#jackieboy man



… Panic time

Holy shit

Hey…Been a while, I know, but it’s because I’ve fallen hard into the Youtube fandom in the pa

Hey…Been a while, I know, but it’s because I’ve fallen hard into the Youtube fandom in the past two months. It’s been fuuuuun! I randomly felt like posting my most recent Septic art here because @therealjacksepticeye is –


Ahem. Jack’s back, so I needed to draw the Septic boys! From the bottom, they’re in order from oldest to youngest (though it took me forever to track down all of their creation dates -.-): Jackieboy Man, Marvin the Magnificent, Dr. Schneeplestein <3 , and Chase Brody!

Poor Chase and Schneep share their creator’s chronic fear of heights :/

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Happy birthday, Jackie!

Try not to accidently kill someone with the PMA gun please

Now I cant go to Jacks tour today. I was very busy today and I had no other way to go. I hate how li

Now I cant go to Jacks tour today. I was very busy today and I had no other way to go. I hate how life works but here is a Drawing of how I imagined it would be like. I hope that one day I will be able to go see it one day. But it depends on life. But anyway I have more drawings to attend to!

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Jackieboy man redraw! 2020 vs 2017

I added a few changes on my own


I redrew a drawing from 2017 of Marvin and Antisepticeye. I wonder if I had any improvement. I probably will just be redrawing things while I work on a big project. (It is ego related ) anyway enjoy this drawing!

Hey guys! I know I’ve been spotty with my artwork recently, so if you’d like you can check this out that I wrote a while ago! It’s a huge origin story that’s 25,000 words, and purely based around the canon egos each finding each other through Henrik. Consider checking it out if you enjoy reading plot heavy, non-romantic fics!


Guardian of the Ocean: Jackie… shrimp man? ShrimpJackieman… Jackiemershrimp… Jackie… Shrimp…

Based off the peacock mantis shrimp, this guy packs a hell of a punch. One hit is all it takes to stun even the worst of monsters he faces in the depths, if not stunning them then outright killing them with a single hit. After one particularly nasty fight with a giant squid (and close call with a serpent), Jackie was left wounded and had to retreat to the shallows to heal a large gash in his chest and bruised ribs. He needed time away from the depths to heal and avoid swimming as well as large sharks that may come after him.

He never even made it inland. When he was hunting for some mackerel to eat on the way there, the school as well as himself were pulled into a large commercial fishing net. He was completely overwhelmed by the amount of people, he’d never had to deal with people too much before, and suddenly there was a swarm of them gawking at the beast they had caught. The large net that once was emptied, was just thrown back over him and tied tight as they brought him to shore, the rope keeping him distracted and tied down long enough to bring him in.

The net was left on him through transport, and each time he nearly succeeded in breaking through, another just seemed to take its place. They kept him tied up long enough to reach the facility, where he would be staying for quite a while. At first he was given a tank of a decent size (nowhere near big enough nor humane, but it wasn’t tiny) and as he swam around to see the other fish he realized he couldn’t stay. He had to leave this place, return home. So the moment he had the chance, he swam up to this strange invisible barrier keeping them there, and punched clean through the glass, emptying the tank of himself and the water in it.

But every time as he attempted to wander the halls, they’d find some way to subdue him and bring him back (usually with the same net tactic they used to reel him in), and each time he broke free, he was given less and less until he only had a tiny tank just big enough for him to swim around in. He still cracks the glass sometimes out of spite, to scare some of the scientists roaming around, studying him. Maybe every now and again he’ll try to escape again, but now he has become more worried that if he tries, the punishment will only get worse. The tiny tank he was given was already punishment enough. So, he lays at the bottom of his tank, and sleeps… this strange foreign containment draining his tail’s colors and spirits.

A little dramatic moment for the boys, Marv and Jackie

I haven’t done one of these in a while, and I tried to be sketchy with the style since I’m not really satisfied with my artstyle at the moment. Also pls ignore that background lol

Happy TDoV!

Jackie spent his day kicking terf ass and he’s getting changed out of his hero gear

Possible costume redesign for Jackie

Buff Jackaboyman stretching his arms behind him

‘Even superheroes need to rest ’ I say as I’m drawing at 2am with a headache after forgetting to eat and stressing about uni.


Marvin:*sighs deeply* God, give me patience.

Jackie, being a lil shit: I think you mean ‘give me strength’.

Marvin: If God gave me strength, you’d be dead.

JackieboyMan if he ever had a cover for his own comicbook series ❤✨


05 01 2021




Egoshiptober - day 3- cafe

Marvin and Jackie go on a coffee date!

Also this drawing did inspired the top of the morning coffee cafe au

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Now V.S. July 2021. Half a year later and I’m actually pretty happy with my progress! :D

So have a Jackieboy Man to the rescue!

Asi with JJ, this was my first time drawing JBM. Honestly, I’m not 100% happy with how this looks, b

Asi with JJ, this was my first time drawing JBM. Honestly, I’m not 100% happy with how this looks, but meh, at least I got something to draw. :D


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d-structive:I was bored.Enjoy the rare sight of my Marvin trying to be vaguely….Suhpp-oort-teeehve?G


I was bored.
Enjoy the rare sight of my Marvin trying to be vaguely….Suhpp-oort-teeehve?


I don’t wanna know the circumstances that led to this.

But I definitely need more Jackie & Marvin in my life.

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