


I- This is my new favorite Penny Parker thingy. I really hope the next installment in the series is a sequel beCAUSE I NEED A SEQUEL THIS IS SO STINKING GOOD. CMON. LEAVE SOME TALENT FOR US COMMONFOLK.

10/10. There’s a few grammatical errors, like Tony using “anti-specific” spray instead of antiseptic, but good lord, the characterization, the dialogue, the everything is so spot on and everything I wish for in life. And May and Pepper lowkey flirting makes me want to simply pass out its too much power. Women. Ya know? And Tony picking up Penny the day after the anniversary of Ben-

Irondad Spiderdaughter hits different sometimes. I’m gonna go cry. Thank you and goodnight.

(Made me cry, a wonderful surprise to wake up to in the morning.

Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35451385)

comment text: hi thank you im crying! also can i tell u a quick story bc i feel anonymous on here ahh so last night i was taking a break from a colossal drarry fic to read this but then it got tender and i couldnt handle it so i did the rasputin just dance but then that reminded me of school and i cried and then had a mental breakdown but i loved finishing this its fucking amazing

Text comment:

Welcome to the Conic club, we’re only a few here riding the bittersweet roller coaster of this show. Hope you like it here.

This story was such a great way to start the new year.

The scene where they get back together in his apartment is well loved by us all and you did it great justice by expanding on the aftermath of that and of Nic being fired, showing how complicated their relationship really is, how each seek the other for comfort, while keeping both of them well in character.

I really enjoyed your writing style as well. Happy new year!

From me (the submitter):

This was my first fic in a smaller fandom; I had only watched half the first season of the show (The Resident) before I wrote the fic. The comment meant a lot to me because it was such a sweet way to welcome a new writer and it demonstrated what the commenter liked the most about the fic. A rare gem to be sure!



Comment Text:

“This podfic is so entirely lovely, thank you so so much for putting so much hard work and effort into it!!! I have to say, I absolutely adored your inflection for Draco’s voice. It sounded so much like I think he would sound (if he were American and all that) but just the slight snottiness paired with the cultured feel of it all just really hit right. And when he was eleven you really made him so imperious sounding! It was fantastically done.

And your Harry was also so lovely too! I loved your choices with how you decided to hesitate in Harry’s voice, especially during emotional scenes or when he was talking about his feelings. His voice came across as very genuine, which I imagine Harry to be as well.

All of your side characters’ voices were great too, I know this is a vein I’m scraping dry but I LOVED your Alby voice for how awful it was and your Teddy voice was SO GOOD he sounded just like a teenage boy!!!!! I also could feel Andromeda’s sharpness in her words and Hermione and Ron’s warmth and love in theirs.

Your pacing was also superb and it didn’t ever feel over or under acted. Standing ovation to you, dear podficcer, for such a long and well done project being completed!

Besides all of that, I was super excited to see a podfic for this work specifically, because I remembered reading it and loving it so so much. You more than did justice to the story!! It was such a complete and utter joy to listen to over the past few weeks while I’ve had to do things around the house or gone on walks. Your hard work is much appreciated, so thank you again once more for doing this!!!”

Why this comment made my entire week:

1) Podfics don’t tend to get the same level interaction as written works, and a comment this long on a podfic is pure gold, honestly.

2) It’s a comment about my performance! As noted above, any comment is great, but when I’m reading someone else’s work, comments about the story itself aren’t really aimed at me. I’ll still take them, and assume that I helped bring those parts to life vocally, but commenting on my voice work, or pacing, or editing choices specifically? AAAAAAH! I am so happy! You’re telling me my work matters and my choices worked. I love you forever.

3) The comment has a personal touch, which is just so lovely. You listened to my voice while you went on walks and did household chores? I was part of your day and you took the time to tell me? This is the best thing to hear! And it’s part of what makes fandom so beautiful.

4) To reiterate, commenting on podfics is so appreciated, and comments like these keep us going. ❤️

I saw this story a while back, left a guest kudos, and went on my way. Then, I watched the Punisher for the 3rd time and desperately tried to remember that one fantastic story I read with Frank and the suit. I couldn’t remember the title, the author, or anything about the story, but it had something to do with a suit. Cut to me sifting through two years’ worth of fanfiction to find this very specific fic and then DEVOURING it all in one sitting, loving every single word of it. Seriously, dude, I was so immersed that I forgot that this isn’t canon, and as far as I’m concerned, you wrote everything so impossibly beautiful that you should have been a writer on the show. The mannerisms, the dialogue, quite literally EVERYTHING was perfect. While I’m mentally planning the possibility of a Punisher fanfic, your story is the vibe I want, the vibe I crave. This wasn’t a quick one-and-done dopamine rush of a fic; this was long-lasting serotonin high that I floated on for hours. I mean this compliment from the depths of my heart, and as a fellow writer, you have a fantastic gift for telling stories, and I can’t wait to read more.

