#an update


Feels totally awesome.





The Nine of Cups


The Nine of Swords

The King of Swords

The Hanged Man

The Hermit

The Six of Swords

The Eight of Cups

The Five of Cups

The Sun

The Three of Swords

‘The Ghetto Tarot’: Haitian artists transform classic tarot deck into stunning real life scenes:

Welcome to the Ghetto Tarot, a project from award-winning documentary photographer Alice Smeets and a group of Haitian artists known as Atis Rezistans. The idea was to take the classic Rider-Waite tarot deck of 78 cards and create a photographic version of each card using settings and objects in the vibrant ghetto of Haiti.

As Smeets says, “The spirit of the Ghetto Tarot project is the inspiration to turn negative into positive while playing. The group of artists ‘Atiz Rezistans’ use trash to create art with their own visions that are a reflection of the beauty they see hidden within the waste. They are claiming the word ‘Ghetto,’ thus freeing themselves of its depreciating undertone and turning it into something beautiful.”

So there is a lot of controversy surrounding this deck, for obvious reasons upfront, but I have also seen claims that this white artist did not compensate the black people photographed?

If anyone has more information I would appreciate it.

I have tried to look it up my self, but I cannot find any information about the Atis Rezistans being treated negatively.

What I have found is that the group “Atis Rezistans” specifically invites people from other cultures to photograph, create, and feature their art, so it sounds like this lady, Alice Smeets, was invited to do this collaboration.

There are a lot of people in the notes calling it voyeuristic and inappropriate and I am not attempting to speak over them. It’s completely reasonable to feel that way regardless of the details of the compensation because ultimately this was created by a white woman.

But if anyone has any links on the claims that the Haitian artists were not compensated or that they were mistreated I would appreciate it so that I can add them to this post.

I had not heard this before and have since seen multiple people reblog this from me saying things along the same lines. I also would appreciate any additional information!

^ It isn’t entirely clear reading this if the artists were compensated or not.

hi!!! im in north carolina with jules and i love them and their mum took us out to dinner last nighthi!!! im in north carolina with jules and i love them and their mum took us out to dinner last night

hi!!! im in north carolina with jules and i love them and their mum took us out to dinner last night and today we went out and ended up in a record store where the very first goddamn thing we saw was a birthday party shirt so. shit is good!!!!!!

Post link

3rd YEAR of UNI

hey everyone! if you’re just stumbling upon this post and are new here, i’m going into my 3rd year of undergrad in bio for health sci a.k.a pre-med sorta deal! i did this post last year and u guys loved it, i also think its a great ways for us #studyblrs to share more . this is just an update into what courses i’ll be taking this year, life updates, tips i learnt from last year + more!


my courses:

I’m a health sci bio major with a double minor in chem + business! so here is what my full-time year of studies looks like (5 courses per semester)

  • physiology of neurons & muscles
  • human development
  • structural biochem
  • metabolism & bioenergetics
  • neurosci
  • statistics
  • lab in cell & molecular bio
  • molecular bio
  • fundamentals of marketing
  • managing projects & business plans

for freshman, your courses are pretty set and you likely won’t have much choice around what you actually want to take, so unless you’re an upper-year, you likely won’t see more interesting course titles like what i have above. not much for an update in this section, i planned most of my courses last year, but the most frustrating thing that happened was 9/10 courses i wanted to take were in my fall semester originally, so i have to do A LOT of rearranging, anywho…..


i’ll link last years post here as i went into pretty deep detail of how i schedule my courses and how you can too!

other tips + updates:

it’s always okay to change your programs!! (ie. major, minor, specialist) don’t let the standard of “a 4-year degree” fool you into thinking you can’t take longer. its always a good idea to look ahead and try to plan, but this age of our lives is when we’re changing the most and really finding who we are and what we want to do with the rest of our lives. it’s definitely not something to rush.

if you have to do summer courses, or retake courses, or take an extra semester, don’t beat yourself up. it happens to 99% of people!

take me for example!! i went into school thinking 100% i wanted to go down the med path, now here i am starting my 3rd year and I’m not so sure. I’m more so looking at doing my masters in physical therapy. you change, life changes, and you find what works BEST for you and the path you want for your life.

ALSO your path doesn’t have to be linear, or the typical; if you want to go to med/law/other post grad school, but your grades or extra curricular didn’t necessarily cut it, that’s okay! maybe you’ll work somewhere for a year or two and go back to school and get in. basically what I’m trying to say is if there is a career path that you love, don’t give up, and don’t think you have to get there the same way as someone else did.

currently, my fall courses are all completely online (minus 1 in-person tutorial) i hope most of you will be in-person, unlike me. but i’ll continue to post both online and in-person study tips as the year progresses.!


this summer i was lucky enough to work as an online PT, and this will probably continue part time into the school year. besides my other social accounts kinda blowing up, working on Syrse Dawn, I’ve been crazy busy with everything. I’m a little worried about balancing everything come the school szn, but as usual, i always prioritize my school work

we love academic validation haha….no but seriously, i love learning and school, and doing well has always been important to me, so while my work is important, mental health and school come first.

right now some passion projects and summer bucket list things I’ve been working on are finishing a current novel I’m writing (haven’t finished writing one since 2015), reading 1 more book, filling a sketchbook, going for a sunrise swim and honestly just spending as much time with my friends as fam as possible!

