#amnesia crowd


Otogelib community 2021 Roadmap


Just a quick update about what the translation groups in our community are planning for 2021!

1. Amnesia Later & Crowd:

- Project leader: Jenni

Amnesia Later & Crowd is 100% translated, and it’s in the proofing & beta testing stage. The group doesn’t have an estimated release date yet, though. If you want to help out proofing and beta-testing, please join our discord: https://discord.gg/8AX8VuhuHc. Any help is appreciated!

The patch will be released for Android and hacked Playstation vita.

2. Black Wolves Saga ~Weiss und schwarz~

This game contains 2 parts: Bloody nightmare and Last Hope. The first part - Bloody nightmare is fully translated by https://twitter.com/bakemeatzand@orlandoblue. We got their permission to use the translation for the patch. We thought of releasing both parts when Last hope translation is done by the community, but as of now, nobody is interested in translating Last Hope. Thus, we decided to release Bloody Nightmare patch for hacked PlayStation vita as a demo patch.

Because it’s a demo patch, it will contain lots of errors, but I don’t think that there are enough people interested in this game to work on the patch. So we decided to release the patch as-is. The estimated date should be around Fall 2021. Please join our discord if you want to help with beta testing.

The patch will be released for hacked Playstation vita.

3. Brothers Conflict:

- Project Leader: Emi

The group translating Brothers Conflict is planning to release a demo patch of the first part of the game - Passion Pink. Most of the translation was done by @passionandbrilliance.

The patch will be released for hacked Playstation vita.

4. KLAP!! Kind love and punish

- Project Leader: Skye

KLAP is 30% translated by Skye, we’re planning to release the demo video in 1 month.

That’s it for today! Remember, Otogelib is a community and you’re free to join and help out now!

Please join our discord: https://discord.gg/8AX8VuhuHc or fill out the application forms located in the sidebar if you want to help out!

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