#angsty posts to resume aha


I didn’t know this whump was a comedy

Classy (although cliche to most) examples of whump in comedies. I love them so much that even though the whump is minor it ends up being the most memorable part for me.

By trope:

Drunken misadventures

  • Getting injured while incredibly drunk and not even knowing it. Then, upon waking the next morning, realising that something really hurts and it’s not just their hangover. Cue the awkward small talk about their heavily bandaged limb where someone asks about how it happened and they panic and come up with a crazy story that makes them sound like a hero
  • Getting absolutely hammered and taking a stranger home. Yet the next morning, the stranger wakes up injured and blames them for it.

Reunited (and it does not feel good)

  • Meeting a stranger while they’re both in sick bay (or urgent care). Bonus point if protagonist ended up there doing something embarrassing. They tell the stranger all about their embarrassing tale, since of course they’re never going to meet again. Cut to running into them later in life and they teasingly address protagonist by their injury (or a detail from their embarrassing moment).
  • Protagonist gets into a heated argument with a stranger (be it road rage, they’re taking too long at the coffee shop), yet later they’re injured and find out that the stranger is their doctor
  • Leaving after an argument only to get injured outside and then having to swallow their pride and call the other person to come get them

Impromptu mentor

  • Professional (Athlete/ dancer/ musician..) gets injured before a big competition and ends up having to mentor their replacement

It hurts on rainy days

  • Jokingly showing someone how their joint makes a fun clicking sound but the other person grabs them and tests it out. They cry out in pain, scolding the other person for twisting so hard but the other person just goes. ‘It’s broken’
  • Trying to reason with others as their limb is being bandaged and casted and they’re told not to use it weeks. The dialogue is so chaotic - 'I’m fine’, 'It doesn’t even hurt’, 'Guys, come on, you’re joking right’, 'This is ridiculous’, 'I’m never telling you anything again’

Fool behaviour

  • Any instance of dumb protagonist accidentally ramming into another person - be it a door, hitting them with their car, skating straight towards them while not knowing how to stop or steer away
  • A clumsy protagonist that slips and panics, instinctively grabbing onto another person’s shirt. The shirt rips, causing the person to fall and blackout anyway

Good taste

  • Character wears things for the sake of fashion rather than practicality:
  • Thin clothing - they start sneezing and feeling feverish
  • Tall heels - arguing with others that the heels are actually very comfortable despite how they look, then falling almost immediately and twisting their ankle
  • Shoes with no grip - causing them to slip and fall hard on their bottom
  • BONUS - if another character tries to help them but falls in the process too