#vld spoilers



So - I’m seeing some activity on my dash that seems to indicate that Shiro isn’t the Black paladin anymore and I - don’t get where that’s coming from?  I mean, I suppose if I squint I could see it but overall I just got a ‘finally set right’ feel for the end of the season.  And what made me feel that way?

well - this.


That’s the lions all roaring once Shiro was back amoung them. The OG Shiro.  Its a full-throated, full-hearted concert of affirmation and not just from Black but all the lions, all together at once, in unison. 

And you know the last time they did that?


Also for Shiro and him taking his place as the rightful paladin of the Black lion, way back in season one, episode one.

They’d done that for no one else - and they’ve done it for Shiro twice now.  Only for Shiro.  And its not as if other paladins haven’t been lost and then found again (see: Keith)

but - Keith flew Black?  Yes. And?  That doesn’t make him the Black paladin any more than it makes my little sister me when she borrows my jeep.  Keith has been Black’s pilot three times now.  To save Shiro from the lizard monsters on pancake planet.  To take over because Shiro wasn’t there.  And to save Shiro from clone planet.  There - might be a pattern there.  Yes, I know, Keith was Black Paladin in all other incarnations and he might be End Game.  But he might not.  I still hold that the writers spent a lot of time bonding paladins and original lions in the first two seasons and Black even went so far as to save her own paladin from death and protect his soul for three seasons.  I’m not seeing that Shiro isn’t still Black’s current paladin and I’m not even ready to do that on Shiro being End Game Black Paladin yet.  Sure, its possible and oh yes, it’ll break my heart right in two if the writers end on a different note - but they haven’t yet and I’m not going to borrow heartache that might be unnecessary before its time.

but - Shiro doesn’t have an arm!  He can’t fly without two arms.

Are you sure?  Are you really really sure.  So sure those sticks in the floor the paladins all use randomly and without any kind of actual purpose (because we’ve seen utterly no pattern to the way they use them and what happens at all) beyond its dramatic and they seem to need to use them mentally - are necessary to fly a lion?  That the paladin that lived inside his lion for so long couldn’t mentally connect enough to fly it, ‘see through its eyes’ and become one with it in flight?  You don’t need two arms to be a hero or a leader or a powerful force in life.  But - that’s not very dramatic looking for a visual story, so sure - let’s say we want to give Shiro two arms to fly. 

Have we seen Shiro use the Black Bayard yet?  Even the clone only threw it - it never changed shape for him.  We’ve never seen OG Shiro use the bayard beyond its key slot action.  So - what would we give the guy on a team with pretty much every other kind of weapon already accounted for to use as a Black gifted, spiritually bonded weapon?  Something that he could use easily, without difficulty? Something that suits him and seems to fit his fighting style?  Something that could become a part of him?  (something that matches leaked pictures?)  Hmmm.  Let’s see.  Whatever could we give the Black Paladin, the Black Lion’s chosen representative, the one whose lion loves him enough to save his life and protect him, that would represent the way being a paladin makes him feel whole?


I wonder.

New headcanon:

There is a reason they are called the paladins of Voltron instead of literally anything else.

Zarkon was the one who first started calling them this. The others just went along with it. They didn’t connect any dots until the next time they played Monsters and Mana together.

“I will be a paladin,” says Zarkon, as per usual, because he is always a paladin.

“But you’re already a paladin in real life!” Coran starts to protest.

Silence, as everyone realises exactly why Zarkon, and in fact the rest of them, are paladins in real life.

Alfor, who is typically a mage, is understandably the most upset by this: “You mean we could have been the mages of Voltron!? And you chose paladin!?”

Nevertheless, it is too late and paladin sticks and no one outside their circle ever has to know that it was inspired by Monsters and Mana.

New headcanon:

Alfor and Coran play Monsters and Mana all the time. Alfor comes up with the most outlandish backstories just to see if Coran can make them work. Eventually, the other paladins start joining in. Let’s just say that Shiro isn’t the only Black Paladin to always insist on being a paladin in-game, and it drives Coran mad every time.

