress, but again Sonjia proved she has great taste. She definitely deserves to get to the finale.

Fabio found himself making another mistake and this time was inevitable for the judges to send him home. I agreed with them. Probably Michelle’s dress looked even worse than his outfit, but in that case it was just a problem of fitting; Michelle’s idea was a good one - even if I was really skeptical at the beginning, I thought it was going to read really cheap and tacky - while Fabio’s was just…boring. Apart from the fact that, if there’s another event for which you can wear such a dress I guess it’s a funeral, that fabric was just horrible. It was absolutely cheap, it looked like a dress you can find on a rack in a Chinatown store, it was ill-fitting, I didn’t get those shoulders… A mess. I know I was rooting for him to get to the finale, but he made a terrible mistake this time, and when you make a mistake in Project Runway, you should go home.

I was shocked at the fact Helen won. First of all, it was pretty obvious to me that if someone had to win, it was Sonjia. But even if the judges didn’t like her dress so much as to let her win, then just don’t let anyone win, because really NO ONE deserved it. And Helen was even worse than Dmitry (who made just a normal nice dress). That black dress was matronly. And it’s the second time I say it during this season: Helen’s designing for my grandma.

Next episode will be the last one before the finale, I think I can say it’s basically sure Sonjia and Dmitry are going to the finale, so it’s between Michelle and Helen. I would like to see Michelle among the top three, because she’s the only one, together with Sonjia and Dmitry, whom I’ve never judged as worst. But after all, we all know the win is between the first two.

Anyway, in Project Runway, you never know.


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Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 10: Versatile Tops and Bottoms Ok, apart from the embarrProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 10: Versatile Tops and Bottoms Ok, apart from the embarrProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 10: Versatile Tops and Bottoms Ok, apart from the embarrProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 10: Versatile Tops and Bottoms Ok, apart from the embarr

Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 10: Versatile Tops and Bottoms

Ok, apart from the embarrassing homosexually referenced title of the episode - did they do it on purpose? - this was an interesting challenge, at least because the designers were pretty much free to design whatever they wanted, and it’s good to let them be for once. The contestants had to design two looks: one had to be separates that could possibly be manufactured and sold by QVC, while the second one had to be a fashion forward complement for the separate look.

Give me neoprene and bright colours and I’ll be yours, and thanks Dmitry for this two absolutely FAN TAS TIC looks! I’m more and more convinced he’s going to get to the finale. I loved the idea of mixing neoprene and lace, and I liked the fact he chose two very different colours for the two looks, because making two outfits in the same colour would be the easiest way to make them cohesive. In this case the cohesion was in the cut and in the materials. The lace he chose was so elegant and very modern in its graphic quality, the jacket was absolutely outstanding and new and the contrast between the black lace and the bright yellow of the fashion-forward look was just breathtaking. It’s true that the first look was more fashion-forward than the dress, and it wasn’t something many people would wear; yet, you just can’t help loving it.

I have many reasons for completely hating Helen’s look and being very surprised at the judges loving it. First of all, the separate look: while the top is acceptable, that skirt is absolutely HIDEOUS. It reads really cheap, it looks like something you can buy at Kmart, there’s nothing new in it, the two pieces together have awful proportions and I just thought that was enough to stay in the bottom. The ‘fashion-forward’ look, despite being cute, it’s not 'forward’ at all: she made the EXACT SAME THING on her season. It’s also true that Dmitry used a technique he used in his season finale for the coat from last challenge, but in fact, it was only a technique, not the exact same dress. And anyway, Helen’s black dress was matronly in many ways: the length was odd, the fabric - looked like wool jersey??? - reads old and the hem of the skirt seems uneven. 

Jay didn’t do much better, but at least I liked his first look - differently from the judges, I thought those trousers worked really well and the overall style looked pretty urban and contemporary - and the second look was not a masterpiece, but it had something interesting going on. Anyway I was right when I wrote he was the next one to go home. Now it’s Helen’s turn.

