

When the caretaker notices that the whumpee is looking a little bit pale, but they think nothing of it until the whumpee starts to sway during a conversation. The caretaker starting to reach out to steady them, and then having to lunge to catch them as they crumple to the ground. The caretaker having no idea why the whumpee passed out, but gently getting them onto the floor, and settling the whumpee’s head in their lap. The whumpee coming to as the caretaker checks their pulse and tries to figure out why they passed out, and the caretaker asking if they know why. The whumpee admitting that they’d been feeling a little under the weather, and hadn’t been getting much sleep, and the caretaker gently scooping them up and carrying them to bed, then making them stay there until they think the whumpee is okay.


Happy Mother’s Day to my favorite fictional moms!


Irresistible (2021) Whump List

Whumpee:  Kimhan “Kim” played by 
Lee Thanat Lowkhunsombat

Watch on: Youtube

Note: This is not a guaranteed list of all the whump in the show, I focused on this specific story arc. Kim gets hit in the head and suffers from frequent dizziness and vision problems until he collapses. Also, warning, this show gets real messy towards the end. SPOILERS

*Click on the (Part #) for direct link to episode*

Episode 7: (Part 4) (3:00) Fighting in a police station, hit in the head with an object, head bleeding, put into a jail cell.

Episode 11: (Part 4)(1:00) Attacked, hit on the head with a pipe, concern for him, goes to hospital. (9:00) Dizzy spell, drops something and falls to his knees.

Episode 12: (Part 1) (2:00) Scene continues, looks weak and dizzy, says he’s fine. Later shown resting in bed. (Part 2) (5:00) Has another dizzy spell and ends up walking into door, everyone laughs but clearly his head hurts and he’s disoriented. It looks like his eyes are bothering him. (Part 4) (7:00) Eyes start acting up and he stumbles, someone asks if he’s alright.

Episode 13: (Part 1) (10:00) Asleep in the car at an odd time, he must have passed out somehow. Gets up then starts to get uncoordinated and collapses suddenly. (Part 2) (8:00) Blurred vision.(Part 3) (7:00) Tries to pick something up but falls down, dizzy, eyes bothering him, has to sit down then ends up falling asleep.

Episode 14: (Part 1) (4:00) Suddenly gets dizzy, eyes hurt, slides down wall to sit on ground. (8:00) Brief dizzy spell, looks rough out but recovers. (Part 3)(4:00) Emotional, slowly collapses, unconscious, in the hospital. (Part 4) (2:00) Wakes up in pain, head hurts, suddenly goes blind, panicking.

Episode 15: (Part 1) (2:00) Still blind and in the hospital. Needs help getting around. (Part 2) (10:00) Going into surgery for his eyes. (Part 4) (1:00) Starting to regain his sight, vision still blurry. 

(End summary: He keeps struggling with his vision for a bit but he does get it back and recovers, not much good whump after this point)


Sweet Stranger and Me (2016) Whump List

16 Episodes - Watch on Viki

Whumpee: Go Nan Gil played by Kim Young-kwang

Go Nan Gil deals with extreme guilt about something he did in his sketchy past. That seems to be the cause of his episodes which he says are not a health condition but are more like panic attacks. He starts getting better towards the end. **Note: the romance storyline is weird and I personally just watched for the whump.


Episode 3: (40:00) Has one of his episodes, stumbling, sweating, confused, dizzy, Almost hit by car. (45:00) Drunk. (58:00) Falls asleep on girl.

Episode 4: (0:00) Kind of hit by car, not serious. (6:00) Stumbles to bed extremely drunk, says his head hurts. (56:00) Gets anxious and has another episode, stumbling, sweating, swaying, vision distorted. Girl notices and asks if he’s sick. Faints, eyes are open but he’s not responsive. (This is the scene that inspired the whole list)

Episode 5: (0:00) Same scene from last episode. (9:00) Still laying on the ground dazed, starting to come out of it. Says not to call 911.

Episode 7: (44:00) Suddenly gets dizzy while walking, having an episode, stumbling. Sweating, looks like he’s struggling to stay conscious, vision distorted. Swaying in the road.

Episode 8: (37:00) Girl brings up his obvious health problems.

