#anthony bridgerton edit


Kate and Edwina dancing together. Anthony looking at them, happy that they have found each other again.

Beautiful scene❤️❤️❤️

anthony bridgerton, the one who always prided himself on his self control - and always coming close to losing it all when kate sharma is around!

EVERYTHING about this scene is perfect. long stares, heavy breathing, whispering, sexual tension, their emotions, the yearning for each other. kanthony is the perfection of perfections. ❤️

This is the very first time the next Viscountess Bridgerton enters her future home, Bridgerton House

But also, the moment Kate is there she and Anthony look at each other, then look away - she starts fidgeting with her hands and he can’t help but look back at her ❤️


Simone Ashley “they are both riding alone at dawn as a form of escapism and then they meet.. and the sun’s rising and they’re smiling and it goes from this place of dark, lonely feeling to this spark of hope.” ♥️♥️♥️

i will NEVER get over this parallel between the scene where edmund teaches anthony how to hunt and the moment when anthony wants to help kate doing exactly the same way.❤️

Kate’s face when Anthony says ‘You’ - she’s finally first in someone’s affections, first in someone’s mind
