#anti dd


People giving Ned Stark a pass for wanting to behead Jorah for selling poachers into slavery because “slavery is illegal in Westeros” but not giving Dany a pass for killing slavers in Slaver’s Bay because “it’s part of their culture”…

You are not anti slavery. You are just anti breaking the “law.” 


That’s how all the great houses started, isn’t it? With a hard bastard who was good at killing people. Kill a few hundred people, they make you a Lord. Kill a few thousand, they make you KingQueen. 
Bronn of the Blackwater, 8x04

The Iron Bank backed Cersei over Daenerys because Daenerys had freed the slaves of Slaver’s Bay. 

When Cersei was giving her pitch to whats-his-face from Sherlock, and he told her that the Lannisters were in quite a lot of debt, she points out to him that Lannisters always pay their debts and asks him how debts get paid by former slaves.

The Iron Bank backed Cersei because they knew with Daenerys out of the way, the Slave Trade would return to Essos, therefore earning back the Iron Bank one of it’s main sources of profit. 

And yet, we’re still supposed to see Dany’s war for the Iron Throne as a bad thing….?

That scene in Season 7 essentially told us, slavery would return to the regions Dany had worked hard for nearly her entire show arc to eradicate, if she did not win the throne. We saw yet another thing at stake if Dany were to lose.

But Dany’s the bad guy for wanting to eliminate Cersei?

D&D are truly fools. They paid 0 attention to the drivel they wrote themselves and expected us to not pay attention too. 

I’m sorry, but no. 

The more I think about it, the less I accept this fucking bullshit. Not that I was ever going to come to terms with the dumpster fire that was Season 8, but now, more than ever, I realize how utterly ridiculous it was for us to see Dany as the villain. 

D&D: Yeah, you know, the way Dany reacts to her husband killing her abusive brother who literally just threatened to cut out her unborn child from her womb was really cold and was totally foreshadowing of her going mad later on.

Tyrion: *literally murders his own father with a crossbow after first murdering his ex lover after finding her in his father’s bed* 

D&D: Yeah, Tyrion’s a pacifist. 

Sansa Just Wanted To Be Queen

What if Tyrion had wanted to name Sansa Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and not Bran?

And, in such a scenario:

Do you think Sansa would have turned down the offer to remain in the North?

OR Do you think Sansa would have taken the gig, but insisted that Bran or Arya rule the North as its Sovereign because the North deserved its independence.

Or would Sansa have been fine with the idea that the North remain part of the Seven Kingdoms and under her domain?

It’s hard to imagine Sansa turning down such an offer OR accepting it but insisting the North be independent. 

She tells her own uncle whom she’s never even met before, to essentially STFU and sit while he was in the middle of a speech, embarrassing and humiliating him - a man who was held captive for years because he supported her brother, the REAL Sovereign of the North who was chosen by his people, Robb. Piece of evidence #1 that Sansa wanted to be QOT7K (making one of the candidates for the job look unappealing by making him seem ridiculous and weaker than her).

She offers objection to Bran being King, saying that he can’t have children. Piece of evidence #2 that Sansa wanted to be QOT7K (making one of the candidates seem unappealing by bringing to light one of his seemingly glaring weaknesses). And, well, if Bran can’t be King, who would be next best option but his own able-bodied sister?

Sansa couldn’t take the whole cake, so she carved out a little piece and named herself the queen of it, knowing there was no way Grey Worm would allow for a scenario where Jon could return to being KITN and that Arya wouldn’t want the position anyway (she said in 7x07 that she would never make as good a Lady as Sansa), leaving herself as the only option.

Anyone who insists Sansa’s motives in S8 are pure or that she just wanted to protect her people or that she only had her people’s best interests in mind or that she really thought Dany was a tyrant, etc. etc. is lying to themselves.

One of the first things we ever hear Sansa say in the series aside from telling her sister to shut up, is that the only thing she has ever wanted was to be Queen. And the last scene we see of her is when she gets her crown and people are bowing to her. 

Sansa’s motives were always purely selfish. 

So, yes, I’m in the midst of working on the last two episodes of my Original Final Season 7 (kinda) Meta Series.

And I was thinking about all the pieces of proof we have that S8 was all retconned and I came across this: (Granted, many people have pointed this out. But I just want to talk about it in detail)

In Season 2, we have this image from Dany’s HOTU scene:

The 7 Pointed Star is in the window behind the Iron Throne.