Episode 11: (27:00) Sick and feverish after having to work outside in the rain, they say he’s been sick for 2 days. (31:00) Girl tends to him while he’s sick.

Episode 13: (4:00) Fighting, bottle smashed over his head. (9:00) Head bloody, stumbling around the street in a daze. Collapses and gets sent to hospital. (12:00) Ambulance. (18:00) Wakes up in hospital. Later he tries to isolate himself to hide his wounds from the girl.

Inside Man Whump List

Inside Man (2020) Whump List

49 Episodes - Available on youtube with eng subs, link in episode #

Whumpee - Shen Fang played by Zhang Yi Shan.

Shen Fang is a communist spy, he and his older brother work with the government. An explosion leaves a piece of shrapnel in his head that causes the majority of the whump in the show, usually with extreme head pain that can lead to collapsing.

Good stuff Italicized

Episode 1: (38:00) Injured in an explosion.

Episode 2: None

Episode 3: (5:00) Having a nightmare, headache. (28:00) Sudden, intense head pain. Collapses. He wakes up at the prison infirmary.

Episode 4: (31:00) Has a nightmare.

Episode 5: (31:00) Intense headache, has to take medicine. (35:00) Told by doctor his problem will get worse without surgery.

Episode 6:(7:00) Sudden intense head pain during argument, needs help to stand and walk.

Episode 7: None

Episode 8:(0:00) Sudden headache while driving, crashes car, unconscious. Wakes up in hospital.

Episode 9: (10:00) Intense head pain. (27:00) Intense head pain again.

Episode 10: (20:00) Clumsy, drinking, unsteady.

Episode 11,Episode 12: None

Episode 13: (13:00) Shot in the arm at his own wedding but the bullet just grazes him.

Episode 14,Episode 15,Episode 16: None

Episode 17:(18:00) Starts to look dazed, someone mentions he looks pale. (23:00) Headache, has to work through the pain. Fighting it for as long as possible. Sweating, struggling to walk down stairs, collapses. (29:00) Wakes up in the hospital.

Episode 18,Episode 19: None

Episode 20: (35:00) Briefly at gunpoint.

Episode 21: None

Episode 22:(20:00) Taken hostage, discovered he’s a spy. Hit over the head really hard, bleeding. Gun against head. It’s concerning because of the shrapnel in his brain. Knocked down and helped up, refuses help. Almost collapses again, helped to car, asleep in the backseat. (31:00) Leaning on his wife for comfort which is out of character for him. (35:00) Walks into surprise party with his gun ready, not knowing it’s a surprise party.

Episode 23,Episode 24,Episode 25: None

Episode 26: (0:00) Extremely nervous.

Episode 27:(16:00) Collapses with sudden extreme head pain. He falls down and passes out from the pain. (18:00) Forces himself to continue working without recovering. (26:00) Saved by someone in an explosion.

Episode 28: (6:00) Stunned after seeing his friend die. (14:00) Drinking at a club. (18:00) Drunk, almost falls down. (21:00) Fell asleep while talking to his brother. (27:00) Vomiting because he drank too much.

Episode 29,Episode 30: None

Episode 31: (34:00) Gunfire, watches brother get shot.

Episode 32: (2:00) Sudden head pain during an emergency. Barely makes it through with medication. Worried for his brother.

Episode 33: (25:00) Hit over the head and knocked out. Wakes up in hospital.

Episode 34,Episode 35,Episode 36: None

Episode 37:(6:00) Gets into a fight, hit with extreme head pain, punched, found on the ground writhing in pain. (10:00) Taken to hospital, brain surgery, recovering.

Episode 38,Episode 39,Episode 40,Episode 41: None

Episode 42: (9:00) Grieving someone, brother puts gun to his head, leaves crying.

Episode 43: (18:00) Fighting multiple men, bottle smashed over head, beat up.

**Episode 44 Missing**

Episode 45,Episode 46,Episode 47,Episode 48: None

Episode 49: (10:00) Shot in the leg. (17:00) Wife dies in front of him. (26:00) Limping. Goes into battle, injured in explosion, dying.

“I think my fever’s gone up,” Whumpee says, with only the slightest hint of concern. They lean against the wall for a brief reprieve, feeling the coolness as it seeps through their clothing.

