



Yoona had come to appreciate lunch breaks since signing with Nova. Before she became a trainee she could eat whatever and whenever she wanted. Now, her diet was limited and she had set times to eat lunch. She had started getting used to things now which is why she cherished lunch breaks. With the kind of schedule she had, she would gladly take any break she could get.

Today she was finally able to have lunch with Wendy and she was, well, excited. Not only had Wendy been the first person she had met when she first signed with Nova, but she was also her and*roma favourite. Yoona was currently waiting for the idol in a nearby restaurant. It had been some time since she had seen the younger and she was excited to catch up.

Now that promotions for “High Heels” were done, Wendy has more time to mingle with the trainees and check out some new faces. Today, she was spending lunch with Yoona. She’s a bit late as it is because of school, but she hopes Yoona understands. 

She discreetly enters the restaurant and immediately spots Yoona. Wendy brisk walks over, trying not to draw any attention to herself. It’s not like AND*ROMA’s a household name yet, but she still doesn’t want people thinking she’s being careless. “Sorry, I’m late, unnie,” Wendy says once she gets settled on the chair across Yoona. “My last class dismissed us later than usual.” She sighs. Being in her final year of school is tough, but she has to keep pushing if she wants that diploma by next year. “How have you been doing?” 


✧ closed captioning ;

the general consensus (save for juhee) was that this was their worst comeback thus far. sunmi wasn’t a fan of the simplified choreography. the song was good. had it been another group, sunmi would have enjoyed it. it was cute and fun. but as the girl group performing this song, sunmi despised it. she’s sure that all of them had their best masks on so that they could lie through their teeths.

with wendy’s introduction out of the way, the girls are quick to go in order with introductions. one by one, as if they’ve done this before. sunmi claps happily. “ah, that was great!” she glances at the cue cards again, continuing. “it is and*roma’s first time doing mv commentary. i hope we can give you all a memorable video so we can come back for next time, right?”

she pauses to allow the girls to mention their hopes and promises to make this a good video. sunmi chuckles. “yes let’s make this the best video yet!” returning to the cue cards, she smiles. “to start off our commentary let us tell you about our newest comeback, high heels. let’s hand it off to our residential song analyst: gyeoul! gyeoul, can you explain it for us?”

Despite Wendy’s lack of fondness for the song, it’s still their own, so she might as well act like she likes it. Only AND*ROMA are allowed to bash this song and that’s in private (or when they have reached Chi-Chi’s level to complain about their songs). Otherwise, she is going to grit her teeth and pretend to like this comeback. Those acting lessons from her youth and in Nova are going to come in handy at times like this one. 

“This is the first time we had a video with a story, yes?” Wendy says to the rest of the group. “I hope that the audience likes it and that our acting came out well.” It was nothing too difficult, but at least it wasn’t the usual dancing in box sets videos they’ve had for their first two singles. The storyline wasn’t anything that needed serious acting, but it was better than the tried-and-tested formula. Oh well. 

“You flatter me, Darae unnie,” Wendy says with a chuckle. “But anyway, ‘High Heels’ deviates from our previous sound somewhat, as the song is closer to the bubblegum pop which you’d hear from first- and second-generation girl groups but made to fit modern times.” It was a more intelligent way of saying it’s a basic pop song, but if she can spin the producers’ bullshit into something that sounds intelligent, then so be it. She had asked many questions in the recording booth, and it is time to put that knowledge to use. “It’s a song that takes me back to my childhood or when I was being introduced to early K-Pop back then.”  

sunmi had every advantage juhee didn’t: height and familiarity with throwing people down. but being smaller worked too in a way. she didn’t want juhee to end up feeling intimidated the moment she stepped on the mat. girls might be bigger or better trained but juhee had her own advantages too!

“okay munchkin,” sunmi began, kneeling on the practise mat. “you can never let your knee touch the mat. that’s a disqualification.” she stands back up in a crouching position. it’s the starting position for ssireum. juhee was tinier so holding the grips would be harder for her.

“you’re smaller so if you and your opponent spin, they might have an easier time making you lose your grip but–” she shows juhee where to grab. she enclosing juhee’s hand with her own to instruct her to grab tight. “you have the lower centre of gravity. use your height to throw them on their side or use your tiny little legs to lift and put them on their back.”

sunmi moved to grab juhee’s straps as well. “ready?”

