


i’m sure this bit of meta has been discussed already because i’m a whole two months late but god, i don’t think i’m ever going to be over this watch scene. for the exchanged i love yous, initiated by caleb for the first time and punctuated with an “always” from veth; for caleb’s admission of how broken he would feel and has felt without her, while veth doesn’t realize—doesn’t let herself realize—that for him, “on his own” means anywhere without her; for veth’s stubborn self-correction trying to talk only about her love for and devotion to the nein rather than caleb, while caleb is so clearly focused on her and how much she means to him; for all these tiny moments. and i love their dialogue just before that beautiful hug and final exchange much more than i expected.

“then it’s… goodbye.”

“i don’t wanna think about that.”

“well then, good. think about your guilt, and i’ll think about mine. and that’ll keep us company.”

a laugh line, sure, but also an acknowledgement that they both feel guilt, and their guilt can’t be separated from the other. they’re both guilty about their devotion to the other and what they’ve done because of it. veth’s not trying to lessen it like she was at the beginning of their conversation; she acknowledges that it’s there, and and she lets them feel guilty and complicated together, because even in this, they’re not going to be apart. and she’d rather the both of them go through their guilt now, together, than think about the goodbyes to come.


Veth has kind of come full circle in her emotional arc, from spouse and parent to adventurer and back. And if you follow it through, it makes perfect sense, but it’s still very bittersweet.

She was once anxious about having to choose between a future with the Nein, and one with her family, but over the last dozen episodes, the Nein have become so scared that it seems the choice is whether to die with the Nein protecting her family, or stay with her family and hope someone else somehow steps in.

Nott had accepted her old life and her love for Yeza and Luc as part of a past life - they were no longer current to her after she’d spent her time falling in love with the Nein and going on adventures. She was emotionally distant from her old family, because she’d accepted the loss of that closeness and consoled herself to watch from afar with a new family, for whom her love and life was current and vibrant. Even after she got her body back, she seemed to mostly interact with Yeza for sex, probably over-compensating for emotional distance, or to talk about their son and little else. Sure, the massive degree of emotional infidelity, both romantically but also just sort of generally, made her feel awful - but it didn’t make her in love with Yeza.

But as time has passed and she’s seen her son grow up, the danger has become more and more overwhelming, and Veth has been second guessing herself again. She’s gotten used to being able to occasionally see him. She’s resigned herself to the idea that either Caleb doesn’t return her romantic feelings, or he is so averse to disrupting a child’s family that he’d never act on them if he did. The excitement of adventure have been yielding less and less reward for their mounting risks, and the tasks they’re doing are becoming less and less optional and the results of failure more terrible. She’s stopped promising to always be with Caleb, and begun thinking about going back to Yeza and Luc - and has begun to see them not as distant people she loved in the past, and may see in the future, but part of her imminent future and present.

When Veth went to talk to Yeza before what happened in 129, it wasn’t clear to me if she actually wanted to go back to him, or had actually been considering calling for a “break” to whatever their relationship was, to make doing what she’s about to do feel easier. But nothing will hammer home how close and present your child is when he’s blown up and killed right in front of you. That relationship is now linked to his life and wellbeing and is suddenly the most important, urgent thing in Veth’s life.

She’s completed the journey from loving the Nein and wanting to be with them but feeling obligated to go back to her us and and son, to desperately wanting to be with her son and husband and feeling obligated to continue a dangerous mission with the M9. The adventure is now an obstacle to her being with her child. Caleb might be fried and unconscious on the ground but she’d step over him a thousand times to reach Luc. She didn’t spend a day talking about parenting, or guiltily spoiling Luc or fucking Yeza - she spent a day doing chemistry with her husband like she used to and spending precious time with her child - she even denied him excessive gifts in a world first for her.

I have a lot of feelings about it. I want the best for her but I also still want her to be curled up inside of Caleb’s grubby coat on the side of the road stealing trinkets and cracking cases with Jester and having little adventures with the M9 which didn’t threaten the world.


I know people talk about wanting the sam/liam romance in c3 but how will anything ever top what was going on between caleb and veth

[Image description: a digital drawing of Veth Brenatto and Caleb wWdogast from Critical Role. Veth i

[Image description: a digital drawing of Veth Brenatto and Caleb wWdogast from Critical Role. Veth is a fat brown skinned halfling in a pink winter coat, fuzzy earmuffs, a headband with little deer antlers and delicate aquamarine tattoes around her eyes. Caleb is a lanky white man with long auburn hair and a short beard wearing a simonle brown coat with a long blue scarf. Veth is levitating above Caleb making a kissy face. Caleb has eyes closed with his hands on her hips, standing up on his tip toes trying to kiss her, but can’t quite reach, to Veth’s obvious amusement. End description.]

