
The lion is a symbol for Judaism and Israel as well as Ethiopia, so it’s fitting that it gets

The lion is a symbol for Judaism and Israel as well as Ethiopia, so it’s fitting that it gets extra attention here in the Ethiopian monastery in Jerusalem.


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The conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8, shown in the Ethiopian Monastery in Jerusalem 

The conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8, shown in the Ethiopian Monastery in Jerusalem 

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“Zebra,” from a Hebrew textbook written for Amharic speakers

“Zebra,” from a Hebrew textbook written for Amharic speakers

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Beautiful illustration from a Hebrew textbook written for Amharic speakers

Beautiful illustration from a Hebrew textbook written for Amharic speakers

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Beautiful illustration from a Hebrew textbook written for Amharic speakers

Beautiful illustration from a Hebrew textbook written for Amharic speakers

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Beautiful illustration from a Hebrew textbook for Amharic speakers

Beautiful illustration from a Hebrew textbook for Amharic speakers

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Beautiful illustrations from a Hebrew written Amharic textbook 

Beautiful illustrations from a Hebrew written Amharic textbook 

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Beautiful illustrations from a Hebrew written Amharic textbook 

Beautiful illustrations from a Hebrew written Amharic textbook 

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No other culture shares more with Southern Arabia then Modern Day Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia. The roots of this goes bacb to when the Axsum kingdom ruled over Arabia Flex.
If you are interested in African or Arabian pre-islamic history, I recommend reading about Axsum.

Sudan and Ethiopia too right?

Yes that’s because East Africa was heavily Arabized

1. Eritrea is called an Observer of the Arab League and some believe they should become a full member [X] It’s one reason why they have Arabic as a working language. Yes, I know that Arabic is culturally linked to Islam, that does not mean it needs to be a language used for working papers or throughout the country [X]especially when it is said that no more than 50% of the population is Muslim (adheres to a Muslim identity). That is my personal opinion anyways. Chad is also an Observer nation in the Arab League.

With concern to Ethiopia,

1. It was called Abyssinia historically by Arabs and it was much more expansive than how Europeans divided the territories after the Berlin Conference (i.e. the Scramble for Africa).

2. Arabs had frequent contact with what they referred to as Abyssinia early on, some scholar have even written about how many of the inhabitants of Arabia migrated to Arabia, inhabiting it first before Eurasians came and mixed. And then sometimes Arabs would migrate there and Ethiopians would migrate to Arabia to flee religious persecution, etc. 

Also Arabs attempted to subjugate Abyssinians after the Prophet (sawa) and sent an Army but they couldn’t defeat them militarily. Why did they do that after Ethiopia saved them before? I really don’t know besides the fact they were trying to gain political pull…They did the same thing with Sudan which that territory was prehistorically called “Nubia” but they couldn’t defeat Nubians either so they made this shady treaty called the Baqt treaty. It’s why some South Sudanese (a political identity) have a problem with Islam/Arabs, because of how Arabs came in. I talk about it more in detail here [X]

Lastly, not all of Ethiopia was Arabized, I thought I should say that because often time Ethiopia is sort of depicted as this single image by media, where there’s like 80+ ethnic groups and many languages and diversity in Ethiopia. Unfortunately, from what I personally obverse, media tends to highlight the Ethiopians that are considered more socially beautiful. I was just talking about this a few days ago [X].

With regards to Somalia, there’s a lot of literature (by both Somali and non-Somali authors) about Arab influence in Somalia (especially on a cultural level [X]) but the track record between Arabs and Somalia/Djibouti have never been good[X] [X].

So Arab relations with East Africa is complex, but they dominated in the end that’s why it a phenomenon called the “Arab Slave Trade” of East Africa [X]andit’s why I don’t buy the whole they never enslaved Muslims argument, they are enslaving Black Muslims today, in 2017…

Thanks for the comment although i disagree with the premise.
In short they were never arabized if anything the ruled for long periods southern arabia.
No muslim army’s landed there as most converts did so at there own will.
Arabs in total are no more than 10% of muslims by blood. The rest are islamic converts whom chose islam and took arabic as a unified tongue with all converts to the religion.
Most muslim scholars are Persian/Assyrian/north African converts. The wrote in arabic but were not arab.
From Bukhari to Muslim to ibn khloodon and the list goes on.

As for the slave trade, that was a by product of colonial rule. The brits and French ruled by proxy and put cronies to do there dirty work. All the trade lanes were under there rule and the so called sultans were put by them to do there bidding. Im 25% habashi ( ethiopy) and my ancestral land was heavily influenced by them.
I loved the comment but felt the need to share on it.

Thank you again and here to us breaking the shackles of a colonial era that as you rightly said still prevails in our region.

