#assault tw


reminder to the people who need reminding: joking about abuse is not funny. i had a friend recently tell me a long story about how his girlfriend abused him only for me to find out it was an elaborate joke to him that did not happen. that really upset me, because it takes away from valid experiences and domestic abuse is extremely serious.

“assault tw // we really need to talk about people’s obsession with “dubious consent&rdq

“assault tw // we really need to talk about people’s obsession with “dubious consent”. if there’s no consent it’s not “dubious” it’s assault. i keep seeing fandom drool over that scene of chloe sucking noé’s blood but he is being assaulted there.“

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It’s been 0 days since yet another incident in the NHL

Data understands being physically assaulted by a family member. He knows that it is a very difficult thing to go through and to deal with the repercussions of. Assault is a traumatic thing, and can be worsened if the person who assaulted you is a family member. Please remember that you did not deserve to be assaulted, and remember to stay safe as best as you can. He hopes you can get out of this situation soon and safely.

you know what’s fucking crazy? That men AREN’T THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO ABUSE, RAPE, ASSUALT OR FLAT OUT HURT OTHER PEOPLE ISN’T THAT CRAZY THAT WOMEN COMMIT CRIMES TOO WOW WHO KNEW???? but seriously all you feminists who think women are perfect fuckin angels can literally fuck off. -this is coming from a feminist that is a female


for those who might not know, april here is sexual assault awareness month.   as a survivor of repeated counts of it, i wanted to pass that along to everyone else who’s been traumatized by people who just didn’t want to hear the word  “no”.   you’re not broken.  you’re not dirty.  you’re not at fault for anything that happened to you.   anyone who says you are deserves a swift kick to the shins and a drop off a pier.   i’m sorry for what happened to you.  i hope you’re given the space and time you need to heal.   i hope those that did it to you face justice, or at least, some serious karmic retribution.  you’re brilliant.  you’re gorgeous.  you’re deserving of so much love.  i’m proud of you for coming this far, for fighting through the aftermath. 

in my own journey, i’ve finally opened up to people about what happened to me.  i’ve shared the most basic details with my therapist, my husband…. and with my mom, as she knows one of the people who hurt me. this is something i couldn’t have done a year, even 6 months, ago.  but, i’ve done it, now.  healing takes time.  working up the courage to talk about it takes time.  don’t be hard on yourself if you aren’t at that point, yet.  i’m truly wishing the best for you.  i’m sending you all the love and hugs  ( provided consent is given ),  and showering you in all the best vibes i can that you’re able to find people who’ll listen, someone you can rely on when the trauma hits hard, and that you’ll be able to talk to someone and work through this. 


I’m both a glasses user (24/7, my prescription is pretty bad and is affected by my hypermobility) and a cane user. Both of my disability aids matter and neither are ‘not as disabled’ as the other. I’ve had people rip off my glasses from my face because they were 'just curious’ to see how blind I really am. I really hope that never happens with my cane.

In any case, people need to start seeing glasses as mobility aid - or at least, a tangential one. Without my glasses I’m severely unable to see. Which means I’m also unable to move around unless I know my environment very very well.

One time, in Spain, my glasses broke and I couldn’t see my way around the town, in Arona, Tenerife. I had to rely on family members to guide me to the opticians. It’s a good thing I can speak Spanish, but still, I would have been completely unable to really fend for myself or look after myself glassesless. There were so many roads I had to cross, it was actively dangerous for me!

I do think sometimes we’ve normalised glasses to a point where people don’t actually consider glasses wearers disabled. But we are and we deserve better. We deserve community too. When glasses wearers have our glasses on, sure, we are able to function. But that doesn’t negate our disability. The same way that mobility problems being eased by a cane or wheelchair doesn’t magically make the user not disabled. We’re just being aided.

I sincerely hope it doesn’t happen to me, but I think there is some real solidarity to be had between mobility aid users- including glasses in that- when our aids get messed with or stolen away from us by ignorant abled people.

I do consider my glasses a mobility aid, the same way my cane is. And I really hope that maybe with dyspunk, we can start bridging solidarity between groups who are constantly told they’re 'not disabled enough’.