I missed widobrave week because [sounds of rona related anguish] so here’s a lil almost kiss to almost make up for it. 

Post link
 [image description: a drawing of Veth Brenatto and Caleb widogast from Critical Role. Caleb is a th

[image description: a drawing of Veth Brenatto and Caleb widogast from Critical Role. Caleb is a thin white man with long ginger hair in a ponytail wearing a gray shirt and a purple scarf.  Veth is a chubby halfling woman with brown skin, aquamarine facial tattoos, and long braids wearing a yellow dress and a fur lined vest. Caleb is sitting at a desk, working on transferring some spells and leaning backwards so Veth, who is levitating from behind the chair so she’s at roughly head height to him, kisses him on the cheek. She has one arm around his shoulder and the other hand squeezes his bicep. End description.]

I fell out of the widobrave discord during the hiatus and tbh I missed it a lot

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[Critical Role] [Widobrave]Tomorrow is Valentine´s day and I´m working on some fanart for my ships.

[Critical Role] [Widobrave]

Tomorrow is Valentine´s day and I´m working on some fanart for my ships. Wait for me. Also, Clipstudio is amazing, 

Post link
[Widobrave] [Critical Role]I miss having more time to draw again. Also I´m always falling in love wi[Widobrave] [Critical Role]I miss having more time to draw again. Also I´m always falling in love wi

[Widobrave] [Critical Role]

I miss having more time to draw again. 
Also I´m always falling in love with Veth and Caleb together. They´re just so sweet together. 


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[Widobrave] [Critical Role]Widobrave week. I miss them together time. 

[Widobrave] [Critical Role]

Widobrave week. I miss them together time. 

Post link
[Comic Cover] [Widobrave] [Critical Role] [Spoilers]I´s been so long since I´ve done a full painting[Comic Cover] [Widobrave] [Critical Role] [Spoilers]I´s been so long since I´ve done a full painting[Comic Cover] [Widobrave] [Critical Role] [Spoilers]I´s been so long since I´ve done a full painting

[Comic Cover] [Widobrave] [Critical Role] [Spoilers]

I´s been so long since I´ve done a full painting drawing with pencils. 
I am really proud of myself.

Post link
quest-draws:[image description: a drawing of Veth Brenatto and Caleb widogast from Critical Role.


[image description: a drawing of Veth Brenatto and Caleb widogast from Critical Role. Caleb is a thin white man with long ginger hair in a ponytail wearing a gray shirt and a purple scarf.  Veth is a chubby halfling woman with brown skin, aquamarine facial tattoos, and long braids wearing a yellow dress and a fur lined vest. Caleb is sitting at a desk, working on transferring some spells and leaning backwards so Veth, who is levitating from behind the chair so she’s at roughly head height to him, kisses him on the cheek. She has one arm around his shoulder and the other hand squeezes his bicep. End description.]

I fell out of the widobrave discord during the hiatus and tbh I missed it a lot

;-; this is so precious and beautiful and well done
Veth floating is my mood tonight
Thanks,@quest-draws​ for this amazing art

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[Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [3/5] Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] ser[Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [3/5] Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] ser[Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [3/5] Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] ser[Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [3/5] Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] ser

[Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [3/5]

Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] seraphic_sapphics

I am going down with this ship. 


Post link
 [Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [2/5] Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] se [Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [2/5] Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] se [Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [2/5] Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] se [Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [2/5] Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] se

[Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [2/5] 

Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] seraphic_sapphics

I mean… “Heart in a Cage”!? 
I just want to draw more. 


Post link
 [Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [1/???]  Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] [Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [1/???]  Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] [Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [1/???]  Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] [Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [1/???]  Art by me Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram]

[Widobrave] [Comic] [Spoilers] [1/???] 

 Art by me 
Reviewed by [Twitter] @bravenoun and [Instragram] seraphic_sapphics

Idk what I´m doing, but I´m proud.


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Imodna Widobrave

Ride or die besties with undefined tension between them


sometimes I think about “heart in a cage” on the veth playlist and I

@capslockdoesntexpressmyjoy​ replied to your post: I am so sorry but, “#second only in cursed widobrave rights to the c2e2 question about nott being pregnant”, the /w h a t/

(For context: #ah the blessed-cursed talks episode #second only in cursed widobrave rights to the c2e2 question about nott being pregnant )

Oh man.

Let me set the scene. It’s February 29, 2020, and the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo—C2E2—is in full swing. Two weeks from now, the world will shut down, but nobody understands that yet; the meet-and-greet tables have hand sanitizer and signs instructing you not to ask for hugs, but the actors get up from the tables to take pictures and give you side-hugs anyway. You’re sitting in the main stage of the convention center during the Critical Role panel. The room is packed, and there are multiple overflow rooms. Someone has been AirDropping Laura Bailey’s drawing of the dick-shaped Traveler statues to every phone around.