“How bad?” Asks their teammate, watching the door for any signs of movement. They don’t look back to check on them. They can’t leave until the coast is clear, and their window of opportunity is small.

But Whumpee doesn’t answer them. Their “brief reprieve” highlights that not only has their fever gone up, it’s gone too high. In the second it takes them to comprehend what Teammate is saying, they’re on the floor.


Inside Man Whump List

Inside Man (2020) Whump List

49 Episodes - Available on youtube with eng subs, link in episode #

Whumpee - Shen Fang played by Zhang Yi Shan.

Shen Fang is a communist spy, he and his older brother work with the government. An explosion leaves a piece of shrapnel in his head that causes the majority of the whump in the show, usually with extreme head pain that can lead to collapsing.

Good stuff Italicized

Keep reading

You’ve seen it in movies. You’ve read it in books. Someone gets tased, their eyes roll back in their

You’ve seen it in movies. You’ve read it in books. Someone gets tased, their eyes roll back in their head, and then they’re out like a light. Usually for several minutes.

Thing is, that’s not really how tasers or stun guns work.

Lets pull back a bit.

What are tasers and stun guns?

Unfortunately, the terminology surrounding these devices can get a bit screwy, so bear with me. (TLDR below)

“Stun gun" is a very broad term and essentially encompasses any weapon that shocks someone in order to “stun or immobilize” them. This can be anything from the typical self-defense tool, to cattle prods, to even tasers. However most of the time, they are referring to compact stun guns, which fit in the hand. 

“Taser” is a actually just a brand name for a company that makes products that stun people. They’re most known for a type of long-range Electronic Control Device (ECD). This is the type of thing you would see a police officer carrying that looks sort of like a gun, although they make ones for civilian use as well [x]. However, since they’re one of the only companies that makes a long-range ECD, it’s not uncommon to simply refer to these types of devices as ‘tasers’. This is despite the fact that the company also make compact stun guns, such as the Taser Bolt [x]. 

The main ways compact stun guns (which I’ll be referring to as just stun guns from now on) and long-range ECD’s (which I’ll be referring to as tasers from now on) differ are in the range and method of immobilization. 

Stun guns require you to be within arm’s distance of the person being shocked, since you need to touch the two conductive prongs directly to their skin to shock them. Tasers, on the other hand, shoot out projectiles connected to the main device by thin, conductive wires. Those projectiles deliver a shock into the subject in a pulse (usually around 5-30 seconds, depending on the model) each time the trigger is pulled. Tasers can also be used just like compact stun guns if the cartridge is removed (especially useful if you’ve already shot it and don’t have a spare cartridge).

Taser projectiles:


When a taser delivers its shock, it causes something called Neuromuscular Incapacitation (NMI). This means that the actual muscles themselves lock up and are incapable of moving for the entire duration of the shock. Stun guns on the other hand, do NOT utilize NMI. They instead rely on “pain compliance”, which is a fancy way of saying that it will hurt so bad, they should really want to stop, but that it doesn’t actually stop the muscles from being able to move.

This can be especially problematic if the subject you are shocking with a stun gun is on heavy drugs, has a neuromuscular disease or pain disorder, or even just has an extremely high pain tolerance. (Or, if you’re writing in any kind of fantasy story, if your character is possessed, being mind controlled, or under a spell.) With a taser, there is no way to “power through the pain”, however it’s possible with a stun gun.



  • Taser: 
    • Brand name, but generally:
    • Shaped like a gun 
    • Long/medium range (shoots wired projectiles) 
    • Utilizes Neuromuscular Incapacitation (NMI) 
      • Physically locks up the muscles
  • Stun Gun: 
    • Very broad term, but generally:
    • Shaped like an electric razor 
    • Extremely short range (direct contact) 
    • Utilizes pain compliance only 
      • Does NOT lock up the muscles

How long do the effects last?

The NMI caused by a taser shock only lasts as long as the pulse. It’s completely possible to get tased and then get up and run off the second the pulse stops. 

It’s possible, however, that hitting the ground could cause concussions, abrasions, broken bones, etc that would last for much longer.

There’s also the fact that getting shocked with a taser means you’ll have to get the barbed projectiles removed, which hurts about as much as you’d expect, and could be subject to infection just like any puncture wound.