Of course you disagree but Somali authors have talked about this…

Somali Professor Mohamed Haji Mukhtar gives a detailed chronology of events in Somalia starting as early as 4000 B.C. in his Historical Dictionary of Somalia, New Edition.He depicts the Arab settlements in Somalia over time starting in 150 B.C.[X]in year 700 Caliph Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan of the Umayyads sends an expedition to the East African coast to conquer Mogadishu and secure its kharaj, or annual tribute.

Somali author Dr. Ali Abdirahman Hersi, who wrote, The Arab Factor in Somali History: The Origins and the Development of Arab Enterprise and Cultural Influences in the Somali Peninsula also discusses the ways in which Arabs Arabized Somalia. Firstly they could not even tell the difference between different East African tribes.

Secondly, they built cities in Somalia and migrated there frequently, as the previous author I mentioned depicts.

I posted this author yesterday because he talks about the Arab influences on Somali culture, it’s only due to Arabs actually going into East Africa.

Armies absolutely invaded Sudan, I don’t know how you don’t know that tbh…That’s why the relatioship with Islam and Sudanese can be viewed as a complex issue, because of how Arabs came…they were a Christian empire before they were Muslim, just like Ethiopia.

And North Africa is classified as Arabs due to Arabs conquering them, North Africa was Arabized and so were Persians. There’s no such thing as pure Arab blood unless you’re going back to Hajar and she was from Egypt…Arab is a cultural identity today, not a race. 

And as for the Arab Slave Trade of East Africa, the Arab Slave Trade started in the 7th century…what did Brits and French have to do with that? The Zanj rebellion happened early on…

Again opinion not fact.
Just you saying there is no arab blood is both laughable and ignorant at the same time.

Anyway i disagree with the sources and there opinions.
So i won’t go back and forth since you have your opinions from your readings and i have mine.

Thanks for the material but again It i don’t trust it just as you wouldn’t trust mine.

Interesting conversation though.

Have a great one

lol I love how you’re saying you disagree with the sources but provided no counter literature/sources…very scholarly of you. I have lots more literature about this, there’s a whole subject interest in this. There are several books about how Arabs attacked East African nations…it’s not an “opinion”…you seem like the type to believe the Arab Slave Trade was a myth or insignificant.

And Arab is not a race, that’s why people are trying to get “MENA” on the US census now because Arab today is more of a cultural identity. Over time Arabs in Arabia have mixed with others…look at where Arabia is, it’s on the Asian continent and a skip away from Africa…but yeah interesting conversation though.

Have a great one

Typical arab hate..
You worry about the US census, ill worry about facts.

Trust me, no ones hating on an Arab lol But you’re blatantly denying history…and yet still you’re just talking and provided no sources to back up what you’re saying so yeah, bye bye fam. Masalamah ✌

bye bye and good luck with the US cencus thingy

lol But that’s your thing…I choose Black on my census, there is not category that says “Arab” for a racial identification…

Too bad for us… we soooo much need them to accept our identity…
Damn like i cant sleep now. The US don’t believe in us loool

The longest bye bye.

Don’t really know a lot about Ethiopia so I don’t want to comment on that (though imma be real I doubt habiiba is wrong she knows a lot about Africa/Africans) but regarding whether or not arab is a race it isn’t, Arabian sure (it denotes people indigenous to the Arabian peninsula) but ‘Arab’ is an ethnicity it’s a cultural identity Arabian and Arab don’t mean the same thing and it’s important to not conflate the two by doing so you’re erasing just how complex Arab identity is and how varied looking we all are as Arabs (I.e we can be black pale and anything in between, African or Asian).

Hi there and thanks for the input. Ill try to explain my POV based on the facts. So bare with me:
There are two definitions of Arab;
1-Qahtanian Arabs. They are Semitic and form five tribes that by blood are defined as Arab. They are:
a. Add, the people from Urm who are extinct
b. Thamood, From the cities of Saleh, Also extinct
c. Tasam and d. Jadees sister tribes that were wiped out and are extinct
And finally e. Qahtan which froms most of southern arabias tribes and some of its central tribes. They are the only remaining true Arabs by blood
Then there is:
2-Adnanian Arabs:
These are tribes descending from Ismail son of Abraham and lived next to Qahtanian arabs and melted into there culture and took there tonge. The prophet Mohamed is from this tree btw.

Then you have people who assimilated into arabic due to the islamic expansion. People of the levant, egypt, north africa etc..
They fall under what you described. And i agree with you that this tree is a culture.

The first two are not.

Anyway its not important as we are all just bags of dust.
Have a great one.

Totally fine with East Africans conquering and “Axum-izing” Southern Arabia while simultaneously crying about the Arabization of East Africa. Talk about hypocritical, cherry picked, race baiting bullshit.