Two days ago at the Chicago live show, Caleb and Veth successfully completed her Transmogrification, and you’re riding the wonderful high of Veth finally being in her own body. Maybe someone at the panel will ask about it!

Well… Someone sure asked about the logistics of having two different bodies.

You can watch it here (at 42:12, if the link doesn’t work), but here’s a transcript of the question and its answer. (Please watch it, though. It’s hilarious. Their expressions are totally worth it.)

Asker: My question is for Sam and Matt, actually. If Nott would have given birth in her goblin form…

[The audience breaks into uproarious laughter, which quietly continues throughout the bit. The cast is bewildered considering this, except for Taliesin, who nods and gives an appreciative thumbs-up. The rest of them are varying levels of deeply aghast and incredibly entertained.]

Travis: Yep. Yep, get ready for this one.

Asker, continuing: Would it have come out a goblin or a halfling? And similarly, currently, will her baby—if she would have another—come out slightly green?

Matt, pointedly: Yeah, Sam!

[More laughter from the audience and cast. Liam, who is sitting between Matt and Sam, sinks into his chair, quickly glancing between them.]

Sam: Uh, as a mother… [More laughter.] I think about this a lot. I believe—I mean, I’m no… I don’t really know how to play D&D, but I believe when she’s in her goblin form, she is a goblin. Her DNA becomes… gobloid… DNA. And so I think, if… If she and Caleb had sex…

[The cast cracks up while the room erupts into laughter and applause. Matt looks towards the heavens with exaggerated horror, shaking his head no; Liam smiles and plays along with the bit, nodding thoughtfully as he imagines the prospect and motioning for Sam to continue.]

Sam: …Then, three months later, because that’s the goblin gestational period, she would give birth to a half-goblin, half-stinky child. A horribly smelling half-goblin child, I believe, with a beard. And now, if she had another baby—with Caleb, o-or, or with Yeza… [Matt raises his hands in a “what the fuck” gesture; Liam smiles and looks between them with raised eyebrows.] I’m just saying, I wanna hump Liam. Um—

Laura: Or the minotaur!

Travis: The minotaur, don’t forget the minotaur!

Sam: Oh, the minotaur. Wow, a half-goblin, half-minotaur? That is crazy to think about. Wow.

Travis: Guess we know what’s happenin’ next week!

Matt: I mean, I bought you the Valar’s Erotic Roleplay book for your birthday years ago. I’m pretty sure there’s a table in there that says that gestation period.

Sam: That’s a great question.

Matt, weakly: Y-yeah, what Sam said, uh… [He shakes his head wearily.] And yeah, I would say from my standpoint, during the goblin time period in Nott’s life, physically a goblin; back to halfling, physically a halfling. So any future children would be—between, you know, Yeza and Veth—would be full halfling.

[Sam nods and smiles. The audience “awws,” which bewilders the cast even more.]

Travis: Are those disappointed “awws” or, like, heartwarming “awws?” It’s hard to tell!

Matt: Awwww, fantasy genetics!

…………So yeah that’s the C2E2 pregnancy question


I care them

Click for quality!

[ID: a cute, cartoon-like illustration of Veth and Caleb from Critical Role. Caleb, a scruffy human man with shoulder-length red hair, is sitting down comfortably, wearing a gray lace-up tunic, tan pants with a patch on the knee, and brown boots. He’s looking at Veth, who’s sitting cozily across his knees. Veth is a halfling woman with medium-brown skin, several piercings, and dark brown hair that falls to her mid-back; she wears a sleeveless knee-length yellow dress and brown boots. She’s crossing her legs while placing her hands on Caleb’s leg on either side of her to hold herself up. The two of them are casually chatting, both smiling and blushing sweetly. The background is transparent with a large indigo circle adding dimension. End ID.]




[id: art of caleb widogast & nott from critical role in profile, sitting at a table. caleb sit on the right, wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, exposing the faint scars on his forearms and hands, and his book holsters. he’s brushing his shoulder-length red hair behind one ear, holding a tankard on the tabletop, and smiling faintly at nott. nott sits facing him, on top of the table, legs out straight, holding a big silver flask larger than her torso in her tiny, tiny hands. the top layer of her olive green hair is pulled back in a sort of bun, leaving the rest falling in loose waves past her shoulders, and she’s wearing a brown-and-pink frilled dress, a large red ribbon tied round her middle, and tiny brown boots. end id]


to want and be wanted

georges bataille / emily palermo / olivia laing / @chaandajaan / georges bataille / cj hauser / @kvetchkween / @nicholasbraungf / vi khi nao / silas denver melvin
