

Hello everyone,

Here I am after another exam session. As usual, I would like to share with you my study method to help someone who is struggling with the same exams. Also, I would appreciate it if you gave me your feedback and advice to improve my approach.

So, let’s start.

Microbiology is a unique subject, and many students have difficulties with it. It might seem all about mnemonics, but it is fundamental to understand the mechanisms at the base of infection, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapies of viruses, bacteria and parasitics.

First of all, I thinkattending lessonsis vital. Books are full of notions that might be confusing and having an idea of what to focus on can help, at least at the beginning. I went to classes, took notes, and tried to understand the basics of microbiology.

After classes, I made mind maps trying to organize notions: a branch for microorganism’s structure, one for the cycle of replication, one for symptoms and pathogenesis, one for diagnosis and one for prophylaxis and therapies. I used X Mind for my digital maps, and I find this app extremely efficient (and also, it is free).

Behind having assimilated these basic notions, I read the book and inserted more details on my map. Integrating with the book was fundamental to understanding the mechanisms of pathogenesis and infection. Also, adding information can make it easier to remember the essential ones.

When classes were over, I started reading all the material again and used my mnemonics techniques. I think it is useless to memorize notions at the beginning of the study because, sometimes, understanding the concept makes it easier to learn it. For example, knowing the mechanisms of action of an antibiotic will help to remember which bacteria can defeat. Anyways, some notions (such as the name of some antibiotics or antiviral) need to be learnt by heart. For this purpose, mnemonic techniques (acronyms, short stories, etc.) are a great help.

Next, I started recalling all the topics many times. Trying to explain the matters out loud helped me comprehend whether I had learnt them or not.

Last, I recalled all the subjects with my usual studybuddy. This part is essential because she always knows something that I do not and vice versa.

Also, we do all the previous exams together. It may be unfair, but the best way to get a high score on the test is to understand what the professor focuses on.

I have to confess that I studied the day before the exam. By the way, it was a complex situation. Generally speaking, I advise resting before an exam to be relaxed and stress-free during the test.

And, that’s it! Let me know whether you agree with my study method or you would change something. Also, good luck with your studies

Devotional Training: How it goes.

Devotional Training: How it goes.

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Post 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: inPost 20 of 51…19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…pic 1: in

Post 20 of 51…

19) he’s had a few bit parts in various other movies too…

pic 1: including his movie debut in The Untouchables in 1987, there he is with his back to the screen in a grey tracksuit ;)

pic 2: he had a singing part with the song Night and Day in the Cole Porter biopic,De-Lovely, in 2004

pic 3: played a reporter in Method(retitledDead Even in the UK) (also 2004), which was a crap movie if ever there was one. his character met a gruesome end (which I didn’t include a pic of as I know it upsets some fans seeing him all proper dead acting.)

pic 4: another singing part beckoned in 2005 when he was the lead stormtrooper in The Producers.

pic 5: popped up briefly in 2008 in Zero Dark Thirty

pic 6: and All Stars in 2013.

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Watching Julius Caesar: #MarlonBrando and his are everything! #movie #actor #star #genius #speech #g

Watching Julius Caesar: #MarlonBrando and his are everything! #movie #actor #star #genius #speech #greatness #love #gay #method #hollywood #shakspeare #italy

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Improv acting method(?)

Body swap method? Jade’s Fuckery Method? One with your dr self mindset strategy? I don’t know what to call this but it’s fun?

Is this a reality shifting method? Is this just a strategy to help you shift?

Yes. Lol

This is whatever you use it as.

I do not recommend this method for shifters who experience dissociation, delusions, or psychosis.

But, if you do have a condition like those and feel like you can handle it, I would highly recommend not to do this a full day.

Overall,please be safe. :)

Some grounding methods here for if you experience issues.

OKAY SO! This idea just kind of developed to me and when I tried it out (but got interrupted) it was pretty powerful.

1.Pick a day. Full day, part of a day, rest of today, whatever works for you. Pick a day for this.

I recommend starting it from when you wake up to when you go to bed, but you do not have to. Just start some time during the day then and make sure to have a “moment” where you decide to start.

2. Okay. So now, you’re gonna be an actor.

What’s the scene?

Your scene is that you are your DR self and you have, for whatever reason, woken up in your CR body.

3.What does that look like? How do you do that?