According to the 8x06 DVD commentary (from what I’ve read, haven’t listened to it myself), D&D claim they started thinking about Jon and Dany’s final scene together back when they were doing Season 3 or 4. 

Which means they were thinking about Jon’s and Dany’s final scene together after they wrote, filmed, and released the episode which the image above is from.

So in Season 7, we get this:

This is a change only made in Season 7. 

When Cersei is crowned queen at the end of Season 6, the 7 Pointed Star is still in the window, not the Lannister sigil:

So, at this point, according to D&D, when they wrote and filmed Season 7, they should have known Jon’s and Dany’s final scene. Perhaps the script for S8 wasn’t written yet. But they should have known (allegedly) that Jon would kill Dany in the throne room of the Red Keep, where the room would be a mirror of her vision back in Season 2.

But the sigil changed. Making Dany’s Season 2 vision…incorrect. 

Now, if D&D knew as far back as S3 or S4 that they would have Jon kill Dany in the throne room of the Red Keep…why not tell the set dressers to leave the 7 Pointed Star as is behind the Iron Throne so that the scenes would match?

Instead, because of the change, they then had to blow out the entire back wall of the throne room so that the window dressing wasn’t an issue:

Likewise, Bran’s vision of a dragon flying over King’s Landing from Season 4:

Now, this scene was written around the time D&D were planning Jon’s and Dany’s last scene - the death scene. They likely knew they wanted the death scene to mirror Dany’s S2 vision - where there is SNOW in the throne room.

However, when we see a dragon flying over King’s Landing in Bran’s S4 vision, it’s sunny outside. The roof tops of King’s Landing are not covered in snow. It doesn’t even appear to be winter.

Now, if D&D are telling the truth in that all of this was planned years and years ago…

Why not make Bran’s vision of a dragon flying over King’s Landing be set during the winter? Why not have the city covered in snow when Dany attacks so that it will jive with the throne room scene which is most definitely set during winter due to the snow on the throne?

I’ll tell you why:


The throne room wall has to get blown out entirely to hide the mistake of the sigil change and King’s Landing has to go from 85 and sunny to like 20 and snowing over the course of a couple hours just to make these two “visions” jive together and make it look like they had planned this all along. 

Which we know they didn’t.

So in conclusion, FUCK D&D.

(BTW Bran’s S4 vision also included a shot of the throne room and it also has the 7 Pointed Star sigil behind the Iron Throne so why were Bran and Dany both wrong about this?)







i wonder if actors ever get their scripts and are like

well this is fucking stupid

[image description: photos of the cast of Game of Thrones at the season 8 table read, in various stages of grief]

That Conleth energy is still me to this day like THANKS I FUCKING HATE IT

I say that about 50% of the scripts I receive…

I feel everyone of these emotions. I feel bad for Lena as much as anyone. They really set her up to be the big bad human antagonist and all she did was stare out windows

Every single cast member deserved a better storyline than the bs they received from Dumb and Dumber. What a waste of talented actors and actresses.



Giving Bronn Highgarden felt like fanservice, but for what fans

I think Bronn is D&D self insert

Me: “In some episodes I love Jaime and I just wanna to hug him while in others I hate him and I just want to hit him in the head with a pan wow how is possible I mean it’s the same character why I have mixed feelings about him–”

Me: *discovers that the episodes in which I hate Jaime are written by Dumb and Dumber and the ones in which I loved him are written by someone else*





Santhony shippers: “the screenwriters should ignore the books and do their own story it’s a shame to waste Anthony and Siena’s chemistry”

Kathony shippers: “LMAO Kate is the only woman Anthony ever loved, it’s canon. They are the most loved and popular ship of the series, they wouldn’t dare to change it and risk to make the fans angry.”

Me, a Kathony shipper who is still traumatized by Dumb & Dumber who had the audacity to make a series based on a series of books and then did the fuck they wanted destroying the most loved ship in favour of the unpopular, incestuous and abusive one:


I’m all for dragging D&D at any given chance, but lets not equate S&A with C&J.

And  for the record I do agree that Siena and Anthony have their issues, aren’t that good for each other where it matters and probably wouldn’t make even without the Kate of it all (and I say this as one of those who read Viscount after watching S1, and who I didn’t ship S&A because of all their problems without having Kate blinders on).

But I do understand where the S&A shippers are coming from, and I do acknowledge there was a lot to root for. The show did spend enough time on them in order to show case this wasn’t an insignificant attachment on either side, and I do think there’s no need to negate what those two had, just because Kate is coming into the picture. And for all her mismatch with Anthony aside, Siena as a character is actually quite interesting… I’m more invested in her getting her own HEA rather than pitting her against Kate TBH.

