


Good morning to loveless aros, bi lesbians, transmasc and nonbinary lesbians, allosexual aros, butch and femme aspecs, and bigender, multigender, and genderfluid lesbians.

Good afternoon to transmasc femmes, agender femmes, nonbinary folks with alignments or presentations similar to their AGAB, people of binary gender who use neopronouns or neutral pronouns, and gay men who are also bi.

Good evening to questioning aces and aros; people who aren’t cis or trans; polyamorous aros; trans, nonbinary, and genderqueer people whose orientation is straight, straight adjacent, or hetero in some way; and people who question or change their gender or orientation or name at least once a month.

Good night to agender butches, transfeminine butches and butch trans women, trans and nonbinary people who can’t or don’t want to transition medically, cis women who bind or want top surgery, gentle and sensitive men, and girls who kick ass with or without swords.

I’m in all four of these paragraphs.  I’m queer as in “exclusionists and gatekeepers can fuck off” and “no I will not make myself palatable to The Straights”.  Assimilationism is an endorsement of the kyriarchy.



don’t make me tap the sign…

[Open ID:

Image of the “The Simpsons” meme where the bus driver taps the sign. The bus driver is taping the bottom left of the sign in the both images. The first one reads “Asexuality and aromanticism are inherently queer experiences. Even if an ace person is heteromantic or an aro person is heterosexual, they are still queer by the virtue of their aspec experience.”

The next image says, “Our heteronormative society is both allonormative and amatonormative and, therein, expects all people to experience sexual and romantic attraction exclusively to someone of the ‘opposite’ gender by default. Asexuality and aromanticism undoubtedly queer those rigid standards.”

End Id.]