I appreciate Michelle’s work, but I’ve never been able to stand her behaviour when she picks something very very strange and she’s convinced that everyone loves it, that it’s impossible not to love it, that everyone would kill to have it. It happened with that awful fabric. There were times when I looked at it and thought 'I think I like it’, but after a second, third and fourth look, I understood I just hate it. And yet, she kept saying how amazing that fabric was for a whole episode. At least Fabio knows that there could be someone not liking his work when he does something strange; Michelle seems completely unaware of this.

And talking about Fabio, I was really disappointed by the judges’ critique this time again and especially by the fact he was between the bottom two again. His looks had to be in the top 3 in my opinion, or if not, at least as third bottom, but for sure not risking to go home. At the beginning I was even really confused about his fabric, as I thought it looked like it was dirty more than dyed, instead that little dress was amazingly nice, fresh, simple and especially fashion forward, just like his first look. 

Sonjia was my second favourite without any doubts, I was shocked at her just cutting the roll of fabric and getting a dress - a beautiful dress - out of it. And I love her understanding of colour and texture, I think this is really her biggest strength. 

We’re just some episodes away from the finale, who do you think will make it to the end? 


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Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 8: Making a Splash I want to start my review by saying tProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 8: Making a Splash I want to start my review by saying tProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 8: Making a Splash I want to start my review by saying tProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 8: Making a Splash I want to start my review by saying t

Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 8: Making a Splash

I want to start my review by saying that I’m really enjoying all the challenges the designers have to face during this season of All Stars, because it seems to me the producers want them to really explore every single aspect and style in fashion. For episode 8 the contestants had a sort of double challenge: design a resort look paired with - of course - a swimsuit. It’s been ages since the last time I saw Project Runway designers making swimwear. 

Sonjia was again my favourite. It’s not the first time she uses lace (is it her favourite fabric or what?) but I’m always amazed at how interesting and new the fabrics she chooses are. This time she picked an electric blue lace with maxi flowers (very resort) and paired it with a shiny blue jeans. Of course I was crazy about the juxtaposition of different materials but I also loved loved loved the silhouette, very simple and yet strong, with a sort of kimono-like jacket with a maxi zipper and a pair of perfectly fitted trousers. She also thought about the whole concept as she used a fabric which allows you to see underneath it and kinda reveals the hip swimsuit she paired with the outfit. I thought the fact the model didn’t have any boobs at all made the swimsuit lose some of its appeal, but overall it was young, very graphic and different from the usual bikini. Extremely good job.

Yes, it was time for Samantha to go home. I liked her jumpsuit (guess I would have made a jumpsuit as well if someone asked me to design a resortwear look) and I liked the colour of the fabric she chose, even if I would have preferred something brighter or something more towards a pink or orange palette. The swimsuit paired with it was DISASTROUS. I recognise the fact she wanted to make something of a 90s style, which is really cool at the moment - and I can clearly see it as totally Samantha style - but it wasn’t well-executed. It looked really cheap and the proportions were odd. Samantha was a sort of disappointment, I have to say, because I expected a lot from her as I thought her elimination during her season as being unfair and wanted to see more from her, but her overall performance during All Star was really mediocre.

I liked Justin’s winning looks, although flowy gowns are, in my opinion, too predictable for a resortwear look. I also liked Helen’s (guess lace was right for this challenge then) and Dmitry nailed it AGAIN - and again, he didn’t win.

I didn’t like Fabio’s though, the problem wasn’t that it was too simple but that it was a little bit old and made me think of a cheap Primark look; he’s going like a roller-coaster, one day he’s on top and one day he’s among the worst designers, but I guess that’s what you call ‘taking risks’. Michelle’s dress was HORRIBLE but she made the most beautiful swimsuit among all, I loved the colour, the optical quality she added by using the elastic band, I loved the cut, the deep cleavage, the strap aroung the neck. It was really perfect.

For now, I’ve made up my mind about who’s going to the finale, and I’m pretty sure that the three names will be Dmitry, Sonjia and Fabio, but let’s keep an eye on Justin because judges love him (I just think his looks are boring most of the times) and Michelle, who always manages to save herself by doing something very right at the very right moment.

