#antony x mc



Wolf Bride is similar to ACOR in that you are never going to convince non-Bastien or non-Morgan romancers of their good points, simply because they aren’t seeing it. I always understood why non-Antony romancers hated him, because in a non-romanced play he was detestable (and even in a romanced play, he was still 90% a villain, he just had a soft spot for MC but would still put his own ambitions first). I really liked doing two playthroughs of ACOR because I could track all the differences and see both sides, unfortunately I can’t do that with Wolf Bride but I see enough to know that it’s just as extreme. I like Bastien, but I have chosen the pack-friendly options and actively romanced him, so I know I am getting a very different version of him than people who haven’t done either of those things. Just like I am sure Morgan romancers are seeing a different side of her. I love books like this, because the choices do matter and impact the story, but from a fandom level it is frustrating because a lot of times it feels like we aren’t playing the same book because the characters react so differently.

I started Wolf Bride this weekend and after a few weeks away from here, I can honestly say this book is drawing out the worst of this fandom (reason why I went away in the first place). Not only it’s annoying but it’s getting invasive how some people use their own personal experiences to say how you should enjoy a game/book.

It’s okay if you feel uncomfortable, and I find it wonderful how a game can tap into so many different emotions from their gamers, but it’s not okay to bother or downplay other people’s feelings and experiences just because you disagree with them.

Not saying you said that though xD It’s just your post made me think about what I’ve been seeing a lot here.