Will getting tased or shocked with a stun gun render a person unconscious?


At least, not the shock itself.

If the character falls and hits their head while being shocked, they might be rendered unconscious, and if the character has a really low pain tolerance, they might faint from the pain.

HOWEVER, don’t expect it! Don’t make step 3 of your characters’ daring escape plan “tase the guard, and while he’s unconscious, steal his keys.” This happens so often in books an movies and it’s so unrealistic. It’s so few and far between that it will actually happen, especially with a character that has any sort of pain tolerance. 

Seriously, I mean people get tased all the time and don’t faint. If you think your dastardly villain’s elite guards are going to faint from something your friendly neighborhood weed dealer got hit with 3 times in a row in the middle of a Denny’s and was fine with, then…your dastardly villain needs new guards.

Good luck and good writing!

Post link

So casually cruel

A closes their eyes against the harsh sting of B’s palm slapping their face. They’re hunched over with their hands on their knees. There’s not enough air in the world. Their chest burns from running so fast for so long, it feels as if they’re about to throw up.

B’s hand cups A’s cheek, grabbing the skin on their cheekbone painfully. ‘Get up. Fucking get up A, I swear,’ B yells.


A closes their eyes against the agonising pain of their wound. They keel over, dust parting as they thud onto the ground. It feels as if all they’ve ever known is blinding, burning pain. There’s not enough air in the world. Everything burns.

B skids to A’s side, cupping their cheek softly in their hand. They rub their thumb tenderly over A’s cheekbone. 'Get up. A please get up, I swear,’ B’s voice breaks on the edge of a sob.

Hidden Injury dialogue that makes my heart just stop beating

  • ‘Whose blood is that?’
  • 'Do you know how pale you look right now?’
  • 'You’re burning up’
  • 'You’re sick’
  • 'You can barely keep your eyes open.. When was the last time you slept?’
  • 'Take off your shirt. Don’t give me that look’
  • 'What was that? You winced.’
  • 'You’ve got to do better than that if you want to fool me’
  • 'Walk then. Come on, walk towards me. I bet you can’t even take a step’
  • 'You’re hurt’
  • 'I know you’re hurt. And I’m tired of waiting for you to bring it up’
  • 'You can trust me’ (Whumpee denies it) *Caretaker gives them a pat and leaves. The first aid kit sits in their place
  • 'I knew it, you’re sick.’ 'Go away’
  • 'I’m fine’
  • 'Don’t give me that bullshit’
  • 'We need to get you to a medic NOW’
  • 'I just need to rest’
  • Caretaker desperately shaking whumpee awake, calling their name over and over
  • 'How could you let it get this bad?’
  • 'I’m no use to you, injured’ 'You’re even less use if you’re dead’


Hero and Villain - a hurt/comfort scene

Hero lays bleeding as villain’s blade arcs down for the final blow. But it stops short.. Hero grits their teeth as they desperately hold the blade in their bare palm. Blood streams down their arm, splattering on their face.

Villain’s furrowed face mirrors theirs, pushing the blade against them.

‘Hero,’ their words are sharp. 'Let go.’

Hero is unrelenting- despite being mortally wounded their hand holds the blade firmly.

'Hero, you’ve lost. It’s over’ Villain’s tone is softer but still holds its devilish edge.

The edges of Hero’s vision turn fuzzy then dark. They’re fading. With one last burst of strength they pull the blade from Villain’s hand. Villain flinches as the momentum pulls them down, but the knife clatters away as Hero tosses it aside. Villain’s hands drop beside Hero’s head, their face just inches away.

Hero’s eyes look weakly into Villain’s.

'This was never about good versus evil’ Blood gurgles in Hero’s throat as they speak.

Villain cocks their head to the side, intrigued. 'What was it about then?’


'You think I love you?’ Villain’s voice grows deep yet doesn’t betray emotion.

'You fear..’ Hero coughs weakly, blood spraying onto Villain’s face. 'That you have broken the toy that promised never to break’ They breath shakingly. 'You cannot bear grief’

The corner of Villain’s mouth turns upward as they watch Hero’s eyes close and their breathing slow. 'Dear Hero, you cannot trick me into saving you’

Hero’s mouth opens slightly, 'What trick?’

