

Sometimes a therapist’s greatest gift is a no call no show. 30 whole minutes to rest before my next client? I’ll take it!

Our housecut doublebreast blazer in black mohair for women and italian mop buttons - Trunkshow @thea

Our housecut doublebreast blazer in black mohair for women and italian mop buttons - Trunkshow @thearmouryhk 19/20 July, for appointments please email [email protected]

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i love the appointments music video bc like. yeah it’s a really beautiful well executed allegory for living with mental health issues and it absolutely comes off that way. but in actuality it’s a really cute serious looking woman in a white t shirt and jeans being a lesbian in random locations while a bunch of girls dance around her and no one else notices anything weird is going on

the appointments music video is so good and I love these goofy photos of julien that came out of it too