• • • • • •

like last year, i’d love to create a chain of studyblrs doing an update like this, sharing their courses for the year, how they organize them, updates + more! so if you get tagged, add to this chain + tag 5 more studyblr accounts!!

i’m tagging: @studyblr@felix-studies@studyingatsunrise@luminous-studiess@starrystvdy@studylustre

if you have any questions for me, my ask box is always open! i answer all the questions in my ask, so don’t be afraid to hit me up there

hope this helps you a little bit and you get to learn a bit about me xx

I’m having such a good couple of weeks and I’m so happy.

I think it’s a combination of the springtime sunshine and the intentional focus L and I are putting on our relationship right now.

But y’all. I feel really good.

It’s Friday night and I want to fuck.

After years of not owning a full length mirror, I finally have one again.

And I cannot stop staring at my naked body.

the edges are getting less and less fun.

i just want to orgasm.

I look really hot today.


i used to be kind. love used to pour from my heart and i felt it. i was flooding with love, with adoration for everyone and everything around me. i was still sad, then, but everything was rose-tinted.

i was sweeter than honey, but you carved your way into my heart and drank the sweet away. all that there is is bitter now.

the chances i gave, the love i felt for you. you hurt me and you hurt me again, and once more again after that. every time, you cracked my heart open like a honey pot and the gold spilled away. you held me together with tape and then you broke me again, and again, and again

all there is is bitter now and i don’t long for you. i don’t want you. i don’t love you.

6 followers away from hitting this blogs first ~follower milestone~

what should i do


This doesnt make me feel any better. However my previous statement does still stand.


all hail the queen part 5

(as always, the previous parts are not needed to read this one. based on this postby@stefanyd)

on ao3

 “Of course, Khun Kinn.”

 Everyone in the room froze. It was quite possible they all stopped breathing for a moment as well. Nothing good ever came from Porsche addressing the boss as ‘Khun Kinn’. Nothing. Even Khun Kinn looked a little afraid.

Keep reading


Whew gotta say…the worst thing about loving characters that aren’t popular is that when I’m tired and can’t rlly make art like I want ( and I’m also just so slow at making anything these days ) I pretty much starve in the meantime due to just lack of food for these characters.

I’ve heard coming back from burnout takes time, but boy I didn’t think it’d take multiple years and I run out of steam fast these days when working on things.

I’m still making a comic, I’d say starting part 2 now, but yeah that’s how it goes

Update kind of?

Part 2 is in the works, but due to Finals and life it’s going slow. And I need to burn off some of the ‘my brain is filling up with things I can’t draw fast enough’ energy. So I’m going to put it aside until I can make some drawings after finals to burn that off.

( just a hint, my spice twitter will prolly be receiving an update or two v soon. Some of those ideas I need to shake out of my brain until it’s empty are of the spice variety. )


Sunflower Vol. 6 || Seokmin (4/?)


seokmin x f!reader

Word Count: 

Warnings: fluff??? Idk i decided to give you all a break, pineapple on pizza 

Summary: After Vernon had fallen out of love with you, you thought you would never be able to find your soulmate again. Until one sunny day at a sunflower field.

Note: Ahhhhhh, I’m so sorry this literally took a billion years to posts, I really really hope you all like this filler chapter but then strap yourselves in cause we’re going to a ride for the next one. Also I will be answering all the asks I didn’t ask sometime tonight. hehe. I’m excited 

prev || next || main master list


“Can you please talk to me?” 

You trailed behind Seungkwan as he pushed the shopping cart into the frozen aisle of the grocery store. 

A week had passed since you accidentally found yourself pinned against your bedroom door with Vernon. A week had passed since the two of you decided to finally start setting boundaries for one another after Seungkwan had scolded the two of you like teenagers on the couch. Since then he had been giving the two of you the silent treatment. A punishment until you and Vernon came to terms with how wrong your actions had been, or so that’s what Seungkwan claimed. 

Keep reading

On a more positive note, I passed physics and I’m at home

Oh! You guys. I forgot to tell you my paper ended up being 18 pages and I’m super proud of the logo I made

—a letter from the writer’s desk

Hello, everybody! I hope this letter finds you well

I know, I know —my last chapter update was nearly two months ago and by the time I am officially back, it’ll be over two months! I am fully aware of that and I think it’s best to re-start my tumblr adventure with an update of some possibly good news, atleast for the writer-me and hopefully, for the reader-you.

Once I’m back,

  • we’ll continue with the lily of bangtan as usual —i’m planning on having a weekly update, but we’ll see how that will work. The chapter will be up sometime in the first week of December.
  • you never walk aloneandmikrokosmos will officially start too —those two need major editing to be done, but I’m working on it.
  • I have bff!jk a/b/o au (always have, always will) in the works, and werewolf!rm rejected mate au (meant to be) for the next year.
  • And, finally what I’m really excited for is the two projects of sorts called Bangtan Buffet and Bangtan Birthday Banquet. I’ll explain this more once I get my details perfected, but yeah, it’s about be a grand 2022 —Let’s ignore the fact that I said the same about 2020 and 2021. Hopefully, third time’s a charm. Otherwise, I’m screwed

Now onto what is happening in my life —it’s a mess. There’s a high chance that I won’t be getting in to university that I want because of reasons that I cannot do shit about, I did well on one of my tests, the other is a week away. Hopefully with this I can get into another university and there are many things that aren’t going my way but with new year nearly upon us, I’m looking forward for better, happier things in my life.

I’m trying to stay positive and keep up my good energy and we’ll see how that works! I’m grateful to you for having read so far and I’ll see you with my next update, I hope you are doing well, lots of love and take care, aksh

2021, November 21.
