#amr102 content


[Image ID: A series of 2 Paintings of a bull beaning baby.

The first is of the red bull laid on top of the middle of a blue pillow. The wall is blue in the background. The hooves and horns are a cream color and the light comes from the top left.

The second is a mono-chrome painting where the bull is laid across a table with dramatic lighting from the top right./End ID]

Snort the bull is not very tall but He wants to play basketball and was a quite a good model.

[Image ID: A Series of Pencil Sketches with varing line weights of Jared, Simon, Nick and Laurie from The Spiderwick Chronicles.

The First is of Laurie and Simon. They are looking at one another and smiling; Laurie says, “Aren’t you burning up?” Simon holds a finger over his lips. Laurie has a wavy bob and it wearing a halter top; she holds a bottle of hair dye. Simon is wearing a sweatshirt. Next to it a portrait of Simon with a shy smile. He is wearing a cardigan.

The Second is of Jared and Laurie. Jared has a hand on his chest and Laurie has her hands on her hips. Laurie: Nerd. Jared: Hey! So are you. Laurie: and?

The Third is of Nick and Jared. Nick is pointing at Jared’s face and Jared is self-consciously touching his cheek. Nick: “You have paint on your face.” Jared: “Here?”

The forth is of Nick and Jared playing video games. One of Jared’s legs it tucked behind Nick, He looks over at Nick who faces the viewer. Nick says, “I can beat you.” Jared looks confused and says, “Dude it’s just minecraft.”

The Fifth is of Nick and Simon holding hands. Nick is gestating and Simon looks fondly over at him. There are empty speech bubbles between them. /End Id]

Contour Line-Art Sketches- Spiderwork hyper-fixation goes brrrr

[Image ID: A Black and White Print. It is split in two halves with a diagonal line of waves and sea foams. In the top half is a boy with wavy hair sitting on the beach looking to the left with a pensive expression. He is wearing a white button-up shirt with the sleeve rolled up to his elbows and jeans. His arms are pulled back and supporting him, his feet meet the waves. There is a dock in the background.

In the bottom half is a mermaid with wavy hair looking distressed, she is curled inward. He hair is suspended around her and her arms are curled around her body. in the background are lines of seaweed and bubbles framing her. Also there are wavy lines that thin around her to look like the ocean.

On both figures are three thin lines on their neck that look like gills. /End ID]

Oh Look I made The Little Mermaid Trans b/c I felt like and and wanted to do a project connected to my transness and then the Disney musical has the world above and idk it feels like it could fit in an interesting way w/ twisting the narrative

Made this print for class, working on a mono-print but I do like how the original Litho print looks and want to post something so!


This song is really well constructed to make me cry and so I felt like analyzing why and so:

Keep reading
