#ao3 fan fic


Feel Your Energy (Rushing Through Me) - Starker

Summary: Peter and Tony explore a new little kink of theirs. (Or: In which Peter is a trans man and likes to be humiliated about having a tiny cock.)

Rating: Explicit

Wordcount: 1027 words

Warnings: Nff, smut, incest play/kink, daddy kink.

Read here on AO3 ^^


Tony’s nostrils flare as he looks down at his boyfriend. Peter looks back up with the most alluring, doe eyes. The boy whines, rutting his hips up against Tony’s hand underneath the blankets. Ever since he started his second puberty on T, he’s been even hornier than before.

“Please, please Tony, can we?”

“Are you sure, Pete?” He already knows the answer, Peter doesn’t ask for things he doesn’t want, but Tony wants to be absolutely certain that Peter is willing to give it a shot. It doesn’t matter that they’ve talked about this before, it’s been a few weeks since they had, and Peter’s body is a sensitive topic to start with. He’s grown into the young man he’s always been on the inside. Especially after his top surgery, Tony could see how alive Peter was. He still doesn’t remember how they got to the topic that night, but suddenly they’d been talking about Peter’s bottom growth, and while Peter had wondered about maybe getting bottom surgery in the past, he told Tony that he was now super content with his small, tiny cock…

…And how he fantasized about being humiliated about it.

“Yes, I’m sure daddy,” Peter pleads, and for good measure he quickly hooks his fingers into his boxers and wriggles out of them, leaving himself entirely exposed to the whims of his daddy. “I’ll safeword out if it’s too much, please, please don’t worry about it,” Tony growls pathetically and gently brings his fingers down again, dragging them across Peter’s slick hole to slick up his digits and using it as lube for Peter’s little cock.

“Look at that,” Tony starts slowly as he gently spreads the wetness across the hard bud. “Poor baby boy, you’re still so small, aren’t you? Nowhere near the size of daddy’s cock.” Peter gasps and nods silently, encouraging Tony to go on. Tony licks his lips and does what his boyfriend wants.

“My little boy, at the brim of puberty, and here you are letting your daddy touch you. You’re such a filthy little thing, you’re too young to be thinking thoughts like these.”

“I’m sorry, ‘m so sorry daddy, I just- I just can’t help it, I- Oh that feels so good.

“Yeah? Do you like it when I jerk you off like that? I bet you’re gonna come so fast. Do you wanna touch daddy’s cock too, baby? Feel how big I am compared to you?” Peter nods, his eyes glazy and needy, and his hand darts out to slip into Tony’s sweats and good fucking lord, the way Peter’s face contorts has Tony shiver. His cock tingles where Peter’s soft grip hits his skin and he bucks up, groaning. 

“That’s perfect, keep going, you’re gonna make me feel so good kiddo, hgnh!” 

Peter mewls softly and drops his head onto Tony’s sweaty chest, both of their bodies falling into the rhythm of soaring pleasure. Tony loves being Peter’s daddy, loves pretending to be his actual father-figure too, and seeing Peter’s reaction to it, he enjoys it just as much.

I’msoclose, ” Peter chokes out, his chest falling heavy with each and every breath. His free hand clutches at the sheets while his other starts jerking Tony off faster. “ Tony- Daddy- I-

“Yes Peter, that’s it. I want to see you come all over yourself like a filthy boy.”

Peter cries out and when his back arches off the bed, Tony feels the way the little cock twitches between his slick fingers and he gasps, his eyes falling shut when Peter’s hand never fails to keep pleasuring him too. He focuses on the way his boyfriend shudders against him, his body being ripped apart by his orgasm, and then how his entire body sinks into him, only shaky gasps falling from his lips.

“Show me how it’s done, Daddy,” Peter croaks. “Show me how a real, grown man comes.” Tony hates the flaring blush staining his cheeks but he can’t think about it for too long, because the words reverberate in his mind and Peter’s hand is deliciously good and before he realizes what’s happening, his abdomen catches on fire, and his cock erupts in a series of white spurts that land on his abs. He growls, throwing his head back as Peter pumps him through it until the very last drop is squeezed out. 

They’re both quiet for a bit after that, quickly wiping their hands on the sheets and tangling their limbs together to come down from their high. Tony trails his fingers down the curve of Peter’s spine, smiling, and nuzzling his face against the crook of his neck. Peter sighs happily and giggles.

“That was fucking everything ,” he says, still very amazed. “Did you think so too?”

“Yeah,” Tony admits truthfully and tries to ignore the shame he feels in the back of his mind. Before Peter, he’s never been with someone he could indulge himself with. Despite having been together for over four years, he still feels these things whenever they try something new. But he likes it. He likes exploring, and he loves allowing Peter to do the same thing too. “You’re so hot like that. Was it what you expected from it?”

Peter nods, and to Tony’s surprise, there’s a blush on his cheeks too.

“Yeah. Knew I’d like it but didn’t expect to like it this much. I- I think I’d like to take it even further, ehhhh,” he stammers and presses his lips together until his cheeks blow up slightly. Then he huffs. “Next time, maybe you could tell me you’re gonna make a real man out of me?”

Tony frowns slightly.

“You sure? Doesn’t that- Isn’t that-”

“Transphobic? No. Not in this context, God- It’d make me feel like I’m inexperienced, rather than… unmanly. Does that make sense? I want you to be my daddywho teaches me things. ” Peter’s voice picks up in clarity when he keeps talking, and Tony relaxes his shoulders, hoisting Peter’s body even closer to cuddle him more tightly. 

“Well, in that case, son, I’ll teach you. This was only the beginning.”

The mischievous twinkle in Peter’s eyes says it all.
