#and every time i hear that i want to roll my eyes



I don’t mind the labels “Batman greatest success/failure” for Dick and Jason respectively, but I think people don’t understand what they mean. They refer to Bruce’s actions and results in trying to save them from the fate of a lonely orphan that watched his parent(s) die tragically in front of him; they do NOT refer to Dick or Jason’s accomplishments as characters. Bruce saved Dick from becoming another angry, traumatized kid that felt like he had no family. He couldn’t save Jason because in the end, Jason ran away because he felt like a biological mother was his only chance at having a parent that wouldn’t leave him. Because Bruce, unknowingly, caused him to feel that way. That is Batman’s greatest failure, not some unfair criticism of Jason labelling him as the “worst/angry Robin” claiming that he’s a black mark among the Bats. Quite honestly, “Batman’s greatest success/failure” has nothing to do with Dick or Jason as people, only Bruce’s role as a parent to them.
