#miraculous ladybug fandom


Like Father Like Son

Some things I think we all need to acknowledge:::

1. That one pose

2. Dem smiles

3. The Agreste Hand Clench

4. “Stfu and listen”

5. The totally ingenious foolproof “I’m-not-a-miraculous-holder” stunt of the century

6. The bribing

7. “Let’s wreck shit”

8.1000% percent done with their kwami

9. Job revolves around their woman

10. “Sorry I have a double life that’s more important”

I’ve been working on this little piece for my friend, @myprettypiggy based on an adorable picture of her and her fiancé

Alya: Uh…. Why is the kitchen on fire?

Tikki: Marinette was trying to teach Chat, how to bake.

*muffled clattering and cursing, gets louder*

Tikki: It’s, uh…. It’s not going so good.

Chat Noir: What are you writing?

Ladybug: Hawk Moth wants a detailed list of every Miraculous I have access to

Chat Noir: *reading over her shoulder* This just says ‘Fuck around and you’ll find out’

Ladybug: Exactly


Relationship Status: It’s Complicated

Prologue - AO3

And our secret project is up! I’ve been begging @myprettypiggy​ to let me post it for weeks but she held firm and now we finally get to share it with you all!

A gift for our amazing friend, @chanceuseladynoire​ ! We hope you enjoy it! 

Updates every 2 weeks.

Adrien: I am going to speak to you very vaguely about a problem that I have, and you cannot ask me any questions or details about it.

Gabriel: That is my ideal conversation, aside from no conversation, but that feels unlikely.

Alya: Hey, Adrien, can you carry this box? It’s really heavy.

Adrien: *picks up the box effortlessly* Nothing is heavier than the weight of my depression.

Alya: I’m now equally impressed and concerned.

Alya: What’s with the napkin on the glass door?

Marinette: Chat keeps walking into the glass door, so I thought this would help

Chat Noir: Oh, cool! A floating napk- *Walks into the glass door*

Ladybug: Is it too much to ask to just have a quiet night in? Slippers, tea, a nice movie?

TheAkuma she’s currently got in a headlock: Oh mooooood.

Chat Noir: I’m sorry I ate your skittles.

Marinette: *smiles* I’m sorry I pushed you off the bench.

Chat Noir: It’s okay.

Chat Noir: Wait. When did you-

Marinette: *pushes Chat off the bench*

Chat Noir, getting up from the ground: I deserved that.
