#and totally a mage


New headcanon:

There is a reason they are called the paladins of Voltron instead of literally anything else.

Zarkon was the one who first started calling them this. The others just went along with it. They didn’t connect any dots until the next time they played Monsters and Mana together.

“I will be a paladin,” says Zarkon, as per usual, because he is always a paladin.

“But you’re already a paladin in real life!” Coran starts to protest.

Silence, as everyone realises exactly why Zarkon, and in fact the rest of them, are paladins in real life.

Alfor, who is typically a mage, is understandably the most upset by this: “You mean we could have been the mages of Voltron!? And you chose paladin!?”

Nevertheless, it is too late and paladin sticks and no one outside their circle ever has to know that it was inspired by Monsters and Mana.
