


apoattractional, apoemotional & apophysical

apoattractional describes a person who does not relate to the concept of attraction and/or feels like it does not apply to them. this could either be because they are anattractional and/or they don’t consider “attraction” to be an accurate descriptor of their feelings towards other people. it can also be an umbrella term for the following:

apoemotional: feeling disconnected from the concept of “attraction” for emotional feelings towards other people specifically.

apophysical: feeling disconnected from the concept of attraction for physical feelings towards other people specifically.

apo- can also be used as an orientation prefix, for example someone would be aposensual if they feel disconnected from sensual attraction as a concept. thus, apo- is similar to quoi-.

Tried to make flags for these!

From top to bottom, left to right: apoattractional, apophysical, apoemotional, apotertiary (which I just created to match your terms), aposexual and aporomantic.

I based them off of the anattractional alt flag, my aphysical, emotional, and atertiary spectrum flags, the ace and aro flags, and the apogender flag.

Flag IDs under the cut.

[Flag ID: 6 different flags, all made up of even horizontal stripes. The apoattractional flag has 7 stripes that are black, dark blue-green, green, light green, green, dark blue-green, and black.

The apophysical, apoemotional, and apotertiary flags all have 6 stripes. The apophysical flag is green, light green, light yellow-orange, orange, red, and dark purple. The apoemotional flag is teal, light blue-green, light blue, blue, blue-purple, and pink-purple. The apotertiary flag is yellow-green, light yellow-green, light yellow, yellow-orange, pink, and purple.

The aposexual and aporomantic flags both have 5 stripes. The aposexual flag is black, dark purple, gray, purple, and green-black. The aporomantic flag is black, dark green, gray, green, and purple-black. End ID.]

Aphysical, aemotional, and atertiary recoins

(Original post is here)

Aphysical and aphys-spec

A term for someone who does not experience physical attraction. This person may also be asexual, nonaesthetic, and/or asensual, or they could experience those types of attraction without a physical component.

The aphysical spectrum (aphys-spec) is a broader label that also encompasses those who experience atypical (fluctuating, very little, fluid, demi-/auto-/fray-/etc) physical attraction.

Flag meanings are the same as the original aphysical flag. The aphys-flag meanings are pink-brown for atypical physical attraction, pink-orange for aphys-spec people who still have/want physical relationships, gray for aphysical identity, pink for ace/asen/etc-spec people, and purple for asexual/asensual/etc people.

Aemotional and aemo-spec

A term for someone who does not experience emotional attraction. This person may also be aromantic, nonalterous, and/or a(queer)platonic, or they could experience those types of attraction without an emotional component.

The aemotional spectrum (aemo-spec) is a broader label that also encompasses those who experience atypical (fluctuating, very little, fluid, demi-/auto-/fray-/aego-/lith-/cupio-/etc) emotional attraction.

If you don’t like vowels next to each other at the beginning of words you can call this ‘anemotional’ and ‘anem-spec’.

Also, someone (AndleRandle on Fandom) actually already made an aemo-spec flag but I wanted an official/matching one instead. So sorry Andle! Your flag is fine I just wanted to make my own.

Flag meanings are the same as the original aemotional flag. The aemo-flag meanings are dark pink for atypical emotional attraction, pink for aemo-spec people who still have/want emotional relationships, dark gray for aemotional identity, blue for aro/apl/etc-spec people, and dark blue for aromantic/aplatonic/etc people.

Atertiary and ate®-spec

A term for someone who does not experience tertiary attraction. This person would also be nonamical, asocial, amental, axenial, adomestic, and a[any other type of tertiary attraction].

The atertiary spectrum (ate[r]-spec) is a broader label that also encompasses those who experience atypical (fluctuating, very little, fluid, demi-/auto-/fray-/aego-/lith-/cupio-/etc) tertiary attraction. The ater-spec can also include people who experience some, but not all, types of tertiary attraction.

However some people don’t like the term tertiary attraction because it can imply that types of attraction other than physical/s3xual (3=e) and emotional/romantic are less important. The term eriattraction was created as an alternative and some Fandom users (idk who) suggested that atertiary could therefore also be called noneriattracted (and I suggest that ater-spec could be noneri-spec). Another suggestion to replace tertiary is non-rose. So atertiary could also be called anrose and anro-spec.

Flag meanings are the same as the original atertiary flag. The ater-flag meanings are purple for atypical tertiary attraction, blue for ater-spec people who still have/want tertiary relationships, light gray for atertiary identity, yellow for axen/asoc/etc-spec people, and orange-brown for axenial/asocial/etc people.


-Someone who is completely aphysical, aemotional, and atertiary may be considered anattractional (not experiencing any form of attraction at all).

-What counts as physical vs emotional vs tertiary attraction is completely up to the individual! Attraction feels different to everyone and if someone wants to use one if these terms due to being on an a-spectrum that I didn’t explicitly list on the definition that’s fine. (Ex: an apresential person considering themself aphysical or aemotional instead of atertiary).
