#aot mike


My Superhero

3k words; 10-minute read
A/N: This is for @asahipleaseloveme​​’s Prince Charming collab. I hope this is prince charming enough. Miche definitely seems like a prince, but I never imagined him with someone who fits that ‘damsel in distress’ feeling so I did what I could. I hope you guys like it! And thank you Monica for letting me join! I hope you have a great birthday!

“What are you doing?” You narrowed your eyes as you watched your husband unraveling the garden hose. It was your day off of work as well as his and you had both decided to relax outside, something you never had time for anymore. The sun was shining, the weather was perfect, and you were testing out your new lawn chaises. The only thing that was missing was a pool. A pool you kept begging Miche for.

After only ten minutes of relaxing, he abruptly stood up from his chair and moved to the garden, fiddling around with the hose. You watched as he bent over, his muscles working to pull at something you couldn’t see. It took about a minute when he made a satisfied noise and stood up. You watched as he turned around, holding the garden hose up.

“You know what I’m doing.” He gave you a smile and walked closer.

“Stop.” You sat up quickly, holding your hand up. “We are not doing this again.”

“It’s tradition.” He reminded you, turning the water on and walking closer.

“Can’t you just kiss me at the café?” Hands still up in a defensive pose, you stood from the chair and backed up.

“This is way more fun.” That smug smile was the last thing you saw before he chased you around the house, dowsing you in as much water as he could. Every year it was the same thing. You’d think you would have learned by now, but each year you tricked yourself into thinking he would finally get bored. He never did.

“There are so many things I want to do to you right now.” You said angrily, shaking whatever water you could from your body. It didn’t help, you would have to go inside and change.

“Any of them sexy?” Miche wiggled his eyebrows and pulled you into him.

“Not a single one.” You shook your head and he leaned down to kiss you. You still couldn’t figure out why you loved him so much when he consistently annoyed you as much as he did.

“Oh!” He exclaimed, leaning back. “I almost forgot!”

He stepped back from you and ripped open his button-down shirt to reveal a blue t-shirt with the Superman ‘S’ in the middle. His hands went to his hips and he posed, looking off into the distance.

That was it. That was why. It was things like this that made you love him and even though you were soaked and uncomfortable because of him, you couldn’t help but laugh at how cute he was, your heart fluttering in your chest.

“You’re ridiculous.” You laughed, pushing him playfully before walking into the house to dry off.

“Wait. I need to carry you inside.” He insisted, running up behind you.

“What for?”

“I’m your superhero.”

“Don’t you think you’re taking this too far?” You walked past him into the house.

“Well now wait one second! You called me your superhero!”

“You didn’t even know what you were doing!”

“The hell I didn’t! I saved you then and I will save you now and every year that follows.” He grabbed your hips and hoisted you over his shoulder to carry you in the house.

“Miche! I don’t even need saving right now!” You complained.

“Nonsense.” He continued through the house, moving up the stairs until he set you down on your bed.

“I think you’re misremembering what happened.” You laughed and he laid next to you on the bed.

“I remember exactly what happened.”

“Let’s hear it then. How did you save me?” You turned on your side and faced him, wrapping yourself in the towel he brought you.

“It was five years ago…” He began describing the first time you both met.

You and Miche had met five years earlier. It wasn’t the most traditional way of meeting someone and to be honest, you’d lied to a lot of people on how it actually went down. You and Miche were the only ones that knew exactly what happened. Well, and Zach.

Zach was your ex-boyfriend. He was that really sort of toxic guy that everyone eventually dates and maybe it was fun for a little while, but when the rose-colored glasses finally came off, you were ready for things to be done with him. It took several attempts to actually break things off with him, but of course, after you’d broken up, you got lonely and went back to him. By the time you really, really wanted to end things, you found it was nearly impossible because every argument you made, Zach was convinced you guys would get back together. In his eyes, there wasn’t even a reason to break up at all.

You’d come up with a plan though. If you break up with him in public, he’d have to accept it. Looking back, it was a stupid idea, but you were young and dumb.

It was a Saturday afternoon in a coffee shop that you knew you wouldn’t go to again because it was just too far to frequent. You got there early to sit down and practice your break-up speech. By the time it came to delivering said speech to Zach, you had it down perfectly.

“I really think we’re better off as friends.” You lied. You definitely weren’t going to be friends, but you set your hand on his. Instead of looking sad, he smiled. Weirdo. Why was he smiling? “I hope you understand.”

“I understand.” Zach nodded. “We’re not breaking up.”

“What? I just said we should.”

“You just don’t know, baby.” He took the hand you set on his to comfort him and he started ‘comforting’ you. “We’re made for each other. That’s why we can’t be apart.”

“Zach, it’s really not working out.”

“I disagree.” This was hilarious because for someone who thought you guys were meant to be, he certainly spent a lot of time with other women.

“I don’t think that’s how it works.” This was not going to be as easy as you thought and your mind worked to find a plan b.