So. How about that new season huh Allura @jenevievedevereauxcosplay Photographer: Urban InnovationSo. How about that new season huh Allura @jenevievedevereauxcosplay Photographer: Urban InnovationSo. How about that new season huh Allura @jenevievedevereauxcosplay Photographer: Urban InnovationSo. How about that new season huh Allura @jenevievedevereauxcosplay Photographer: Urban Innovation

So. How about that new season huh
Photographer: Urban Innovation

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Keith and krolia reunion but it’s that one scene from Kung Fu Panda 3 Keith and krolia reunion but it’s that one scene from Kung Fu Panda 3 Keith and krolia reunion but it’s that one scene from Kung Fu Panda 3 Keith and krolia reunion but it’s that one scene from Kung Fu Panda 3

Keith and krolia reunion but it’s that one scene from Kung Fu Panda 3

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Did Adam even know Shiro was still out there leading Voltron

If he did know, is that why he piloted a ship? Because if Shiro was out there fighting Aliens, he would do the same so their home wouldn’t be destroyed?

I’ll morph to someone else, I’m just a ghost

Lance, season 8, after abandoning his personality to be with Allura

oui-ladybug: are we not gonna talk about this ᵘʷᵘ oh frick ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ frick soroui-ladybug: are we not gonna talk about this ᵘʷᵘ oh frick ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ frick sor


are we not gonna talk about this

ᵘʷᵘ oh frick ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ frick sorry guys ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ sorry im dropping ᵘʷᵘ my uwus all over the ᵘʷᵘ place ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ sorry

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Season 8 thoughts

Since I’m sure everyone else is doing it, why not add my stupid fucking opinions too.

Well done, Voltron, for making me cry (again). A feat that has only ever been accomplished by a scene of a horse movie when I was younger. I’m so fucking upset that it’s over, I love this show so fucking much and the thought that there’ll never be another season is just sksksksk

Allurance was… a thing

“Lance will end up with someone different from the beginning” or whatever it was was complete and utter bullshit. I don’t hate Allurance but it wasn’t set up properly in my opinion. They could have like,,, NOT said that and then it wouldn’t be such a let down. He’s been going after her since episode 1, and it still feels so fucking strange to have her suddenly feel the same as of season 7. Not to mention, he didn’t even seem too happy when he went out on a date with her. Why did he turn around and do that, and then have those reactions completely gone later on. Not to mention; way to fucking kill off Allura. If you don’t want to deal with the backlash, write! Your! Romances! Better!!!! Especially the ones who will be endgame!!

I’m still not sure what to think of Shiro’s new man, I like that it’s at least in there, but once again, wasn’t handled the best. Our best lgbt+ rep was a couple a’ galra gals who didn’t even actually kiss like shiro and whoever the fuck his new dude is. Give us a name PLEASE.

The animation, as always, was Fucking GORGEOUS, I will always kiss the feet of the animators, because animation is fucking hard and to make HAND DRAWN things look that good, especially combat, is basically the fucking work of gods in my eyes. I’m still fucking NUTTING over how pretty everything is

The!!!! Old!!!! Paladins!!!! I LOVE how they came into play, it really sells the idea that Voltron is one of the most powerful, mysterious thing in the universe with how, through adead bitchllura they could purify the Paladins Of Old, even fucking evil emperor Zarkon himself!!! That’s the fucking universe’s Defender babey!!!!!

Oh fuck, right, “Keith will see Lance’s sword” where??????? Stick to your fucking PROMISES PLEASE. I have mixed feelings and these inconsistencies are playing into it. If there’s any reason I’m glad Voltron is over, it’s because we don’t have to second guess every fucking thing the Voltron team says. I’m also super Fucking upset that the leaks were real, mainly because of the legal reasons. Whoever released them, fuck you

I think that’ll be it for now, I need to sleep and maybe cry more. Take care voltron community, it’s been an honour flying with you all.

Axca: ‘’Zethrid, don’t- oh- uh..okay.’’Axca: ‘’Zethrid, don’t- oh- uh..okay.’’

Axca: ‘’Zethrid, don’t- oh- uh..okay.’’

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Oh. My. God.

