#alter riku



One last post that probably seems to have less context to the last ones since Lucille didn’t post his ramble, but the reason our system is choosing to probably do final fusion is not because we don’t like our parts or don’t see ourselves as complete individuals on our own, but because we love, respect, and trust each other. It’s like having a long term partner and getting married and melding your lives together. It isn’t because you aren’t real separate or that you don’t value alone time or don’t want either to have freedom, it’s because you really respect, trust, love, and enjoy spending time with this person, because being around the other person makes you feel like your best self. We’re probably going towards final fusion because generally speaking, we are better people with one another than alone.

And apparently there are people who are really aggressively final fusion but like??? If you want to say I uwu hate my system, god damn heres a link from like a week ago about me being a cheesy symptomatic cringe lord because I really fucking love my system half to death and I am super thankful for them and I am the luckiest host.

One last post that probably seems to have less context to the last ones since Lucille didn’t post his ramble, but the reason our system is choosing to probably do final fusion is not because we don’t like our parts or don’t see ourselves as complete individuals on our own, but because we love, respect, and trust each other. It’s like having a long term partner and getting married and melding your lives together. It isn’t because you aren’t real separate or that you don’t value alone time or don’t want either to have freedom, it’s because you really respect, trust, love, and enjoy spending time with this person, because being around the other person makes you feel like your best self. We’re probably going towards final fusion because generally speaking, we are better people with one another than alone.

Honestly, one of the reasons I am pro-final fusion for our system is because I know with the three well understood and discussed fused parts in our system, we all fully agree that the fused selves are much better off, much happier, much more stable, and just all around better and like…

Honestly, I think I’m pretty cool. I think all the parts in my system are pretty cool. If I were to FUSION-HA with any of these people and create something that would make current me and current them look less functional and less cool then I’m excited to see that XD

I hope that in the future, the current me that I am proud to be is something the future me goes “man dude I remember being like that god never again” cause I’d really like future me to have that much better of a life than me that what I currently have is seen as a “never again.” I’m not puppies unicorns and rainbows currently, but I’m pretty happy with who I am and I like where I am and where I’m going. If I say “never again” when thinking about the present in a few years, then I am so fucking happy for future me.

Please future me, please look at current me with sympathy and even cringe if applicable. I don’t need it, and I don’t mind it, but if you do, I know you are doing well and that makes me happy

Honestly, neogenders and all that stuff aren’t really my cup of tea and personally feel excessive to be creating unique labels with specific definitions and all that, but I also really don’t care cause its not my business about what makes people comfortable and happy. It’s not MY cup of tea, but if others like it and find happiness in it, cool glad they have that.

Plus? I honestly get it. Weird genders and stuff like that, I really get it. I don’t really want to use any neopronouns as it’s just too hard for me to wrap my head around for myself, and I’m very very very happy with they/them - but honestly my gender is very very very much best described as “male bird” which is a tangent I could go on for hours about how that doesn’t really fit anywhere, but it is the only way of describing my gender that felt right and made sense.

With that being said, outside of me using the phrase as a meme and occasionally a descriptor to close friends, I really wouldn’t regularly use that as my gender cause I don’t really feel the need for everyone to know my EXACT feelings and way of experiencing gender beyond that I’m nonbinary and I guess (let me have some egg time I’m still processing it okay) somewhat transmasculine.

But with that in mind, with how nice and comfortable it is to have a quick phrase to explain to myself the general energy and vibe to what my nonbinary gender is, I TOTALLY get it. Being hard nonbinary in the sense that it is really really really hard for me to pinpoint my gender in relation to the binary like, at all is a really confusing pain to be in because even I don’t know what I want to be like and what I need to do to make myself less dysphoric / more euphoric. A lot of it is guessing and seeing the results and I’ve gotten pretty used to that, but ever since starting the (original joke) of my gender being male bird, its really helped in internally navigating it and having this general vibe of how to be my best self

So if someone experiences a similar situation with say, stars, bunnies, light bulbs, whatever and want to call themselves stargender, bunnygender, lightbulbgender, or whatever cause that helps them understand themselves and makes them happy, honestly I can’t knock it.

