#angharad of llyr

“…did you know, child, that salt water is your first home? Before you open your eyes into sun

“…did you know, child, that salt water is your first home? Before you open your eyes into sunlight, before you take your first breath of this corrosive, burning air, you are formed in salt water and born from salt water. Many forget; men forget; but you, daughters of Llyr, daughters of Rhiannon, you remember…

You feel the pull of the moon in the tides, in your bodies, as one, you sway under her power. You feel it in the embrace of water: the return to your home, to the spark of your creation. One with water, one with sea…you are the sea and it is you.”

~Daughter of the Sea, chapter 37

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Still working on commissions but this at least fits in here. Angharad/Geraint and this one just make

Still working on commissions but this at least fits in here.

Angharad/Geraint and this one just makes me want to cry like a baby.

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Another figure had risen, tall and stately and statuesque, and stood staring at her with eyes the co

Another figure had risen, tall and stately and statuesque, and stood staring at her with eyes the color and temperature of a cloudless winter sky. Her face was finely-chiseled, white and hard and ageless as a marble statue. Long braids of hair, silver as moonlight, were bound around her head like a crown. Several more fell over her shoulders, glittering against her dark robes. Angharad blinked, and blinked again, trying to comprehend what she saw through the haze of magic that, she realized suddenly, emanated from this woman in a miasma. Her stomach churned, and she fought down a wave of nausea.

The woman smiled, a smile like a splinter of ice between her crimson lips.

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The queen stood, and moved heavily to the casement. “I do not make such decisions lightly, Angharad.

The queen stood, and moved heavily to the casement. “I do not make such decisions lightly, Angharad. It does not please me to rely on the power of any man, nor do I wish to deny you all chance of happiness. When you have done your duty in regard to marriage, you may take your pleasure where you will, and none will dare gainsay you. But in this time of crisis, we must make decisions that would be…unthinkable, otherwise.” She turned her back to her daughter, her face to the window as though she would gaze out, but nothing was visible through the glass; nothing but black night and the fragments of raindrops shattered against the panes. Silence, thick and ominous, settled upon them both.

Finally Angharad spoke again, shakily. “This…this cannot be your only plan. Mother, what are you thinking? We’re well past a month since the scry. You’ve been putting me off for days; you must know something by now.”

Regat said nothing for a long time, her face still toward the window. Long trails of rain streamed down its outer surface, scarlet as blood in the lamplight.

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Her hand fell, by chance, upon her knife, unused at the meal; before any cautious, conscious thought could interfere the princess flipped it blade-up and raked her palm along it, held up her clenched fist, dripping red upon the table linen. “I swear it,” she repeated, voice suddenly steady, buoyed up by a surge of power that filled her lungs and throat, pulsed through her veins, twined around her fingers in invisible strands. “My daughters will be free to wed whomever they please. They will choose by their own hearts: sorcerer or shoemaker, prince or pauper. And if they find none worthy of their hearts they will be free to belong to themselves alone. If our line perishes for it, then it perishes.”

(she)…then stood up and, with breathtaking form, shot twice, one arrow after another, without

(she)…then stood up and, with breathtaking form, shot twice, one arrow after another, without time for him to blink in between, into an irregular lump of turf thirty yards away. Even at that distance he could tell they both struck within an inch of each other, and gaped at her as she looked at the bow with obvious newfound respect.

“This is very good,” she said, handing it back to him.

Geraint had felt just a little indignant. “Did you think it wouldn’t work?” 

She had bitten her lip sheepishly. “I wasn’t quite sure. I’ve never seen one so…erm…primitive.”

He laughed in spite of himself. “Bowmaking has been around a long time, and was not always the high craft it is now. What do you think our ancestors did?”

Her expression had changed, irresistibly, into a slow, expectant, silky smile that melted away his indignation like wax in a flame. “I don’t know,” she purred, “what did they do?”

Shots fired. Willingly surrendered, he had composed a story for her on the spot.

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Eilwen squinted at her, grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward the altar, where the small driftwood

Eilwen squinted at her, grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward the altar, where the small driftwood fire was crackling with green and purple-tipped flame. She hummed a chant while her slim hands moved in ritual patterns, laid the bundle of grass inside the creamy, rose-streaked bowl of a scallop shell, and placed it near the fire to smolder.

“I need to get back to—,” Angharad began, feebly, and took a step back, but Eilwen grabbed her sleeve again, with an arch grin.

“Oh no, you don’t. You’ve not been here in a fortnight, anyway; you can spare half an hour to please me, even if you don’t care about slighting the goddess.”

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“She barely saw them; barely saw the guards who did the same as they rolled open the castle gates fo

“She barely saw them; barely saw the guards who did the same as they rolled open the castle gates for her; her eyes were on the sky and the dark wedge of blue nestled in the green arms of the horizon. Gulls screamed overhead like heralds. Angharad laid her heels in the horse’s flanks, clamped her knees to its sides. The salt air filled her streaming hair as the turf melted away beneath flying hooves.”

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I wrote an actual book. If Disney hadn’t been ing around with congress over copyright laws for the last forty years I could actually publish it. But instead I did this. Nothing legally sanctioned, because fic. Just printed. And yeah it’s a little nuts, I guess? but I poured my soul into this work and I felt like it deserved to exist in three dimensions, not just virtual ones and zeros. Also it’s illustrated, so it’s got that going for it.
