#marc antony



Wolf Bride is similar to ACOR in that you are never going to convince non-Bastien or non-Morgan romancers of their good points, simply because they aren’t seeing it. I always understood why non-Antony romancers hated him, because in a non-romanced play he was detestable (and even in a romanced play, he was still 90% a villain, he just had a soft spot for MC but would still put his own ambitions first). I really liked doing two playthroughs of ACOR because I could track all the differences and see both sides, unfortunately I can’t do that with Wolf Bride but I see enough to know that it’s just as extreme. I like Bastien, but I have chosen the pack-friendly options and actively romanced him, so I know I am getting a very different version of him than people who haven’t done either of those things. Just like I am sure Morgan romancers are seeing a different side of her. I love books like this, because the choices do matter and impact the story, but from a fandom level it is frustrating because a lot of times it feels like we aren’t playing the same book because the characters react so differently.

I started Wolf Bride this weekend and after a few weeks away from here, I can honestly say this book is drawing out the worst of this fandom (reason why I went away in the first place). Not only it’s annoying but it’s getting invasive how some people use their own personal experiences to say how you should enjoy a game/book.

It’s okay if you feel uncomfortable, and I find it wonderful how a game can tap into so many different emotions from their gamers, but it’s not okay to bother or downplay other people’s feelings and experiences just because you disagree with them.

Not saying you said that though xD It’s just your post made me think about what I’ve been seeing a lot here.



he was the sexy villain LI we had always wanted and yet you tasteless cowards slept on him. i ain’t forget

In case you wondered if choices brain rot is permanent, this was my very first thought when I remembered today is the ides of March :)


going to solve the debate between hellenists and latinists about whether greece or rome is better once and for all by posing the question of who was the sluttier defector: alcibiades or mark antony



I think I found my new favorite rabbit hole. This voice actor does Shakespeare scenes in a southern accent and I need to see the whole damn play. Absolutely beautiful

“De aquella flor hoy el dueño soy yo.”

-Flor Palida

Am I the only one seeing and remembering this?



I think I found my new favorite rabbit hole. This voice actor does Shakespeare scenes in a southern accent and I need to see the whole damn play. Absolutely beautiful

Me: Fully knows that Marc Antony is a slick git who would turn on MC at any given moment, and merely lusts after MC and is probably not capable of truly falling head over heels for them.

Also me when Marc Antony turned cold in a split second and brought Xanthe to the Games instead:



he was the sexy villain LI we had always wanted and yet you tasteless cowards slept on him. i ain’t forget

In case you wondered if choices brain rot is permanent, this was my very first thought when I remembered today is the ides of March :)


he was the sexy villain LI we had always wanted and yet you tasteless cowards slept on him. i ain’t forget

In case you wondered if choices brain rot is permanent, this was my very first thought when I remembered today is the ides of March :)





I think I found my new favorite rabbit hole. This voice actor does Shakespeare scenes in a southern accent and I need to see the whole damn play. Absolutely beautiful

there are two things that a Shakespearean actor needs: to understand the character, and to know how their audience will understand the character.

I’ve heard this speech about a dozen times in different performances and interpretations, and this is the first time that it feels right. 

Thetext of the monologue if you need some cc.

as many fans of history and shakespeare will tell you, historians posit that Elizabethan English sounds more like the accent of the American South than it sounded like Received Pronunciation or a modern London accent

shynmighty:“Most profound religious experience of my life.”***✨ Hope everyone is looking forward to


“Most profound religious experience of my life.”


✨ Hope everyone is looking forward to @acor-appreciation August 9-15!!! ✨

Post link


one thing about marc antony… he gonna give MC head!

shynmighty: “You want me to… spy on Caesar for you?”Antony winces at the word ‘spy’.“I want you to…


“You want me to… spy on Caesar for you?”

Antony winces at the word ‘spy’.

“I want you to… keep me informed.”

He pulls you onto his lap, holding you in what would be a tender hug were it not for the curious eyes of the crowd.

“It will be painful for me to watch you play to him. But you are the only one in the whole Republic I trust to do this for me.”

Just a wee bit excited for ACOR to come back next week (NEXT WEEK!!!!!!) so I made a thing.

Post link

marc antony is the best li idc idc