For now, let’s just wait for the next episode - avant-garde challenge! - and let’s keep in mind that in Project Runway EVERYTHING CAN HAPPEN :D


P.S: Hope to be as busy as I would like to be with the blog these days, as menswear collections for Fall 2015 started - and finished yesterday - in London some days ago, Milan and Paris menswear fashion weeks are coming, as well as Pitti Uomo and - how could I forget! - there’s the Golden Globe Red Carpet from January 11th to comment! Just stay tuned!

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Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 7: Mix and Match.com Yes, I’m relaxing during the Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 7: Mix and Match.com Yes, I’m relaxing during the

Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 7: Mix and Match.com

Yes, I’m relaxing during the holidays and that’s why I disappeared for some - a lot of - days but now that I’ve lounged about for weeks I’m ready to take over my life as a fashion blogger again. And we still have to catch up on the last episode of Project Runway All Stars.

This time the producers of the show started a collaboration with the meeting website Match.com to spice up our life a little bit. It seems love is a big part of this season as the designers already had to get inspired by their past relationships for one of the other challenges. Anyway, this time designers were grouped into couples - but they didn’t really have to work together - to design…for couples! Well, it would be better to say for prospective couples, as their clients, apart from being normal people and not models, were Match.com users going on their first date - aaaaw, how lovely! This also meant some of them were MEN. Michelle freaked out, I thought she was going to pass out as she decided with Samantha - her partner for this challenge - that she was going to design for man - well, it seemed to me it was actually Samantha who decided for both of them. Thank god she did good, but let’s now talk about the BEST and the WORST of the challenge.

Fabio was my favourite - and he won indeed. He was designing together with Jay for a gay couple - and both of the guys were hot in my opinion :D - and the two designers had a great idea, the best in my opinion: when talking with their clients to know what they like and what they would want to wear, they decided to dress each one of them according to the other person’s taste. No one else did it, and it was a really smart thinking as they were not dressing people just to go to a cocktail party, but they were dressing people to go ON A DATE. Another thing I loved about Fabio’s look was that he went for not very bright colours, which is usually the common thing to do for menswear, but at the same time there was a sort of cheerfulness to the shades he chose; it was not dull and boring. I was absolutely crazy for the fact he turned a shirt into a kind of short-sleeved jacket, it was very well-done and the idea of a designer actually inventing new clothes during the show is the best thing that can happen. Those trousers, then, were perfect. And the guy was really sexy. 

I don’t know if Justin is too lucky or the judges are too biased by the fact - I’m sorry to write such a thing - he’s deaf. He definitely deserved to go. What he made was basically NOTHING, just like the week before, when he had silk and gallery opening from the fashion gamble and he designed a basic dress. The only thing was right about his Match.com look was that both the shirt and the trousers were really well-done, but the show is not called PROJECT SEAMSTRESS. You have to design. And this was nothing. Not even the details were interesting, it was just a shirt - moreover, in grey - with a pair of trousers. 

I was really mad at the judges choosing not to send anyone home, because it was clear there was more than one person deserving to go home during this challenge. Helen wasn’t better than Justin, she sent her client down the runway wearing those really short shorts, making her look like a slut, but a Victorian slut, as the top had a kind of old-fashioned feeling with all those ruffles. And the fabric she chose for the shirt was amazingly awful, all shiny and wrinkly, it really looked cheap. I still think Justin was worse as he didn’t do anything though. And Samantha was definitely joining them in the worst look parade, but at least she had something interesting going on which could be better with a little bit of effort. 

They started well, but they are now becoming boring, and this episode was the chance for the judges to cut off on the number of designers, but they decided to save them. Justin and Helen are really, really lucky: Justin had Tim Gunn’s save during his season and Helen was saved by the judges in her season when she made an awful-fitting evening gown during the second or third challenge and she cried for the entire episode; I guess they saved her for pity.

