#and if you disagree with anything ive said


With the protests in Minneapolis, now is the time to make your voice heard. Wherever you’re from, whatever your race, this is the time to speak up against a so-called justice system which allows innocent black people to be murdered at the hands of police officers.

Here is a link for anyone who is looking for ways to help. If you can’t protest, or if you don’t have the money to donate, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. Sign petitions, call in to government offices to demand justice, email, text, share these things on social media. Police are trying to force an information blackout amidst the protests, arresting journalists on the scene. Do your research, don’t trust the police’s statements on this. They are determined to silence the people who need to be heard the most, and if you stand by and let them, you are a part of the problem.

For fellow white people, this is not about us. Stand by and provide all the support you can, but this cause isn’t something you can use to make yourself seem woke for one day on social media. Encourage people to speak up, go to protests if you are able to do so. If not, share links and sign petitions and get the message out. Do not make yourself the centre of attention, do not speak over black people, and do not stand aside and pretend as if it isn’t any of your business. Silence is compliance.
