#aot one shot


Levi slowly realizing he is in love

for part one

(a/n): I don’t know how long I’m going to drag this out, honestly. I just like writing for it <3


It’s excruciatingly slow, but the walls Levi had built so high begin to chip; each smile you send his way is another crack in the concrete. He should have built them better, sturdier, perhaps with metal? Though his efforts are in vain, he fights it tooth and nail. 

The last four months have been brutal, Hange keeps pestering him to ask you out, Armin keeps trying to make advances- and worst of all: you don’t visit as often. He’s lucky to have you in his office once a week, compared to the everyday he’d gotten used to.

Levi hates change, truly.

He hated your visits the first few weeks, but he didn’t have the heart to kick you out, asyou were great at being quiet and filling out paperwork.

Now, the work seems intimidating, piled a mile high — not to add the silence, he’d gotten used to the sound of your pen on paper, the quiet yawns you’d fight back on exceptionally late nights, the clink of your tea cup that would make you wince everytime you sat it down; he could go on. 

“Levi~,” Hange sang, cheerful as ever. “I’ve got good news- oh,” they took in his appearance: hair messy, darker eyebags than usual, deep frown etched onto his face, “Bad time…?”

He doesn’t remember them knocking or him saying come in, but he is too tired to bitch. “No, what do you need, four-eyes?” the nickname had become less degrading and more..affectionate overtime.

With a jump in their step, they plopped down in the wooden seat across from him, “I have good news, it’s about your little birdy, (y/n).” the mention of your name had him visibly perked up, Hange had to stifle a laugh. “Armin finally got the courage to ask her out, yeah?”

His face fell, there was no way in hell that little s- “hey, hey, Levi I haven’t even finished, let that poor pen go.”

Levi sat the pen down next to a document, a death certificate for a young scout named Henisey Lorpan, waiting to be signed, “I don’t care about my cadets love lives, Hange. If this is all you came to me for, then you are excused.”

His day was officially ruined, he wouldn’t be leaving his office for anything.

Hange smiled, shaking their head as they giggled, “Like I said, not done. She said no, she already has her eye on someone,” they paused, gauging the captain’s response before continuing. “Mhm, should’ve seen the poor kid, looked like a kicked puppy.”

Once again, Levi grumbled, “You’re dism-”

They cut him off, standing from the chair to leave, “Point is, I think she likes you, Levi.” The soft click of the door filled the room.

He picks the red pen up, signs his name onto the parchment and sets it aside.


There are two things Levi must learn. One: how to share, and two: how to swallow his pride.

It’s impossible, that’s how it feels, at least. Levi is losing his grip every passing day, watching other men flirt with you- god forbid they touch you.

Hange’s words repeat in his mind, they have never been one to lie to him, but how likely was it that you liked a man twice your age?

He does not have the upper hand and he hates it, almost as much as he hates the way you make him feel.

Levi would love to ignore the way your hands feel on his arm; soft and nothing like his, the way your eyes look up at him, all tired and sleepy- something he wishes to wake up to, forever.

You’ve been nothing but kind to him, determined to prove your worth and keep your spot on his squad. Though, the only way you’d leave is if a titan pried you from his cold, dead arms.

“Sorry I’m late, captain,” you rushed, balancing the tea in one hand and your books in the other. “Armin held me up, wanted to tell me about glow jellies- pretty cool, honestly.” a soft smile adorned your features, he could tell you had a soft spot for the kid.

He dismissed you, the corner of his lips upturning ever-so-slightly, “A simple apology would have sufficed, cadet.”

It was clock-work, you’d read a book on the sofa, occasionally you’d get up and help with paperwork if there was a ton, but otherwise you kept to yourself; just how Levi liked it.

Against better judgment, Levi cleared his throat, glancing your way, “Hange mentioned Armin asking you out,” the book in your hand fell, hitting you square in the face with a thud. “Not to be a cock block or anything, but if it interferes with yours or his performance, I will have to remove him from my squad, understood?”

He itched to hear what you would say, whether you would deny it or not.

“Levi,” your voice was sweet, dropping formalities with the captain due to peer shock. “Me and Armin..we aren’t- I don’t like him like that. He’s my best friend, I assure nothing is going on.”

A moment passed, you felt like you could die from embarrassment.

“Alright,” he studies you for a moment, stone eyes taking in your appearance; your clothes are messier than usual, but he nods, content with your answer.


Two more months go by, he knows he has to do something, to tell you and get it over with or this feeling will swallow him whole- that is if Hange doesn’t get to him first, he thinks.

If he wasn’t so sure they’d turn him into titan bait for their experiments, he’d think about letting them have their way.

Snow sets in, falling from the sky at a steady pace. You’re out there, making a snowman with Armin and Jean. The carrot has bite marks, no doubt from Sasha, but no one cares.

“Jean!” He hears you yell, you’re so close to his window. “You’re gonna…snow….doing that!”

Your voice is muffled, he can only catch snippets of your conversation.

Levi doesn’t notice Hange sitting across from him, he doesn’t notice them getting up and putting their hand on the curtain to pull it back, “Cute snowman,” they comment, watching as Levi startles at their -not so- sudden intrusion. “Kind of creepy that you’re listening to them.”

He frowns, not daring to peek behind him to see the snowman- or you, for the matter, “Get out,” but Hange doesn’t budge, instead they open the window and call out-

“Hey, cadets, cute snowman! Can you come to Levi’s office, Cadet (l/n)?”

Matchmaker Hange mode has been activated, Levi can see it in their eyes.