Well, it’s mainly acting with your internal thoughts and reactions to the world around you.

I don’t recommend interacting with the environment physically as your DR self unless the people in your household understand shifting and what you’re trying or whether you’re definitely alone in a room.


This is gonna be the most important factor, really.

Think about it, what is your DR self like? What would they think of the change from their appearance to yours? Do they cuss a lot when confused? Do they try to figure out what’s going on? How do they react to your daily routine?

And you’re gonna answer this all in first person because you are acting as your DR self.

When I woke up and acted out this method, I had moments along the lines of this:

Oh!!! Oh that’s different, that’s not mine, as I got up and noticed my appearance. I was alone, so I examined my face at a couple of angles, and I explored my clothing with interest. This is she wears? I thought about some stuff, because Ashlyn’s taste in clothing is much more extreme than mine.

I sat at the table and listened to my mom and thought, so this must be the mom. And I ate my breakfast from Panera and I was like whoa this is good and appreciated it as if for the first time.

Megamind would love this, this reminds me of this, throughout the day, etc, and when in class, what even are we doing,etc.

I kind of pulled upon my knowledge of this world as if we were merged together, where I’d think about how I’d have class, and then acknowledge that those must be the thoughts of the person I shifted into.


I mentioned examining my face, which I did, and I also looked at my body, and clothing, and random objects around. You could morph your facial expressions to confusion and such, etc. If you’re not in a situation to do so you don’t have to.

4. If you’re using this as a full method, instead of shifting to an alternate reality, you think of it as shifting back home to a reality you truly belong in.

You could either “discover” shifting as your DR self in your body from pulling from your own knowledge and just knowing about it to get back, or maybe log into tumblr or some forum and read about shifting again as if anew and decide to do that.

I got interrupted by something that really threw off my vibes and distracted me for hours when I was doing this, but it was really powerful for me and I really felt connected to my DR self and my DR. I think I would have shifted had I done a method that night.

5.Now you can use whatever method or lack of you normally use to shift.

Put on subs, meditate, lay down and know you’ll wake up in your DR, pick a method, etc. whatever works for you!

I found the connection to my DR self I’d developed throughout the day really powerful and it helped affirm my belief it’ll work, because it’s not so much as trying to get somewhere new anymore, it’s going back to someplace you belong.


In a few hours I will be turning 32 years old, 6 months ago I PROMISED myself I would not go into 32 being in active addiction. I am trying but I LITERALLY purposely took my sleeping meds so I would stay asleep all day so I WOULDNT USE METH.

My husband is off on weekends so he’s been with the kids.

It’s 10pm I am just waking up for a second time to eat and whatever and the first thing I grab is what?

MY PILO my throat actually kinda burns wanting to hit this bitch.

In my brain I justify it somehow being ok because I am not slamming it.


What the fuck have I done to myself?

I knew fucking better then to play with fire and I ACTUALLY THOUGHT I WOULDNT GET HOOKED .

Anyway happy birthday to me.

The junkie mother

ADD me on Snapchat for best quality meth user name hornyjunkieslut

Any tweakers from Minnesota near the cities?

For Supanova 2013, one of my cosplays this year is going to be Ice Queen from Adventure Time, which, of course, requires bodypaint. As with most cosplays where my make up differs from the more standard application, I liked to do several test long before the actual con so I can troubleshoot any issues.

Now as a Homestuck cosplayer I have had experience with both Ben Nye and Snazaroo. Personally out of the two I prefer Snazaroo as it is easier to remove, feels less greasy on the skin, and doesn’t stain clothes. However I have noticed that the quality of the paint itself differs from colour to colour. (warning; picture heavy. contains review on snazaroo and eyeshadow method, as well as a new method I have created)

Here’s an example of three different colours I have tried


Snazaroo Gold (the sparkly version) This has to be my favourite snazaroo to date, I basically slapped it onto my entire body in the school bathroom in 40 minutes. Nice even coverage, didn’t wear away, no creasing/cracking, only rubbed off on high friction zones (my sandals, shirt collar, where the wig pressed against my head, etc). Came off with soap and water, though my hands and feet had a yellowish tint for a few days.


 Light grey - this one was eh for me. I don’t know if it was because it wasn’t wet enough when I applied it, or because I applied it with a foundation brush instead of just hands like the gold (shhh). But it sort of peeled when it was worn, and came away from random spots as time went by like on my forearms (see photo). I think the issue might be that the coats were too thick and dry when applied? Or too wet? I’ll experiment with that later on.


