#starry musical



This song is really well constructed to make me cry and so I felt like analyzing why and so:

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So who do I have to talk to to get Starry on a any theater or Broadway stage?

My review of Starry’s cast album. Edited because I misspelled Van Gogh on my iTunes review and I can not edit it and it’s bugging me. Okay enjoy!!

Have you ever had a musical touch you in a way that you spend days thinking about it? That is Starry for me. Kelly Lynne D'Angelo and Matt Dahan have so brilliantly captured the story of Theo and Vincent van Gogh in a way that makes you laugh, think and cry. The heartbreaking vocals of Dylan Saunders during The Starry Night are stunning, Mariah Rose Faith does an excellent job of showcasing her vocals during Enlightenment and listening to Joe Viba sing The Red Vineyard made me cry. The whole entire cast is honestly amazing and every song truly captures and embodies the feelings of each character. You will not regret buying and listening to this album.

Oh, Starry just punched me in the feels tonight.
