#android tw


Data understands someone struggling with self harm. Self harm is a difficult and complicated thing to go through, and it can be a struggle to recover and heal from. Remember that it is worth it to recover, and that you are strong enough to make it through this. He knows it may not be easy, but he believes in you.

Data understands being physically assaulted by a family member. He knows that it is a very difficult thing to go through and to deal with the repercussions of. Assault is a traumatic thing, and can be worsened if the person who assaulted you is a family member. Please remember that you did not deserve to be assaulted, and remember to stay safe as best as you can. He hopes you can get out of this situation soon and safely.

Lt. Commander Data understands having a complicated relationship with gender but presentation being valid. Gender presentation, and its relationship to one’s gender, is a nuanced thing, experienced differently by different people. If you choose to present like one gender but identify with another, or present like one gender and don’t identify with any gender at all, that is just as valid as people who present in the traditional manners of the gender they identify as.