“It is. We’re meant to be together. I can’t be without you.” He assured. “And you can’t be without me.”

“I can, Zach. I wantto be.” You explained and an idea popped in your head. “I’ve already moved on.”

“What?” It was his turn to be confused.

“I met someone.” You sighed, trying to sell it to him.


“A person. What does it matter?” Was he really going to argue with you meeting someone new?

“I don’t believe you.” He shook his head and you worried that plan b was going to need a plan c.

“Zach, I…” A tall, blonde man stepped out of the bathroom and walked past your table. “I did meet someone. He’s here now.”

“He’s here?” Zach sat up straighter, looking around the café and you nodded. “Where?”

“I don’t think that matters.”

“Where is he?”

“He’s behind me. The blonde guy.” You were really hoping that the guy you just saw leaving the bathroom wasn’t sitting with another woman or this lie was about to fail. You were sure that Zach wouldn’t try and talk to him, he just needed to see that he existed.

“That guy?” There was a weird tone in his voice and you cringed, thinking that he most definitely must be with a woman as you turned around. A couple booths down, the man sat by himself, looking out the window and you let out a sigh of relief.

“Yeah.” You turned around to face Zach. “That’s him.”

Zach’s face changed and he bit the inside of his cheek as he thought about something. Thinking he was believing you, your heart started beating quickly as you got excited for this whole thing to finally be done.

“I don’t believe you.” He stood up and your eyes went wide. “I’m going to go talk to him.”

“Wait!” You jumped up, having no idea what you were going to do, but knowing you needed to stop him. “I will talk to him first. He might be… uh… upset.”

What had you gotten yourself into now? Thankfully, Zach nodded, but kept his eyes on the guy. You slowly turned around and walked to this guy who was still looking out the window. How were you going to explain this situation to him? It’s not like it was that weird. Other people probably did this all the time. That’s what you kept telling yourself as you stepped next to his booth, quickly sitting across from him as you realized that if you were really dating, sitting across from him would be way more normal than standing next to him.

“Hi.” You whispered, feeling heat rushing to your cheeks. “I’m so sorry, but I need your help.”

His eyes moved to something behind you and you were sure Zach was making his way over which limited the amount of time you had to explain to this man the mess you’d gotten yourself, and now him, into.

“I need you to pretend you’re my boyfriend.” You spoke quickly. “I’m try—”

“Okay.” He nodded and you blinked, confused by how quickly he agreed.


“Yeah. Okay.” He smiled and you didn’t even get a moment to enjoy his smile before Zach was there and this incredibly agreeable man turned to him. “Who’s this?”

“My boyfriend.” You explained to him without thinking.

“What?” The man looked confused and you realized Zach was supposed to be your ex.

“Ex-boyfriend. Sorry.”

“So this is the new guy?” Zach tried to make himself seem big which would have probably worked since he wasn’t that small of a guy, but when this new man stood up, Zach came up a few inches short.

“Miche.” He held his hand out to Zach. “Nice to meet you.”

“You’re dating my woman?” Zach stepped closer to him.

“I think she might be my woman now.” Miche smiled again and that time you did let yourself admire it. Not a bad choice for a last-minute, fake boyfriend.

“I don’t fucking believe this.” Zach shook his head and you could see that he wanted to say something, but there was nothing for him to say and he set his gaze in your direction. “You… you…”

“I’m sorry, Zach.” You stood up, but he backed up and went in the opposite direction. As soon as he was gone, you turned to Miche. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He checked his phone and sat back down in his booth. “That was your boyfriend?”

“Yeah. It’s taken a lot to actually break up with him.”

“I can tell.”

“Can I get you a coffee or something?” You offered. “For your help.”

“Sure.” He stood up. “I’ve had quite a bit while waiting, but I could use some more.”

“What are you waiting for?”

“Blind date.” You gestured for you to walk towards the counter first. “I don’t think she’s showing up though.”

“Aw, I’m sorry. How long have you been waiting?”

“About three hours.” She shrugged as if it were nothing.

“Three hours!?” Your eyes went wide and your mouth dropped open which made him laugh lightly. “Why don’t you just go home and tell her to maybe try another time?”

“Eh, I don’t have anything else to do.” He didn’t actually even seem bothered by the fact that he was most likely being stood up. Maybe he didn’t realize it. “It’s actually kind of nice that you came over. That was fun.”


“Yeah, I’ve never been asked to help anyone with a break up.” He flashed you that smile again and you couldn’t help but smile back.

“I’m glad I could provide you some entertainment.” You nodded as you both stepped up to the counter and the barista asked what you wanted.

“What are you drinking?” You turned to him.

“Whatever you like.”

“You want me to pick a drink for you?”

“This is my third drink this morning.” He rubbed the scruff on his chin as he looked at the menu board and back to you. “It honestly doesn’t matter what I get.”

“Okay. Um… flat white with oat milk.” You told the barista and she nodded, typing in the order. Something caught your eye and your gaze moved up to him, seeing that he was smiling. “Is that okay?”

“It’s my favorite.”