And Villain’s face falls.

They roll onto their side, off of Hero’s body. Kneeling beside them, they place their hand on Hero’s neck - two fingers feeling for the pulse. The coldness of Hero’s skin is surprising but they kneel for a minute, feeling Hero’s pulse drop with every beat. Then when it’s a beat away from stopping, they yell.

'Help! There’s someone dying here!’

And run.

‘Help me’ - the moment of vulnerability trope

'Help me’

A normally stoic and stubborn character (A) painfully pushes the words out past their dry lips. The words themselves are wounded, barely unable to reach the other’s (B’s) ear. But they’re heard and the admission of weakness tightens B’s chest more than the sight of A writhing in a pool of their own blood. Their history doesn’t matter, really, when one is the picture of health and the other is closer to hell.

Help me - the phrase is so simple but it carries so much weight. Help you? For what in return? At what cost of my own? What if I can’t.. B’s eyes are widened as thoughts fill their mind. Yet they cannot waste time.

'Fuck it’

It’s a decisive thought, one to end all thoughts.

B bends down to staunch the wound and ties it up haphazardly. And when A starts to fade, they call their name. It’s almost casual at first but it grows in panic. And while they carry A to safety, they’re exhausted and panting but still, they call their name.

Why? Because they care. And seeing A hurt to the point they asked for help, wrenches them.

[The vulnerability trope is not just about a strong character succumbing to injury but also about the character who puts aside their coldness and finally admits that they’d seriously grieve if they lost the other]

Hoist the sails! It’s the Seasickness Trope, me hearties

  • The walkway on the water giving way as whumpee steps off of land, causing their knees to buckle slightly before they quickly correct themselves
  • Always being near the edge of the ship and keeping a firm grip on the railing
  • When whumpee has never been on water before but they lie when asked
  • Their pale face speckled with cold sweat
  • Dry, cracked lips
  • Gulping constantly, even hiccupping a bit when they speak to another character and pounding on their chest to try to get rid of that sickfeeling
  • The constant sway and creak of the boards beneath them, they cannot stand still without feeling lightheaded and dizzy
  • Walking or stumbling at a diagonal while the world spins around them
  • A headache forming, a bad one, with high pitched ringing
  • The contents of their stomach rising with a sudden heave
  • Sneaking away from the rest of the crew to rush to the toilet
  • Reaching for the edge of the seat and vomiting into it
  • It’s a lot and they cough miserably at the end before they let themselves fall back and lean against the wall gasping
  • But the ground beneath them won’t stop moving, their head is pounding heavier with every throb
  • Yet they drag themselves up, afraid of what the captain will say if they are missing from their post but when they stand, the vomit rises again and they collapse back down to throw up
  • The captain finding whumpee as a pale, sweaty mess on the floor and instead of being unkind they place whumpee’s arm around their shoulders and help them up
  • [Pirate ship with a found family vibe] The rest of the crew helping to make a brew that will cure whumpee’s seasickness and being so relieved to watch the colour return to their previously pale, sickly face


@whumpyourenemythis post of yours inspired a comic soooo ‍♀️

TW: Blood, passing out

This is EVERYTHING @itsleighlove

Dare I say

The only thing better than hurting a character so badly they faint, is waiting till they recover and enter confrontation (albeit bandaged, braced with a residual limp or stagger) before WHUMPING THEM AGAIN. IN THE SAME SPOT! LEAVING THEM MORE INJURED THEN THEY WERE BEFORE

And it’s not an argument without evidence:

  • The flash of white bandages around a character’s abdomen that peek out from inside torn clothing and the scarlet blood that blooms through their bandages as a sharp object is brutally stabbed into them. Their weapon clatters onto the ground before they collapse beside it, writhing and screaming in agony.
  • A character on crutches being pushed down stairs. The nauseating feeling of their injured leg crumpling under them as they fall, unable to do anything. The loud crash at the bottom, followed by heavy silence filled with the feeling of being so broken.
  • After spending days in bed, restless with intense fever, a character’s fever finally breaks. They start to eat again and move around, slowly regaining their strength. But it’s not fast enough; too soon, the character is forced to traverse an extremely harsh environment on little rest. Eventually, they’re overcome by intense hot and cold flashes and blurring vision as they collapse to the ground, convulsing.