Next episode will air on January 8th, so we’re going to have plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the holidays and welcoming the new year in a very fashionable way :)


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Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 6: Luck Be a Lady Just in time before the new episode aiProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 6: Luck Be a Lady Just in time before the new episode ai

Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 6: Luck Be a Lady

Just in time before the new episode airs - phewww - I can post my review about the last one. I finally took the exam which was driving me crazy so now I have much more time for you guys while I prepare my Fashion History exam :D

The concept of the last episode was probably the most hilarious I’ve seen in a long time: Fashion Gamble! The designers had to roll the dice which were going to decide what fabric and for what occasion each designer had to work. The matchings were as follows:

- Dmitry: Velvet and Gallery Opening —> Velvet is basically always a bad choice
- Fabio: Denim and Masquerade Ball —> the first thing I thought about was Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears at 2001 AMAs
- Gunnar: Brocade and Masquerade Ball —> I thought a masquerade ball could be the only thing which could save Gunnar from doing really really badly. I was wrong.
- Helen: Brocade and Awards Ceremony —> good combo after all
- Jay: Denim and Sunday Brunch —> Boring.
- Justin: Silk and Gallery Opening —> The best matching of all, he completely missed this opportunity. I was already imagining a beautiful flowy powdery pink shirt, I got an ugly and common little dress.
- Michelle: Lace and Gallery Opening —> not bad
- Samantha: Brocade and Awards Ceremony —> same as Helen
- Sonjia: Brocade and Bachelorette Party —> maybe brocade was not the best choice for a party, but it could work out

You’re probably going to get shocked at this, but my favourite was Fabio, who was instead between the bottom two for the judges. I would like to start by saying that I wasn’t impressed by anyone this time, and it was a pity as I thought they were doing pretty well during the whole season. This time I was bored by more than one of them. There are different reasons why I chose Fabio as my favourite this week: first of all, apart from colour and material, I thought the dress was really nice, elegant and simple but at the same time very powerful and head-turning. I like the way it was constructed and draped in the front. Then, despite what the judges said - which was pretty predictable - I thought the colour was fine for the challenge. Let’s not forget he was designing for a MASQUERADE BALL, I don’t know, do you think someone would wear a grey cocktail dress to a fancy dress ball? I thought the colour really gave that extra feel to a dress which would just be a very nice dress in another colour; shocking pink made it a fancy dress - and anyway I hate the fact the judges always have such prejudices against bright colours, boring people. What’s more, the dress didn’t look costumy at all to my eyes, despite the heavy styling, which I liked as well - I thought the idea to use the necklace as a headpiece was really a stroke of genius. It’s true that he chose the least denim fabric he could find, but at the same time I cannot help thinking it was a smart choice: as I wrote above, a denim which looked like a denim would have immediately conveyed Britney and Justin in 2001. And we don’t want to see that anymore.

Jay was the worst instead, and I don’t understand how the judges could just save him. First of all, Helen was totally right when she told him it looked more like something a girl - a hooker, I would say - would wear to go to a club - even if I agree with Jay when he says that she’d better mind her own business. I HATE the shiny denim he chose - how could you on earth think that a SHINY fabric is suitable for a BRUNCH? - and the overall impression is that of a girl who is more interested to find her one night stand more than attending a brunch. Moreover, the dress - or is it separates? - is something that I’ve already seen, nothing new, nothing fresh.

Sonjia’s dress, the winning look, was a nice dress, but nothing more than something you can usually find in H&M. I praise her for making an entire dress out of golden fabric without making her model look like a whore though, it was sexy but not vulgar. What I was shocked about was imagining Alyssa Milano’s fat thighs coming out of that tiny tiny tiny dress. Let’s not find excuses saying that she’s pregnant, so it’s normal she’s fatter and bla bla bla. No. No way those thighs are going to get to an acceptable shape. Thank god there’s photoshop.

Gunnar was eliminated, so I was right the last time when I said he was the next one. It was definitely the worst after Jay’s, messy and schizophrenic, as the top didn’t really connect to the bottom. Once again I had the impression Gunnar doesn’t have any clue about what he’s doing.

I liked Helen’s dress, it was simple and traditional but fresh at the same time, and I didn’t mind the very deep slit, but it seems she can only do good when she creates something in red. I ADORED Michelle’s look, it was a pity for the shape of the skirt, which was not very flattering in my opinion; if it wasn’t for that, she would have been my favourite absolutely. I was stunned by how she manipulated the fabric and the colour choice was divine. Very chic.

