#announcement tag


Last chance for some tag warnings!

Heyo! Me again!

Pretty soon I’m going to start posting my horror related art,

some of these visuals might be a bit intense for some viewers, so if you have triggers of the following, here’s the last shot to spoiler tag them! I will be posting art that is NOT horror of course, but this blog will now be hosting both :)

Tags to cover:

Body horror, trypophobia, dolls, bugs, uncanny visuals, and general Horror tags.

Thank you for your consideration! :D

Update: 3 Question Survey to get me Back on Track

Hey there! I’m gonna be uploading a super short easy survey tonight

It’s been a real rough year for me, and that means I’ve been neglecting regular updates in exchange for posting whenever I find the time and motivation to. This means I’ve made a lot less content for you beauty’s and a lot more time to stress for myself.

While I can’t guarantee I’ll be back right away, taking this survey would really help me to understand where I should start my focus when I *do*, and it would really mean a lot to me if you could spare a moment to answer 3 short and simple questions for me!



Thank you SO so much for participating, and I look forward to making more regular content for you as things get back on track

Some MAJOR TMA (The Magnus Archives) spoilers are gonna be in tommorows post!

Remember to spoiler tag #TMA,#The Magnus Archives, or #Zel Spoils if you wanna avoid that!
