#among many things i am too fatigued all the time to do



Happiness Spell

Marmalade and magick in a jar that will last throughout winter.

You’ll need:

1.25 kg (Seville) oranges

1.2 kg (normal) sugar

1 lemon

1 l water

jars (the number depends on the size of your jars and how much water evaporates but you probably won’t need more than 6 “normal”-sized jars)

(paper and pen)


Before you begin making the marmalade, take a moment to reflect on your intentions (write them down if that is helpful to you).

First, think about some negative aspect that you’d like to avoid. Is it a particular event your not looking forward to? A recent feeling or development? Or something more vague and general, like i.e., the gloominess that often comes with grey winter weather? Why do you perceive it as negative? What is it exactly that is negative/ unpleasant about it?

Then, focus on something positive? Is there any part of the negativity that can be turned into something good? What would that look like? What form would it take? Otherwise, what would be a positive alternative? What is missing to make things go well? What is important for your happiness? What do you wish to bring into your life/ a particular situation?

Now that your intentions are clear, you can get going…

1. Peel the oranges and lemon and remove the white pith from it. Cut the peels into thin strips - set them aside. Remove the pith from the fruit as well. Over a bowl -to catch the juice - remove the membrane and seeds and set them aside (you’ll need them for their pectin). Now you should have three bowls: One with the zest, one with the juice and fruit flesh, and one with the seeds and membrane.

2. Add the zest and enough water to a pot and boil it two or three times (for a few minutes), changing the water every time. As the boiling water is taking away the bitterness of the zest, bring back to your mind whatever bad thing you thought about earlier. Visualise it being in the pot with the zest, being soaked up by the water. And as you pour out the water, all the negativity leaves with it.

3. Add zest, fruit flesh, juice and sugar to a pot and cover them with water. As you wait for the mixture to start boiling, focus on the positivity you set as your intention. Stir sunwise and visualise the good things and happiness you seek to manifest. You may speak them out loud; naming on aspect and thereby “adding” it to the marmalade, then picturing it in your mind while stirring, and moving on to the next aspect.

4. Put the membrane and seeds in a cheese cloth (or something similar) and tie the ends together to make a bag. Once the ingredients in your pot begin to boil, add your pectin bag to the mix.

5. After fifteen minutes you can start testing whether your marmalade is setting (although it will probably take quite some more time). To do so, take a plate (best put it in the fridge before starting to make the marmalade) and drop some marmalade on it. If, after a moment, you can draw a line through the marmalade without it closing again, it is setting.

6. Let the marmalade cool down for five to ten minutes. Then, pour or spoon it into clean (and sterilised) jars. Put on the lids and let it cool down completely.

(If you store the marmalade in your fridge, it is enough if the jars are properly cleaned. If you plan on storing it outside the fridge, I recommend sterilising the jars by leaving them in boiling waters for a few minutes and then letting them air dry on a dish towel.)

Every time you use your marmalade, take a moment to be mindful and to remind yourself of the intentions you put into those jars of happiness.

Personally if I had enough energy (I hesitate to say “spoons” on someone’s post about a literal recipe) to get through Step One, I could certainly get to Step Six and go, “Oh shit, the jars were meant to be STERILIZED?!” but I think perhaps Step Zero here is teaching Partner Dude to make marmalade while I furiously Think Good Thoughts at it from bed. #fibrolife