In contrast there was nothing to really root for where C&J were concerned. By S8 Cersei was irredeemable and Jaime’s steady character growth was thrown out the window on a whim. And D&D’s obsession and derailment of character and story was rooted in a much bigger misunderstanding they had of their source material (I’ve come to the conclusion that the fact that the books aren’t finished is a cop out IMO…  it clearly didn’t help, but they deliberately changed and wrecked things they had already set up for the shock and awe and nothing else).

You can accost TPBT of Bridgerton for a lot of things but I don’t think a misunderstanding of the books is on the list. Which again can’t be said for D&D and that was obvious even in the pilot


And also the reassurance (so far anyway) that Bridgerton the show will cover the book endgames is promising. They seem willing to add certain things for expanding the world (and from what I gather most of the additions they seem to have put in S1 already seem to have been embraced by the fandom) but they seem intent to staying within canon for the romances… so there’s reason to hope this won’t end in blood and fide (pun slightly intended)…

I absolutely didn’t want to put Siena & Anthony and Jaime & Cersei at the same level and equate them, so if it sounds like it, I’m truly sorry maybe I expressed myself badly because I didn’t mean it.

These two ships are totally different (and they came from two totally different shows too) and comparing them it’s absurd since they haven’t anything in common. 

I have nothing against Anthony and Siena. I don’t ship them, but I don’t hate them either. Actually I really liked their kiss/sex/romantic scenes, but I don’t ship them because of the kind of relationship they have (and because I ship Anthony with Kate).

This post wasn’t about these two ships. This post was about me that I was worried that they wouldn’t follow the books. I talked about Jaime and Cersei and D&D because Game of Thrones was the last show I saw (before Bridgerton) based on a series of book but totally different from the original story (and that’s why a part of me is scared that it gonna happen again, which is what I really wanted to say with this post). Anthony and Siena in this post are just “something that could happen if they differentiate from the books” and Jaime and Cersei are just “something that already happened that differentiate from the books”.

Doing a movie or a TV show based on a series of books and then doing a totally different story is something that I really hate. Make some differences is a thing, but change storylines of the main characters is a big nope for me, even if the result is good. I find it disrespectful to the author, who trusted you and then instead of seeing his/her story on screen, she/he finds a story and characters that he/she can’t even recognize anymore. 

Santhony shippers: “the screenwriters should ignore the books and do their own story it’s a shame to waste Anthony and Siena’s chemistry”

Kathony shippers: “LMAO Kate is the only woman Anthony ever loved, it’s canon. They are the most loved and popular ship of the series, they wouldn’t dare to change it and risk to make the fans angry.”

Me, a Kathony shipper who is still traumatized by Dumb & Dumber who had the audacity to make a series based on a series of books and then did the fuck they wanted destroying the most loved ship in favour of the unpopular, incestuous and abusive one:


Both of my parents watched Game of Thrones. First my mom, than my dad. So here the summary.

(Disclaimer: they saw only the first 4 seasons and they never read the books)

Favorite Character:

My mom: Jon Snow
My dad: Arya Stark

Favorite House:

Both my mom and dad: House Stark

Most Hated Characters:

My mom: Joffrey (when she started the series, she wanted to know if he was gonna die, because if he didn’t, she would refused to continue the series) and Littlefinger

My dad: Tywin and Cersei Lannister

Who they wanted to see on the throne:

My mom: Daenerys Targaryen
My dad: Tyrion Lannister

The scene that shocked them the most:

My mom: The Red Wedding (after seeing this for the first time she has been silent and unmoving for 30 minute. The second time she watched it, she said to me she still had chills.)

My dad: Jaime losing a hand (he is never emotional when he see a movie or a series. During shocking scenes like the Red Wedding he was really chill and all he did was watching with a concentrated face, but when Jaime lost a hand, he screamed “Oh Fuck!”. Two days after that episode, they went to the beach for few days, and my mom texting me saying that my dad kept saying “I can’t believe they cut his hand. I can’t stop thinking about it. Oh my God.”


My mom: Jaime & Brienne and Tyrion & Sansa.
My dad: he has no idea what shipping is

And the end of the fourth season, I said to them that the other seasons suck and I don’t want to have them, so if they wanted to see the last seasons, they had to find a way without me. They wanted to know the ending, but they didn’t want to spend money for it in case they didn’t like it, so they asked me to tell them what happened in the other seasons (and mostly the last one) and I did.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, they were shocked by the nonsense of the last season, and said it was a pile of shit. 

