#and on my very first fucking try


@capslockdoesntexpressmyjoy​ replied to your post: I am so sorry but, “#second only in cursed widobrave rights to the c2e2 question about nott being pregnant”, the /w h a t/

(For context: #ah the blessed-cursed talks episode #second only in cursed widobrave rights to the c2e2 question about nott being pregnant )

Oh man.

Let me set the scene. It’s February 29, 2020, and the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo—C2E2—is in full swing. Two weeks from now, the world will shut down, but nobody understands that yet; the meet-and-greet tables have hand sanitizer and signs instructing you not to ask for hugs, but the actors get up from the tables to take pictures and give you side-hugs anyway. You’re sitting in the main stage of the convention center during the Critical Role panel. The room is packed, and there are multiple overflow rooms. Someone has been AirDropping Laura Bailey’s drawing of the dick-shaped Traveler statues to every phone around.

Two days ago at the Chicago live show, Caleb and Veth successfully completed her Transmogrification, and you’re riding the wonderful high of Veth finally being in her own body. Maybe someone at the panel will ask about it!

Well… Someone sure asked about the logistics of having two different bodies.

You can watch it here (at 42:12, if the link doesn’t work), but here’s a transcript of the question and its answer. (Please watch it, though. It’s hilarious. Their expressions are totally worth it.)

Asker: My question is for Sam and Matt, actually. If Nott would have given birth in her goblin form…

[The audience breaks into uproarious laughter, which quietly continues throughout the bit. The cast is bewildered considering this, except for Taliesin, who nods and gives an appreciative thumbs-up. The rest of them are varying levels of deeply aghast and incredibly entertained.]

Travis: Yep. Yep, get ready for this one.

Asker, continuing: Would it have come out a goblin or a halfling? And similarly, currently, will her baby—if she would have another—come out slightly green?

Matt, pointedly: Yeah, Sam!

[More laughter from the audience and cast. Liam, who is sitting between Matt and Sam, sinks into his chair, quickly glancing between them.]

Sam: Uh, as a mother… [More laughter.] I think about this a lot. I believe—I mean, I’m no… I don’t really know how to play D&D, but I believe when she’s in her goblin form, she is a goblin. Her DNA becomes… gobloid… DNA. And so I think, if… If she and Caleb had sex…

[The cast cracks up while the room erupts into laughter and applause. Matt looks towards the heavens with exaggerated horror, shaking his head no; Liam smiles and plays along with the bit, nodding thoughtfully as he imagines the prospect and motioning for Sam to continue.]

Sam: …Then, three months later, because that’s the goblin gestational period, she would give birth to a half-goblin, half-stinky child. A horribly smelling half-goblin child, I believe, with a beard. And now, if she had another baby—with Caleb, o-or, or with Yeza… [Matt raises his hands in a “what the fuck” gesture; Liam smiles and looks between them with raised eyebrows.] I’m just saying, I wanna hump Liam. Um—

Laura: Or the minotaur!

Travis: The minotaur, don’t forget the minotaur!

Sam: Oh, the minotaur. Wow, a half-goblin, half-minotaur? That is crazy to think about. Wow.

Travis: Guess we know what’s happenin’ next week!

Matt: I mean, I bought you the Valar’s Erotic Roleplay book for your birthday years ago. I’m pretty sure there’s a table in there that says that gestation period.

Sam: That’s a great question.

Matt, weakly: Y-yeah, what Sam said, uh… [He shakes his head wearily.] And yeah, I would say from my standpoint, during the goblin time period in Nott’s life, physically a goblin; back to halfling, physically a halfling. So any future children would be—between, you know, Yeza and Veth—would be full halfling.

[Sam nods and smiles. The audience “awws,” which bewilders the cast even more.]

Travis: Are those disappointed “awws” or, like, heartwarming “awws?” It’s hard to tell!

Matt: Awwww, fantasy genetics!

…………So yeah that’s the C2E2 pregnancy question