Hey, escape with me for a minute

Character A: a healer that treats by absorbing pain, no one knows about their power they just think they’re an amazing healer, chatty, hilarious, never seen outside the healer’s tent


Character B: stoic soldier who can’t feel pain, has a menacing aura, not one for words but can’t help but smirk at A’s jokes, lots of emotional baggage

Scenes goes something like:

B is brought into the healer’s tent after sustaining a serious abdominal injury during battle. They’re losing consciousness and blood pours out of their wound. B is placed on the bed and A presses down on the wound with a cloth. They try to work their magic but there’s nothing. A removes the cloth, pressing into the wound with their bare hands, blood immediately coating their arms. Nothing. Shit, they have to do this the hard way.


When B wakes, they see A checking their fluids beside them. A looks pale and their breathing is shaky. Another patient screams on a bed somewhere. A inhales sharply, pressing a hand to their face and closing their eyes. When they open them, they see B’s eyes watching.

Exams got me stressed but not as much as this trope

The exact moment caretaker realises whumpee is unresponsive and their face changes from confusion to gut-wrenching panic.

Inject it right into my veins go woosh.

Little things in the hidden injury trope that give me life more than water does

  • Tying something between their teeth to stop their cries from being heard while they treat themselves in the dark
  • Bloodied bandages stuffed into the gap between the wall and the bed
  • Whumpee wearing long sleeves/pants but their bandages still finding a way to peek out
  • Blood running down their limb from inside their clothes and dripping onto the ground
  • Bloody footprints
  • Bloody handprints
  • Faint bloodstains on the floor that whumpee can’t get off no matter how hard they scrub
  • Whumpee limping as soon as the other person turns their back
  • Dark undereyes from obv no sleep
  • Those sexy beads of sweat and pale skin
  • Leaning against wall/ furniture whenever they get the chance
  • When a normally talkative character is quiet
  • Controlling their breath while they try to complete normal tasks but then doubling over and gasping for air behind closed doors
  • When they peel back the bandages to check their injury and it’s gotten worse
  • Whumpee trying to bring it up with someone but then deciding against it when the other person starts talking about future plans
  • Someone in the team feeling like there’s something wrong with whumpee but not knowing what so they don’t bring it up and then the GUILTthey feel afterwards holy
  • Whumpee FINALLY fainting - behind closed doors and being found by someone later or just dropping to the ground while they’re with someone else
  • I mean just imagine character A talking and thinking whumpee is beside them and whumpee just drops out of frame with a sigh and a thud
  • Whumpee trying to tell the others that they’re fine and that they can handle it while they’re literally bleeding out on the ground
  • Bonus! The scene afterwards when whumpee wakes up and their wounds are bound in those crisp white bandages instead of the bloodied, dirtied torn pieces of clothing they’d used before


Trope I couldn’t stop thinking about today..

When whumpee collapses and stoic caretaker instinctively touches their cheek to whumpee’s forehead to check their temperature

Whump prompt - vampire enemy but it’s forced proximity

Character A and their enemy - a vampire, join forces against a common enemy. They’re hiding from soldiers who are gradually converging on them. Vampire is weak and shuddering due to injuries and starvation. Vampire’s eyes grow feral and they become increasingly twitchy at the smell of A’s blood. A snaps at Vampire to ‘get it together’ but they are obviously not listening. So before Vampire’s erratic sounds reveal them to the soldiers, A offers up their wrist. Vampire looks at A, their face flashes apology, wanting to say no, before they’re overcome with hunger and lunge for A’s neck. Vampire’s jaw clamps on and blood sprays as they aggressively bite down. A tries to struggle against it but they slow and their expression turns euphoric. Vampire holds A in their arms, holding them closer to their mouth. A closes their eyes. The soldiers find the pair and hold weapons up to them. Vampire unclamps from A’s neck and suddenly comes to their senses. Now stronger, Vampire easily takes down the soldiers. But when Vampire looks back, A is still unconscious.

[anyway should I write this as a full fic?]

Spy fic imagine - ‘You couldn’t be more wrong.. I worship you’

Agent A sags against her chains in her cell. Her hands and feet are bound with cuffs with spikes protruding inwards. Blood is smeared on her arms and ankles, it also drips off her chin from her broken nose.