>> I decided to share this comment because it’s one of the most rewarding comments I have ever received. Nice Suit represents a huge turning point in my writing and getting this kind of reaction to it means everything to me. I can’t even begin to thank the commenter for their wonderfully kind words. <<

Question rather than a comment: I have an idea that I like but don’t have enough time/energy/yada yada to write. What’s your take on giving the idea out to several authors?

I’m a big fan, personally.

You can do so via your own blog or you could even run a Prompt Meme on AO3.

Just posting a prompt like it’s a fic is against the TOS, but creating a prompt meme challenge is a great way to put an idea out there for anyone who likes it to fill.

Whatever way you do it, I’d recommend letting the authors know that the idea is available to more than just them. If you’re handing it out in DMs, for example, they might be surprised to see the same idea being used by someone else - and that might not be anicesurprise.

What do the rest of you think? Have you given out ideas before? What method worked well for you? And if you’re an author, would you mind getting a prompt that you know was available to multiple writers?


I saw this ask and I was confused - I received a comment saying something similar (and asking to remove the tag) when I did the relationship study part of your short fic challenge…so where does the line sit?


That person is right. AO3 isn’t a social media site. It’s an Archive. And you know what’s important in archival studies? Knowing what’s in a file.

If a work is about a ship, then it’s appropriate to tag that ship.

On a site like tumblr, it’s considered impolite to tag the ship if the post is negative. On AO3, it makes sense to tag the ship since the ship is in the work. It would be polite however to indicate elsewhere in the tags or the summary that the work is negative or a vent fic or discussing aspects of the ship that not everyone will want to read.

AO3 allows meta posts. It allows vent fic. It doesn’t allow harassment like “people who ship this should go to jail” etc. If someone thinks a story crosses the line, of course they should report. But if the entire basis of their report is “I don’t like this work” then I don’t know that PAC will do anything except write back and say, “Then I suggest you don’t read it.”

(except PAC would be nicer - I’m a blogger, so I can be mean)




Video description: a tiktok video discussing AO3’s new comment blocking feature.

The video begins by showing a tweet from the Ao3_status twitter account. The tweet reads, “Comment blocking is now live! ” and is responding to the tweet linking the AO3 News post announcing that comment blocking is coming.

The narrator then goes to the comments section on one of her works and points out that there is a new button available. On comments from other users, you can now see a button labelled “Block.”

She taps on the Block button and it takes her to a confirmation page. The confirmation page outlines what blocking will do: stop a user from commenting on your works and stop a user from replying to your comments elsewhere on AO3. It also outlines what blocking will not do: hide that user’s works or bookmarks from you, delete or hide their existing comments on your works, hide their comments elsewhere on the site.

She confirms that she wants to block the user and then returns to her comments section. The button that formerly said “Block” now says “Unblock.” She says you can remove the block on a user by pressing that button again or by tapping on your username at the top of the page and selecting My Preferences from the dropdown menu that appears.

On the My Preferences page, there is now a button labelled “Block users.” After tapping that button, she goes to a new page. On that new page, you can see the user she just blocked and a button next to their username that says “Unblock.”

She taps that button and it takes her to a confirmation page which outlines what will happen if she agrees. Unblocking a user will allow them to comment on your work or to reply to your comments elsewhere on the site. She confirms.

The screen goes back to the Blocked Users page found in My Preferences, and the narrator explains that you don’t need to find a comment from another user in order to block them. If you’d like, you can type their name into the text box provided and block them directly from that page.

Not shown: you can also block a user from that user’s profile page.

If you’d like to know more about more blocking and muting features that are planned, read the News post linked above.

FYI to all it looks like this to the people you have blocked:

thank you to @izhunny for the help! more info here: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/izhunny/686868603279130624

[image description: screenshot of the buttons and kudos left at the bottom of an AO3 work. Where the comment box would usually be, there is a blue infobox that reads, “Sorry, you have been blocked by one or more of this work’s creators.”]

thank you so much for checking this out and sharing with us!
