#anti mcu wanda



Wanda Maximoff has been leaked for the Marvel’s Avengers game, the one starring Kamala Khan. I have no idea if they’ve cast an actress yet but I think the Scarlet Witch community should push for a Romani actress to lend her voice and likeness to the character.

It may also be a good time to reach out to actresses such as Alina Serban, Franciska Farkas, Mihaela Dragan, Alba Flores, and Simonida Selimovic to make them aware that there is a chance for representation.

It may not fix the MCU mistakes. In fact, it won’t change the MCU at all, but imagine a Romani actress actually being cast as Wanda in a popular video game. Imagine finally having the Scarlet Witch we deserve in popular media, portrayed the way she deserves. The way the fans who Wanda represents deserve.

I don’t have instagram or twitter anymore, but I think it’s very important to reach out and campaign for this.

Every possible version of Wanda should be Roma. Do not let them cast another white actress.

The game is Marvel’s Avengers, its made by Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics. Specifically, Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal, Square Enix Europe, Nixxes Software BV, Crystal Northwest.

Please. If you care, now is the time to make change.


“i do it and i become the villain”

oh? when did stephen work with nazis? i must have missed that movie. and the one where he enslaved a whole town. oh, and the one where he worked with a homocidal robot who’s creation he influenced and only turned on when he realized he would also be killed as a result of the plan! let’s not forget the one where he unleashed the hulk on johannesburg.


“sHe’S nOt A cHiLd, ShE’s A sUpErNatUrAl BeInG!”

so were you??? but someone defended your actions by claiming you were “jUsT a KiD”??? when you were a full grown adult??? and why do you think killing a supernatural child would be any better than killing a normal child???


Wanda trying to justify her actions by saying “I’m not a monster, I’m a mother” she’s not even a good mom. honestly. In WandaVision, the twins were babies for at most a few days (unclear with WV time) maybe just a night before she’s trying to use magic to make them stop crying instead of actually figuring out what they need to get them to stop. It’s not clear to me whether the twins aged themselves up the first time or if it was the effect of the Hex, but I think there’s a case to be made that it’s the latter and they became kids so she would have an easier time taking care of them instead of actually putting in the effort to raise them. After Vision tried to leave the Hex, she completely ignored her kids all day, passed them off on Agatha at the first chance, and didn’t do anything or even seem to care at all when Billy tried to tell her about his powers and how they were hurting him.She’d had them for a week at most.

In Multiverse of Madness, yes she is corrupted by the Darkhold. That is a narrative fact and frankly, I don’t think you need to make things up or change the story to make Wanda look bad (she does that on her own). But trying to kill another version of herself to steal children that aren’t hers, and being willing to kill America to do it, is the dark but logical conclusion of the selfish behavior that MCU!Wanda has always had. The Darkhold took that and exaggerated it, but those are the worst traits Wanda’s always had just blown up - she’s selfish, she does whatever she wants to get what she wants, other people pay the consequences, and she’s not even a good mother to make up for it.


How do I explain that I hate mcu!wanda in the “I hate that this is a whitewashed character who is played by a white person, who has actively supported an incest relationship for her characters brother and said slurs against the race of people she’s representing with her character, instead of a Jewish/Romani one and then make that character work for N*zis. And I hold her accountable for her actions just like I do other characters like doctor strange, Loki, and iron man ect.” and not in the “I hate women and men can do no wrong” kind of way?

She faced zero consequences, she whines for people thinking she’s a villain for the mass murder she did , all the mind raping and mind controlling, the way she was ok with killing a kid, volunteered to be in a N*zi organization!

And still her fans will say “she’s in grief, never did anything wrong, mother of the year”

That’s the same as saying “they’re not bad, they just did the school shooting because they were sad”

Honey your homegirl a Terrorist Karen ! She needs anti Karen therapy and then deserves a very very painful death , the way she put innocent people through !

And you ! Her “I support women’s wrongs” fan , need therapy! You’re the kind who are probably still rooting for Amber Heard ! You’re the kind that brown men from underdeveloped countries get to point out and say “feminism is stupid, Western feminism will destroy our culture” and strip away our education, our choices and our freedom! Because you have given this shit the name of “girlboss feminism”


i hope the wonderful 616 romani jewish wanda is having a lovely week and never has to know that wendy exists..






so now that it’s been confirmed that the mcu is the 616 universe, is it about time for fans of wanda to be able to criticize the mischaracterization and whitewashing of wendy without her toxic stans screaming and crying that it’s a different universe or…?


J-just saw a youtube comment comparing wendy martin and tony stark by saying their character arcs are the same like ???

tony stark’s arc begins with him being an arrogant bajillionare genius that sleeps around and runs the company his father started from the ground up. his eyes are forcibly opened to the horrors of said company’s products and is held captive and tortured by terrorists and after freeing himself of captivity through his own genius and ingenuity he ends weapons productions and promptly begins trying to right the wrongs he himself is not culpable of and finds out that a man he trusted was responsible for the illegal selling of his weapons to terrorists and puts his life on the line to stop stane (orders pepper to overcharge the reactor to kill stane even when he was in its line of fire). tony’s arc is about self-growth and change and responsibility and accountability. In IM2 tony’s a bit more reckless than usual because oh, yeah, he’s actively dying :))))) do you know what heavy metal poisoning does to a person?

to name a few symptoms/effects. No wonder the guy was all over the place.

Wendy, however, begins her arc in the mcu as a WILLING HYDRA volunteer/agent that plots to kill tony stark for something he isn’t guilty of. She mind rapes the avengers, triggers tony’s ptsd, is at least 50% responsible for ultron’s creation, sets the hulk on Johannesburg, plots to kill all the avengers and help ultron do so, and only backs out and changes sides when she goes into ultron’s mind (mind rape :)) and sees that his plan is GLOBAL ANNIHILATION and that includes her and her twin brother. she didn’t change sides for altruistic reasons. It was self-preservation at its finest. She was a willing and eager nazi terrorist.

In CACW she accidently tosses a bomb into a building full of people and they die and/or are injured. At this time the avengers, of which she is a member, act as an unfettered, unsupervised (I’m team responsibility and accountability and oh, so is Tony) police force and so it’s absolutely likely that, in real world situations, house arrest is the LEAST of wendy’s problems. But she throws a tantrum and shoves vision through dozens of floors because “I can’t control their fear, only my own” says the girl with the ability to mind rape people and bring up their worst fears :(((( poor bbby. At the Leipzig airport in Germany she tosses several cars at Tony, a baseline human under the suit, because “uwu u lockeded me in my woom u big meanie! :(” she then goes on, after endgame, to trap an entire town under her powers against their will (MIND RAPIST) because vision died and acts as though she’s the victim and deserves sympathy??? No??? And let’s not get started on her arc in Multiverse of Madness because BITCH IS CRAZY AND UNHINGED AND I hate her bye

My point is this:

tony stark is constantly trying to better himself in each movie he’s in. Is he perfect? No, but at least he actively tries and does better himself.

Wanda is the same mind raping nazi HYDRA scum bitch she’s always been in the mcu and she hasn’t tried to better herself other than call herself a hero and offer empty apologies :)


so multiverse of madness once again reiterates that whitewashed wanda’s character entirely revolves around white woman victimization and killing or attempting to kill poc but it’s girlboss behavior cause she’s white like you all ate up that doesn’t seem fair that she’s not seen as a hero line and the context of that line is her planning to kill a little girl


(ok not even I can take this, urgh)


The way some of y’all are defending Wanda is legitimately disturbing. Imma need the mcu to reboot soon.