Next episode airs tonight, and I hope to be able to post my review immediately while I’m preparing to go back to my lovely homeland Sardinia to spend Christmas holidays with my lovely friends and family :D


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Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 5: Designing for the Duchess I’m again late for myProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 5: Designing for the Duchess I’m again late for my

Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 5: Designing for the Duchess

I’m again late for my review - thank you for not having sent me any threatening message to have me write the post - but I’m basically doing nothing but studying for my philosophy exam - it’s a nightmare.

Anyway I’m here and I’m now ready to fill you in with all my opinions and thoughts about last episode of our favourite show.

The Duchess of the title is - of course - Sarah Ferguson, I guess the most famous member of the royal family after, of course, the MAIN royal family (and after Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, sadly remembered for their awful outfits at the Royal Wedding some years ago). Project Runway producers finally decided to ask designers to create my favourite piece of clothing: A COAT. I was really excited because I truly adore coats and they never had any challenge in which they were specifically asked to design one. Of course the winner’s design was going to be worn by the Duchess in person, so this was another great opportunity for all the contestants.

Sonjia hit the mark again in my opinion. It’s true, the Duchess is not a young girl anymore, so her look was maybe a little bit too girly for her, but hey, basically everyone went very young with their designs. First of all, I loved the fact she used neoprene (yes ok, I’m aware I have a problem with it) in grey, I loved the length of the coat and the fact it was asymmetric with the slit behind. It was elegant and sporty at the same time, and this is a very great achievement. I didn’t particularly like the print she used for the sleeves (I hadn’t noticed it until now) but I’m obsessed by the maxi-zipper she put in front, it’s just A M A Z I N G.

Benjamin’s outfit was not good at all, but Gunnar’s was definitely worse, and I don’t understand why he wasn’t even among the bottom 3. It’s a sort of Frankenstein coat made by using different style which can even work on their own, but that together make an awful match. The tweed print could make a nice trench-coat, but then it would have been too classic and predictable; at the same time, trying to insert an extremely different style in the sleeve part really wasn’t a good idea. As soon as I saw the two silver bands on the model’s elbows I understood it was the worst of the bunch. I say it again: Gunnar is the next one to deserve to go home. Please, kick him out.

I’ve already said Benjamin’s coat was really bad as well, and the judges already expressed everything I think about, which can be summed up in two points: it was too junior and the pockets were something as awful as can’t be described. For someone who started the episode saying coat is his creative field that’s not a very successful result. 

I definitely LOVED Dmitry’s coat, it was minimal without being too simplistic, everything about it was unique. I really appreciate how Dmitry can always turn things in his favour even when he’s in a bad situation, that’s an extremely important quality for a designer. I’m remembering why he used to be my favourite during his season <3

Fabio was the winner, I recognise his coat was extremely detailed and had a very good mixture of styles, but the overall impression didn’t really win me over. Jay, instead, could have edited a little bit, but I thought his creation was a good idea and I loved the fact he was one of the few to play with colours - I wouldn’t have put him among the bottom 3. Samantha was good as well, I like her style, I think it’s really cool taking inspiration from the past as she does and making something which can be really sellable without being boring. And I love oversize, so you can understand why I really liked her look for this last episode; it wasn’t maybe perfectly constructed, but the idea was extremely fresh.

Seeing the sneak peek for next episode I expect it to be HILARIOUS: fashion gambling this time. When I start thinking the producers have run out of ideas, they surprise me with something new and crazy. I love this show.


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Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 4: Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve Project Runway produceProject Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 4: Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve Project Runway produce

Project Runway All Stars Season 4 - Episode 4: Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve

Project Runway producers are cruel people. So cruel that they never stop surprising me over their sick challenges. This was the sickest and cruelest of all - crueler than children challenges or the worst unconventional ones: designers had to design a dress inspired by their past relationships, present status and future wishes. I immediately envisioned my outfit if I had had to get inspired by my past relationships: a shapeless black rag mess.