And this is idk, snazaroo light blue? turquoise? Anyway, this snazaroo is super horrible. I don’t know if I just got a defective version of this colour or it’s like this for all of them, since this pot of paint was super different from the grey and the gold. In it’s usual state snazaroo is meant to be solid and dry, however this light blue seemed to be almost doughy? I could push it around with my fingers and make mountains and furrows in it while application was super shitty??? Bears more experimentation but still not happy with this one. It also stained my fingertips blue.

Now onto the experiments!

So, for Ice Queen I decided to try out the Eyeshadow Method using missha bb cream no. 21 and mica powder from here.


Now the blue the had wasn’t completely accurate to Ice Queen’s skin but I figured I could lighten it and then tint it with other eye shadows. So here it is all mixed up


resulting in a piled of sludge that looks identical to ben nye


seriously, container on the left is the mix and the right is real ben nye. But hopefully the colour would turn out blue right?


….well fuck

so after a fruitless attempts to salvage it the end result was an enormous waste of powder, foundation, and eyeshadow.

So I decided to experiment with the snazaroo.

The main issue with the snazaroo in blue was it’s doughy consistency and caking/cracking on my face when I applied it the first time around. So I decided to try mixing the snazaroo with my foundation.

The foundation and snazaroo blended together easily with a few drops of water to help the more troublesome chuncks of snazaroo dissolve.


As you can see, in comparison the colour was lighter than the original (which I personally prefer for this cosplay). The mixture applied nicely and gave pretty good coverage (I applied it with fingers in a circular motion), The picture above is one coat that was powdered with baby powder when dry and then hair sprayed.

However, I found it to be a little watery, so I put a little bit of white mica powder to thicken it. Here it is on my hand, baby powdered and hair sprayed.


The result was pretty much the same, although less watery and thus less thinner when applied.

I then subjected them both to a rubbing test



and then held them under the cold water for 5 seconds



They both then came off easily with soap and water.

Now, I don’t know how well this method works with other snazaroo paints, but if you need to lighten the colour of one, or had problems with it’s application, this method could possibly help you. I may try it out with the grey snazaroo later on.

As it stands, I plan on using this method for my Ice Queen cosplay, and will let you all know how it turns out after the con. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

<3 Phaes

(EDIT: If you leave the snazaroo+foundation mix out it’ll dry out in the more heavily snazaroo containing spots! so it would be best to probably mix this just before application. Mixing doesn’t take that long, like 5 minutes? Or maybe just add some water and remix it)

I tried to console myself with the fact that what mattered was the furthering of science and that problems of methodology were of lesser importance. I soon recognized the error of this stance. With each problem, the economist confronts the basic questions: whence do these principles come, what is their significance, and how do they relate to experience and ‘reality’? There are not problems of method or even research technique; they are themselves the fundamental questions. Can one construct a system of deduction without having asked the questions upon which the system is to be built?”

— Ludwig von Mises, Memoirs

Well let’s rate these movies/series

We start with this japanese erotic movie

Dangerous Drugs of Sex (2020) I really admire actors who played the main roles. (I wanna read the manga)

So, in my opinion it is very well done. I enjoyed the sex scenes. Like THESE SCENES WERE ALMOST THE WHOLE MOVIE. And I love that even it was explicit as fuck you couldn’t see anything.

As for the story, it was weaker but I didn’t mind. It was a nice break.

So 7/10

Method (2017)

Okay this is EXACTLY what I need more in movies where are two male characters together or not but actually they have something between them. (Not only stupid queer bating right?) And it’s drama thriller and some similar genre.

But THIS movie is a gold. I really love it and I’m gonna watch it again and again and again.

I really recommend. (And I love the age gap between them)

9,5/10 ✨

A Round Trip to Love (2016)

It’s toxic, sad but good. (Almost every series/movie what I have here is more less toxic :’)))

Idk why but a version what I downloaded hasn’t got some scenes what were in version on YouTube.


Another toxic movie

Double Mints

First time when I saw it was in 2018 I was 18 y.o. And I remembered that I saw it and I wanted to repeat it so, I watched it again and it’s still good. My taste in movies didn’t change at all. But I would love to know how their ,something like relationship, continue.