“You don’t have to lie.”

“Really. It’s my favorite.” There was something about that smile that had a heat reaching your cheeks until you heard someone yelling your name. Both you and Miche turned to see Zach standing a couple feet away, with shaking fists while taking deep breaths.

“Well fuck.” You sighed. You really didn’t expect the breakup to be easy, but you didn’t think it would be this complicated.

“I can’t be without you.” He complained, walking closer to you.

“Zach, we’re done. Seriously. It wasn’t working out.”

“I need you, baby.”

“Just like you needed all those other women?” You didn’t want to bring this up because Zach constantly denied cheating on you even though you had irrefutable proof. “Look Zach, I’m done. Please just go.”

“I know you still love me.”

“I don’t.” You tried to ignore him as you got more annoyed.

“You’re lying to me.” He pointed. “He’s not even your type.”

“Oh my gosh.” You grabbed the collar of Miche’s shirt and pulled him down into a kiss. It hadn’t even crossed your mind that one, you should have asked him first, and two, how amazing kissing him would be. Your body leaned into his slightly as your lips melted against his and his hands were resting on the counter, but quickly moved to your hips before you pulled away. His eyes stayed closed for a moment before they opened and where you thought his smile was stunning, it was nothing like his eyes. “See, we’re in love.”

“Anyone can kiss someone.” Zach complained, not even really all that annoyed that you had just kissed another man in front of him.

“Seriously Zach! You need to stop.” You turned to look at him.

“Is he going to kiss me too because I have a girlfriend.” Miche asked, turning your face back to him by placing his hands on your chin.

“You do?” You stepped back, nervous that you potentially ruined his relationship by kissing him.

“I thought you were my girlfriend.” He whispered, standing up straight and grabbing your hand.

“I am.” You remembered. “Right. I am.”

“Right.” He nodded and you both faced Zach.

“What is happening?” Zach narrowed his eyes at you, still not quite believing.

“She’s my girlfriend.” Miche gave a dopey grin, kissing the back of your hand as one last selling point.

“You are going to have to leave, Zach.”

“Fuck all of you!” He yelled before walking away.

“God, seriously.” You groaned and looked to Miche. “I’m sorry. This became a way bigger mess than I thought it would be.”

“I don’t mind at all.” He laughed.

“Feeling like a superhero?” You laughed and he smiled with a nod.

Surprisingly, the barista was waiting to finish your order and after telling her your drink order, you went back to the booth. Not even a minute later, the drinks were ready and Miche got up to get them while you took the opportunity to look out the window, wondering if his blond date was going to show up. As bad as it was, you were hoping she wouldn’t.

“Hey bitch.” A voice said and you really had no idea why you turned when you heard it because your name was definitely not ‘bitch’, but the familiar voice had you turning around. Before you could say anything, a full pitcher of cold water was being thrown on you and Zach dropped it, running off to outside of the café, getting in his car and driving off. Miche came back with the drinks and his mouth dropped open.

“What the hell happened?” He quickly ran back to get some napkins to wipe off as much of the water as he could, but you were soaked.

“Zach happened.” You explained. “Though I think he might actually be gone this time.”

“Well, that’s a relief. Are you okay?”

“Not exactly, but… yeah.” You nodded, thinking that since Zach had left, you were actually done with dealing with him. “Yeah. I’m soaked, but I’m okay.”

“At least he’s gone.” Miche agreed, swiping the ice from the table and onto the tray before it melted.

“That’s the only positive thing so far.” You stood up, trying to help him get any that might have fallen on the seat.

“I can see a couple other good things.” His hand rested on your waist and he pulled you back so he could wipe the booth down instead.

“What do you mean? No good can come from this.” You complained, shaking out your soaked shirt, thankful it wasn’t white because that would have really been the icing on the cake.

“Maybe from your perspective.” Miche laughed as he took off his flannel shirt and wrapped it around you. It was an unfamiliar scent, but it was good and warm and you wondered if this was how a hug from him would feel. “Can I take you home?”

“My… m—my home?” You stuttered out.

“I promise I will leave when you ask.” He held his hand up in promise.

“Okay.” You nodded. “Thanks.”


“All that you proved is that you lied.” You sat up from the bed and moved to the bathroom, ready to shower.

“How did I lie?” He followed, taking off his shirt like he was going to join you. Obviously, he was going to join you and you weren’t going to complain.

“You said you would leave.” You stepped into the shower and waited for him. “You never left.”

“I don’t remember you ever asking me to leave.” He moved inside the shower and closed the door behind him.

“I guess you have a point.” You laughed and Miche grabbed your cheeks, pulling you in for a kiss.

Cover photo by King LiponUnsplash



I don’t have any friends so I have to share it here

I’m literally sobbing rn,,, Hanji,, they were my emotional support character, favorite of all time,, now this,,

like i was sad when Ymir and Sasha died,, but Hanji?? Bro I’m literally dead,,

And with this id like to invite you to my funeral

Cause of death: Hanji’s death