The prize for the winner would be a 10,000 $ gift card by Zale - yes, I had to look for the name of the brand on the Internet because I couldn’t remember. But the best part, of course, was the special guest of this episode: our one and only Nina Garcia, who invited the designers to MarieClaire headquarters - the reason for it is still mysterious to me - to explain the challenge.

Getting to the core of this last episode, Fabio was my favourite - and not because my name’s Fabio as well. I just thought he was completely right when he said, during the runway that this dress was perfect from every point of view. I guess it shows his exotic origins in the print, the shape is girly but unexpected and a little weird - completely Fabio style - but what I loved the most was the little details, like the peek-a-boos on the sides or the red lining of the top part, which made me think of the dress as a metaphor of a love which doesn’t have to be exhibited. 

I think there was no doubt about Kate being the worst. One thing I noticed this season is that the worst of the episode is always pretty clear - and usually there are many good looks as well. I was shocked after hearing basically all the judges saying the top was cute: I can tell you, that top is something my grandma used to wear when I was 10 and I used to go with her to the department store. If something could be saved, that’s the bottom part, which unfortunately was horribly unfinished and the bling of the top with the rawness of the skirt really clashed. I don’t even want to talk about that old-fashioned colour. Don’t know what happened to this girl, it seems like she regressed to season 11, where she was really mediocre and ‘forgettable’, while in season 12 she was definitely one of the best in my opinion and got really upset when she was eliminated. I don’t think she’s going to get any other change - she’s been in the show three times, I guess no one has ever had as many chances. Bye Kate, have a good life <3

I have mixed feelings about Helen’s dress. At the beginning I thought was one of the worst three in my opinion, then I noticed the neckline and I thought it was interesting - even if the back looked really strange. Then I thought that this girl makes beautiful things only when she uses red - and she basically told the same to Nina referring to red as a 'special colour, as Nina knows’. The styling as well, at the beginning I thought it was hideous, but then, thinking about it again, it reminded me of Frida Kahlo, and now the overall look seems better. Anyway, I really liked Sonjia’s and Dmitry’s, so I guess I would have chosen one of them as the winner this time rather than Helen - probably Dmitry; oh btw, I’m loving his attitude!

I feel like guessing something about the next eliminated designers: Gunnar is going to be cut soon. I feel it. He’s just the weakest contestant among the remaining ones, so let’s not be surprise if he gets kicked out next time.

Hope you enjoyed my little review this time as well, and for now I guess we have to say goodbye until December 4th, as this week the show isn’t airing due to Thanksgiving TV schedule. Happy Thanksgiving then to all the Americans who read me! 

Bye folks!


P.S: I just remembered one think really gets me mad: Nina saying 'No bueno’. I mean, she’s Colombian, I could expect such an idiotic exclamation from someone who doesn’t know a word of Spanish, but in this case we have a Latin American woman mocking her own people talking. I love you Nina, but please shut up next time your brain tells you to pronounce those stupid words. Thanks.

Omg, another thing - thoughts are just flowing freely through my mind - someone arrest Alyssa Milano’s stylist. She’s pregnant and she’s huge, much bigger than Kim Kardashian when she was pregnant - and that’s really difficult so achieve - so please refrain from dressing her like a mirror ball. Thanks again.

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Post 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: in

Post 20 of 51…

19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…

pic 1: including his movie debut in The Untouchables in 1987, there he is with his back to the screen in a grey tracksuit ;)

pic 2: he had a singing part with the song Night and Day in the Cole Porter biopic,De-Lovely, in 2004

pic 3: played a reporter in Method(retitledDead Even in the UK) (also 2004), which was a crap movie if ever there was one. his character met a gruesome end (which I didn’t include a pic of as I know it upsets some fans seeing him all proper dead acting.)

pic 4: another singing part beckoned in 2005 when he was the lead stormtrooper in The Producers.

pic 5: popped up briefly in 2008 in Zero Dark Thirty

pic 6: and All Stars in 2013.

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(200 - 550) A 350 lb weight gain! Obesity has done him well!

Another 350lbs will do me good.  

All Star.