I’d be annoyed as shit if people told me I couldn’t think of my gender in terms of being a male bird, or that I couldn’t joke bout it to my friends because its 1) none of their business and 2) it helps me a lot so its none of their fucking business.

Anyways, this is just a shout out to people with weird genders and weird gender labels. I don’t fully get it and its not my cup of tea, but I get the vibe and support yall to the best that I can understand.

With that being said, I don’t understand nor care for what the whole mogai discourse is about so I’m not gonna label myself pro or anti mogai or anything like that since I don’t know what the fuck is going on over there and I am not really wanting to ask. Personally I think LGBTQIA people would benefit from not arguing with each other about things that likely really don’t matter as much as people put energy into them. 

-Riku (Host, male bird)

Guys this isn’t related to this blog but this needs more people to see this. I’ve been birding for like, two or so months. One of my number one targets was a Sora (its a rail bird thats somewhat common) and for some reason I have been UNABLE to ever find one in every single one of my trips. Finding a Sora has been like, tied as my top goal since I started birding because 1) Sora has been missing in the Kingdom Hearts Fandom for 1161 days and its a meme 2) I fucking love Sora 3) heheh bird and Kingdom Hearts I gotta find it

And TODAY. Fucking TODAY I went out birding and I - for the first time - SAW A SORA. I FOUND SORA.









Okay I’ll probably regret asking this, but I’m just reading some papers on things and as someone who has avoided trans-discourse because I don’t have time to deal with idiots while I’m working through my own shit….

But how the FUCK do TERFs fit intersex folk into their rigid binary concept of gender and sex??? Men are evil >:[ Women are innocent uwu Trans are either predators, victims or confused >w<

But like…. where do intersex people lie here? Like, what is the apparent logic? Like????? Sure say sex is innate and gender doesn’t exist and is just some thing of socialization blah blah blah blah, yeah but like????????? Intersex hello??????????????????????????????????????

Someone please explain.

I am confusion.

@variablejabberwocky Aight, thats like two or three people confirming that they just #PretendNotToSee it. Got it, beautiful, I guess my theory on them having two brain cells was incorrect. Thank you.

@ravenousramblings​ Thank you thank you. I will be here all day. Glad to entertain at the expense of TERFs. This blog is very unfriendly to TERFs uwu TERFs and transphobes can deal with it

Confirmed by like two blocked TERFs. They have no brain and just dont see it uwu

Discussion and curiousity closed. Don’t question stupid, you can’t fix it.



Okay I’ll probably regret asking this, but I’m just reading some papers on things and as someone who has avoided trans-discourse because I don’t have time to deal with idiots while I’m working through my own shit….

But how the FUCK do TERFs fit intersex folk into their rigid binary concept of gender and sex??? Men are evil >:[ Women are innocent uwu Trans are either predators, victims or confused >w<

But like…. where do intersex people lie here? Like, what is the apparent logic? Like????? Sure say sex is innate and gender doesn’t exist and is just some thing of socialization blah blah blah blah, yeah but like????????? Intersex hello??????????????????????????????????????

Someone please explain.

I am confusion.

To the best of my knowledge, they don’t believe intersex people even exist.

I hope that is a joke, but would not be shocked if it wasn’t.

Okay I’ll probably regret asking this, but I’m just reading some papers on things and as someone who has avoided trans-discourse because I don’t have time to deal with idiots while I’m working through my own shit….

But how the FUCK do TERFs fit intersex folk into their rigid binary concept of gender and sex??? Men are evil >:[ Women are innocent uwu Trans are either predators, victims or confused >w<

But like…. where do intersex people lie here? Like, what is the apparent logic? Like????? Sure say sex is innate and gender doesn’t exist and is just some thing of socialization blah blah blah blah, yeah but like????????? Intersex hello??????????????????????????????????????

Someone please explain.

I am confusion.