The basement is dark and dead silent, save for her pained, shaking breaths. Then she hears steps and the cell door rattles.

'A! Are you okay?’ A voice whispers.

A is losing consciousness but at the sound of B’s voice, it’s low rasp, she jerks awake.

'B?’ Her voice cracks hoarsely from the two days without water or food.

She searches for his brown eyes but they’re focused on padlock. Deftly, B picks the lock and enters her cell silently. He doesn’t look at her and instead eyes the locks around her wrists and ankles. Bending down, his hair brushes against her knee as he picks the lock around her ankles. When it springs free he grasps her calves one at a time, just above the wounds where the cuffs have cut her, and guides them out of the chains. His hand is warm against her freezing skin. Her knees are on the verge of buckling.

'Can you stand?’ he asks in a low whisper.

'Yes’ she manages to croak out.

He stands, moving to pick the locks for her wrist cuffs. B looks up at the lock that holds A’s hands above her head. She stares at his chest, his broad shoulders, his neck, his adam’s apple..

'Done’ he says, lock springing free.

A sighs deeply as she lowers her aching arms and bloody wrists. She can’t see how badly they’re torn up but they sting like hell.

'Come on’ B says, walking over to the cell door.

He exits and holds it open for her to step out. She follows B’s lead as he walks quickly out of the basement. Darkness bites the edges of her vision as she moves, limbs burning.

B turns a corner, telling her to wait behind. He’s spotted two men and goes to distract them. She watches and waits for his signal but is suddenly pulled backward. Another man holds her against him, her throat in his elbow.

Instinctually, A manoeuvres out of it. For a brief moment, she feels powerful, kicking the man down. But very quickly the adrenaline fades..

Pain shoots up her limbs and dizziness overwhelms her. B runs back in time to see A kick the man away and immediately collapse onto the ground, eyes closing.

'No, A!’ he shouts.

More gang members rush to them. B runs toward her and loops his arm around her back.

'A, wake up! Come on!’

A stirs enough to move her legs weakly. B runs, half carrying, half pushing A till they are out of the den and in the clear, narrowly missing the gang members at their heels.

Out in the open, the mid afternoon sun hits them straight in the eyes. B radios urgent pickup from the crew on standby. A’s knees buckle from the pain and she collapses.

'Woah!’ B bends with her and moves his other arm behind her knees. He sits on the ground, cradling her weak form in his lap. A looks up and his brown eyes, now brilliant in the sun, meet hers.

'Why are you here?’ she asks

'You’re one of the best. There’s no way..’

'No, why are you here?’ A’s eyelids are daring to close, her limbs feel heavy.

B stills at the question and looks up. In his lap, A’s breathing slows and he realises he needs to keep talking to keep her awake.

'Because I had to find you’

A huffs. Her eyes slightly open as she mumbles,

'You don’t care where I am. Eight years we’ve been.. been in this job and you.. you never cared.. what I was up to’

'You couldn’t be more wrong.. A, I worship you’

His own confession has his heart hammering in his chest. B hears the distant sound of a helicopter and looks down at A’s face, unconscious on his elbow.

He bends over to kiss her forehead, almost sorry that he chose the worst time to confess. Then he lifts her, cradling her close and walks toward the landing helicopter.

Kidnapping prompt

Whumpee is kidnapped and tortured for caretaker’s identity. Every time they’re asked ‘What is their name?’, Whumpee always answers the same.

'They never told me. They never told me’

But the punches and the stabs keep on coming. Till Whumpee is on the ground, terribly wounded and barely conscious. They still painfully mutter the same thing.

Till Caretaker shows up after realising that Whumpee is missing. They beat up the kidnappers and untie Whumpee. Caretaker supports Whumpee’s weight, trying to keep them upright. But Whumpee whispers their name, Caretaker’s realname, before collapsing into their arms.

Caretaker had never told them their name yet somehow Whumpee had figured it out themselves. They told half-truths to their kidnappers to protectcaretaker and almost died in the process.

Dialogue that hurts and comforts

I love seeing dialogue that can be used in different ways. It’s so cool when it’s repeated, now with new meaning. As a reader, I feel a bit smart.