HIStory 3: Trapped

What I started doing was that I stopped promising from BL series so much. Then I’m not disappointed when it’s not that good. Or when it’s filmed according to some BL “pattern”. (You know what I mean right :’) but damn girl…this was really good.

And the plotwist surprised me too. It was really good and I love the pairing and I would love to see another series with them. Or to see these two actors to play a couple together again. Please. Please???


Manner of death

The statement I wrote about History 3 Trapped fits into this Thai series. Dude, here the actors are hot af. And the plot I would say that is a little bit better than in the mentioned HIStory. I know that the two actors have played together a couple already, but I would like to see them again. in some other project. Again, pretty please.

9,5/10 ✨


Oh well, I’m not sure by this one. I just watched it for two good looking actors. I’m sorry. Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t bad but I think I don’t need to watch it again. But I like the aesthetic of the serie.


Long time no see

Uhhh, yeah this one, was good. It has simple plot. It wasn’t bad, it was average. 6/10

The night beyond the tricornered window (2021)

I have to say that it was good and I really like aesthetic of the movie. Again. And here it comes the ‘but’ BUT it has lot of dead spots, sometimes I had problems with behavior of Erika Hiura. Mainly in the end of the movie. Some parts of movie should be described a little bit more and some of them shouldn’t be there.

I think it needs another movie. Maybe they could do it better than this one. So my rating is:

6,5/10 ✨

Color Rush (2020 - 2022)

I’ve seen only first season but I have to say I was a little bit disappointed. It’s really good idea but there are a lot of dead spots and sometimes it was a little bit boring. But I’ll watch the second season. Maybe it will be better this time.

So my rating after 1st season is 6/10

(sorry for killing the English language✌)


The Pomodoro Method is a great time management technique that a lot of people use and find to be helpful! I’ve used this method on and off for several years (usually around midterms and finals) and always enjoy using it!

The basic premise of this technique is to work for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. Every 3 breaks you’re allowed to have a longer break of 15 minutes. Repeat this until your work is done.

So, what does this mean for you?

This method can be used for any type of tasks, it doesn’t have to be studying! You could also use this for any job-related work, cleaning, passion projects, anything you need or want to do!

Personally, I see this as a way to remind me to take breaks since I could just keep working for hours on end which just leads to burnout for me. The frequent reminder to take a break helps to keep things a little more balanced.

You could approach each 25 minute block as a way to separate which tasks you’re working on (for example, you could plan to work on one piece of homework for the first block, clean out your fridge for the second block, study for a test for the third block, etc.), or you could just work on each task until they’re done, taking breaks in the middle of tasks (for example, studying for a test might take 3.5 blocks, taking breaks every 25 minutes, then after you’ve finished you just move on to another task). Or you could do a combination of the two methods, whatever fits for you! I like breaking down larger tasks into smaller chunks so for me doing the first method works the best with interleaving.

Guidelines for blocks

These are just suggestions for helping to make each pomodoro block more productive, but you can customize your experience to fit your life and your tasks!

  • Put your phone/social media away! I use the app SelfControl on my laptop and the Forest app on my phone to keep myself on track and off of social media.
  • Have water and healthy snacks readily on hand so you don’t have to get up to get food in the middle of a block.
  • If you like to listen to music while working, put on music without vocals (or music that you’re really familiar with so you aren’t distracted by listening to the words). If you don’t like listening to music while working, then don’t! I like wearing earplugs if I’m not listening to music since to me it’s a signal that I need to focus and it helps keep me from getting distracted by other noises around me.
  • Try your best to single-task instead of multi-tasking. My favorite way to encourage myself to single-task is by only allowing myself to have 1-3 tabs open at a time (only more than one if I need them for the work I’m currently doing). Any other tabs are bookmarked if necessary and then closed.

Ideas for breaks

  • Prep a snack to have during your next block
  • Read a book that’s not related to school or work
  • Go for a short walk
  • Stretch, yoga, or do a short workout
  • Doodle
  • Listen to a guided meditation
  • Put on some of your favorite music (and dance around to it if possible!)
  • Change up where you’re working (go sit outside for your next block, find a different table, etc.)
  • Have a short phone call, text or conversation with a friend or family member

Have you all tried the Pomodoro Method? What are your thoughts? Let me know! x