How Voltron should’ve ended

Pardon the text post, but I needed to make a brain dump of everything that I wanted to see happen in VLD. May add or delete later, but without further ado, here is:

What I expected / wanted to happen in Voltron: Legendary Defender

  • At least a season of Team Lotor hijinks (like Azula and Ozai’s Angels) before falling out
  • Estranged generals join the Blade of Marmora
  • …And finally have a heart wrenching reunion where they reconcile with Lotor *feels*
  • Keith and Axca are siblings! Yay!
  • * Evil Altean Empire returns! And they’re more scary than the Galra ever were because they have evil space magic and brainwashing! Yikes!
  • Paladins meet their evil twins from another reality? Evil Voltron?
  • Big Bad turns out to be the entities coming from the corrupted quintessence - and they’ve been using Hagar and Zarkon as puppets of evil, and only Voltron is the only thing that can stop them, which is why Zarkon is so intent on capturing Voltron from Season 1
  • You know how the Galra War was big? Well that was fish sticks compared to the ACTUAL interdimensional war between one group of entities trying to stop the evil entities from gobbling up all the quintessence in every reality
  • You know how Alfor felt like the comet ore was engineering itself? *George Tsoukalos hands* ✋ENTITIES
  • * MFEs transformer/combine into robots and get a WHOLE FLEET of kickass fighter jets (seriously, this was such a missed opportunity smh)
  • Also, after the showdown on Earth, everyone scrambles to build better defenses using a combination of Arusian, Earth, and Altean engineering
  • Haggar/Honerva is now fully self-aware but chooses to join the evil entities because Evil is Fun
  • Team Voltron meets and fights alongside original Paladins (which happened, but not in the Finale)
  • Finale is a giant mecha teamup between Voltron, Team Lotor, Atlas, and MFEs against the Final Boss Evil Entities

For the Finale:

I truly detest “just a dream” endings, but LOVE bittersweet endings with heroic sacrifices. If done right, this is how the finale could’ve gone down:

  • a bittersweet restart ending where Team Voltron has to alter the original reality so that 10,000 years of war never happened, but that means they never would have met and formed Voltron.
  • Altea and Daibazaal would still exist, but idk if everyone would retain their memories of their past lives
  • OR they could pull a Lost Light 25 - make a happy reality where that happens, but also keep their own reality, which they worked so hard to protect (I like this option the best - let’s go with that)

On a less dramatic note, I also wanted this to happen:

  • Team Punk does it again. And again. And again. Nothing can stop these chaotic good nerds
  • Adam doesn’t die
  • Cannon Lotura
  • And of course
  • Cannon Klance

Darker options I thought they’d take for season 8:

  • Lotor fuses with his sincline mecha, becoming an eldritch weapon like the ultimate monster Keith and Krolia released, but much more evil
  • Using his powerful new form, he’s able to pierce realities and becomes a quintessence-havresting warlord even worse than Zarkon
  • Eventually he teams up with the evil Altean Empire and Dragon Mecha Warlord LOTOR becomes the Final Boss
  • Maybe Honerva finds him and is like, o shite guess I’ll join too
  • Honestly at that point, the protagonists are screwed. Gonna need an interdimensional entity like Bob to lend a hand here

Thoughts about Shiro and Adam in the s7e1 spoilers:

Shiro was very sick and probably thought it was gonna be his last mission ever. However, when Shiro told Adam about going on the mission, Adam still asked how important HE is to Shiro. Despite Shiro telling him his dying wish, Adam didn’t honor it. I think that’s why some people view Adam as selfish; he didn’t let his significant other choose his last moments in life.

(It’s totally cool if you think it’s not selfish. We all love differently. Adam probably just wanted to spend time with Shiro till his last breath.)

In your hands, there’s a touch that can healBut in those same hands, is the power to killAre you a m

In your hands, there’s a touch that can heal
But in those same hands, is the power to kill
Are you a man, or a monster?

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tried something new with shading/textures :3 (i looooove the character designs for all the new galra

tried something new with shading/textures :3 (i looooove the character designs for all the new galra in season 2!!! and i need fix-it fic where ulaz is actually okay please thx) [twitter]

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The Paladin and his Prince(ss).Jumping on the D&D train before season 6 drops, because Keith desThe Paladin and his Prince(ss).Jumping on the D&D train before season 6 drops, because Keith des

The Paladin and his Prince(ss).

Jumping on the D&D train before season 6 drops, because Keith deserves to be treated like the Pretty Prince(ss) that he is.  In this universe, as in all universes, people can find Shiro and Keith hanging out together, most likely with their hands somewhere on the other’s person, and attempting to not get caught staring at each other.

(Shiro: Experiences more difficulty than usual looking away when Keith wears this particular royal outfit.  Keith: “The others said I should wear this during your visit…Shiro, are you okay?”) 

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