The character’s ending they hated more:

My mom: Jon Snow’s ending and Jaime and Cersei’s ending.
My dad: Arya Stark’s ending and Jaime and Cersei’s ending.

Isn’t it great that the ending they hated more are their favorite character’s one (obviously, it’s their favorite character so they care more) plus Jaime and Cersei ending? Ok, my mom shipped Jaime and Brienne, but my dad really didn’t give a damn of the twins. The only Lannister he cared about was Tyrion. He even said: “Jaime deserved to die after what he did to Bran, but not like this”. But despite all of this, their ending sucked that much that it’s the one they disliked more with their favorite one. Wow. Amazing.

Few days ago I was on Facebook, I saw a Star Trek page posting an article about Dumb & Dumber doing a new series. I thought for one second that it was something related to Star Trek and my heart stopped.

Seriously guys. Star Trek is my favorite story ever. It’s part of me. I went to Star Trek Cons and I even have a Starfleet Uniform in my wardrobe. Just thinking for one second that these two assholes could put their hands on it made me sweat with fear. 

Thanks heavens it wasn’t about Star Trek. But you have no idea of the moments of despair I had before I realized it.

(PS: I love the comments LMAO)


After that, I started imagining how Star Trek (and particularly Deep Space Nine since it’s my favorite Star Trek series) would have ended if they wrote it.


First of all, after Sisko gone, the new captain of the station would be Morn. You all thought Kira Nerys would become captain, someone who already had a lot of experience in commanding and who was the captain of the station when Sisko couldn’t do it as his First Officer, but who the fuck cares, right? Let’s make Morn, someone who knows absolutely nothing about commanding since he spent all the series being in a bar drinking without saying a word, Captain of Deep Space Nine, because who has a better story than Morn?


Odo will never learn anything. He will betray again the only people who truly loved him and cared about him to be with someone who manipulated and used him everytime they met and he will choose his species above his friends because “They are hateful and so am I”.

Oh and obviously all his romantic relationship with Kira was a one night stand, and not a slow burn who started as a friendship and became something else during the story. You truly thought he would evolve to become a better person and realize he is own person? Ah, you wish! And remember all the years he spent living for his job because he cared about justice and that time he had a big weight inside because he felt guilty knowing few people died and it was his fault? Forget about it! The truth is he never cared about innocents.


Julian Bashir being a good man and a good doctor for all the series who cared about others doing everything he could to save them even if they were enemies? He is gonna get crazy in the finale without a reason and he’ll start to kill innocent people because he was genetically modified when he was a kid and since Khan was genetically modified too and he was a villain, he has to be a villain too because your genetics determine your future more than your actions and the person you are.


Garak being smart for all the series will obviously end killed like an asshole without being able to do anything because apparently transform smart characters and making them idiots with a dumb death is a big plot twist.


Dukat, the main villain of the series, a selfish bastard who always used his power in the worst way, killed innocents and oppressed an entire species, someone who spent his life making others suffer, will end having a peaceful and romantic death because it’s what the viewers want, you know? Seeing a monster who they always wanted to see suffer dying without suffering. Maybe dying being hitted in the head by few rocks? Poetic Cinema.


Also, if Bronn can be the Master of Coin after spending every single thing he got on brothels in all his life, I don’t see why Quark couldn’t be the Chief of Security after Odo is gone. After all, he just frauds everyone for profit. He is perfect for that role.

- Emilia Clarke commenting the last season “Best Season Ever” with the most sarcastic voice ever did by a human being

- Nikolaj Coster Waldau and Lena Headey getting paid for the last episode where they didn’t even appeared because of their suggestion (since it was them who proposed to use mannaquins for Jaime and Cersei’s bodies)

- Kit Harington answering with “Disappointing” when asked to describe the last season with a word

- Gwendoline Christie going to the Emmys in a dress with a lion eating a sapphire (House Lannister + House Tarth) regardeless of Jaime leaving Brienne for Cersei

- Nikolaj Coster Waldau getting nominated for Dumb and Dumber’s shitty episode, but then he changed his nomination to an episode written by someone else

- Actors who weren’t even in the show anymore because their characters died in the first seasons like Charles Dance and Jason Momoa clarified that they hated the last season

- Lena Headey saying she wanted a better death for Cersei