‘Get away from me’

  • A yells, trying desperately to kick their attacker off of them.
  • A cries, chest heaving as sobs wrack their bound body. 'I’m dangerous’

'Watch your step’

  • B yanks A back by the arm, their foot about to cross into a place of danger
  • Villain smirks as Hero stands on the other side of the room, traps separating them.


  • As a threat. 'Watch your words or I’ll nail your tongue to the door’
  • As concern. 'You’re still injured. If you must go then use me as a crutch’

'Get up’

  • Villain challenges Hero who is gasping for air on the ground. 'I want a real fight’
  • Caretaker crying over whumpee’s unresponsive form. 'Please get up’

'Can you hear me?’

  • Communications crackle as Hero tries to radio into HQ
  • Whumpee is fading and can hear Caretaker’s voice as if it is in the distance. Despite Caretaker shaking them, their eyes close and their body becomes limp.

'Here, let me’

  • A is struggling to complete a task. Impatiently, B takes over.
  • Whumpee tries to stitch up a wound themselves but their hands shake in fear and pain. Caretaker gently takes the needle and thread from their hands and hands them a bottle of alcohol instead.

'I can’t’

  • Hero drops the dagger, shaking. 'I can’t. I can’t kill you’. Villain, tied up, huffs and retorts 'So what are you good for?’
  • Tears run down caretaker’s face. 'I can’t leave you’. Whumpee smiles despite the pain and reaches up to cup Caretaker’s face, wiping their tears gently with their thumb.

'Where have you been hiding?’

  • Whumper’s sinister call echoes as they search the woods near their property. With those wounds, whumpee couldn’t have gone far.
  • A strokes hair out of B’s face as they lay beside each other. 'Where have you been hiding my whole life?’ they say softly.


I didn’t know this whump was a comedy

Classy (although cliche to most) examples of whump in comedies. I love them so much that even though the whump is minor it ends up being the most memorable part for me.

By trope:

Drunken misadventures

  • Getting injured while incredibly drunk and not even knowing it. Then, upon waking the next morning, realising that something really hurts and it’s not just their hangover. Cue the awkward small talk about their heavily bandaged limb where someone asks about how it happened and they panic and come up with a crazy story that makes them sound like a hero
  • Getting absolutely hammered and taking a stranger home. Yet the next morning, the stranger wakes up injured and blames them for it.

Reunited (and it does not feel good)

  • Meeting a stranger while they’re both in sick bay (or urgent care). Bonus point if protagonist ended up there doing something embarrassing. They tell the stranger all about their embarrassing tale, since of course they’re never going to meet again. Cut to running into them later in life and they teasingly address protagonist by their injury (or a detail from their embarrassing moment).
  • Protagonist gets into a heated argument with a stranger (be it road rage, they’re taking too long at the coffee shop), yet later they’re injured and find out that the stranger is their doctor
  • Leaving after an argument only to get injured outside and then having to swallow their pride and call the other person to come get them

Impromptu mentor

  • Professional (Athlete/ dancer/ musician..) gets injured before a big competition and ends up having to mentor their replacement

It hurts on rainy days

  • Jokingly showing someone how their joint makes a fun clicking sound but the other person grabs them and tests it out. They cry out in pain, scolding the other person for twisting so hard but the other person just goes. ‘It’s broken’
  • Trying to reason with others as their limb is being bandaged and casted and they’re told not to use it weeks. The dialogue is so chaotic - 'I’m fine’, 'It doesn’t even hurt’, 'Guys, come on, you’re joking right’, 'This is ridiculous’, 'I’m never telling you anything again’

Fool behaviour

  • Any instance of dumb protagonist accidentally ramming into another person - be it a door, hitting them with their car, skating straight towards them while not knowing how to stop or steer away
  • A clumsy protagonist that slips and panics, instinctively grabbing onto another person’s shirt. The shirt rips, causing the person to fall and blackout anyway

Good taste

  • Character wears things for the sake of fashion rather than practicality:
  • Thin clothing - they start sneezing and feeling feverish
  • Tall heels - arguing with others that the heels are actually very comfortable despite how they look, then falling almost immediately and twisting their ankle
  • Shoes with no grip - causing them to slip and fall hard on their bottom
  • BONUS - if another character tries to help them but falls in the process too