#antisepticeyejackieboy man


((Be wary of my personal headcanons which are at the core of this fic. Also readable on AO3!))

Daemon Culture is primarily about who takes care of whom: House Heads take care of everyone under them; House Alphas and House Omegas help take care of Betas and Beasts; Mates take care of each other (and kids if they have them).

The primary way daemons take care of each other is making sure the other eats: whether they’re having sex or just offering an extra affectionate touch, daemons always show each other the care they know they’ll be denied anywhere else.

This is why, when Anti starts dating Jackie, there’s a huge period of It attempting to take care of him traditionally (through sex, touch, and just FEELING for him) and Jackie primarily not understanding It (or, much worse, not reciprocating it…).

And, at first, Anti’s hurt furious—how DARE this HUMAN not UNDERSTAND—until It realizes that humans simply require DIFFERENT methods of care: feeding Jackie isn’t about sex or touch or feelings but FOOD—COOKING—and, so… Anti begrudgingly learns how to do that—especially Jackie’s favorite meal: turkey burgers.

It takes a LONG time (because not only did It have to convince CHASE to help, but It also had to learn this new skill along side all Its glitching and phasing), but the tight/warm feeling in Its stomach as Jackie happily eats the first GOOD batch—and Jackie’s satiated smile afterwards that FILLS Anti right up—is worth it.
